16th May 1919. Rugby Lady Honoured, Dr. Frances Iverns’ War Work Recognised


There was a large and representative gathering at the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh, where the Scottish Women’s Hospitals held a reception in honour of Miss Frances Ivens, M.S., M.B., on the occasion of her return from Royaumont. Among those present were Lady Salvesen, Sir George and Lady Berry, Sir Robert and Lady Cranston, Sir John and Lady Cowan, Sir Edward and Lady Schafer, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Drummond, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers Watson, Dr. Ethel Cassie, Dr. Marian Erskine, Dr. Mary MacNicol, and Miss S. E. S. Mair.

Sir George Berry presided, and Dr. Ivens gave an account of her experiences from the time she first went out in December, 1914. She was appointed to take charge of the hospital unit sent out to work under the French Red Cross. The unit was installed in the Abbaye de Royaumont, and for her services there she was decorated by the French President with the Cross of the Legion of Honour. In 1917 she was asked to take charge of an advanced hospital at Villers Cotterets. Work was continued there until May, 1918, when the advance of the enemy made it necessary to evacuate. Many of the patients and all the staff went to Royaumont, where the work was exceptionally heavy for some months. The number of beds had been increased from 100 to 600, and the hospital was taken over by the French military authorities. In recognition of her services during the bombardment and evacuation of Villerss Cotterets, the French Army bestowed on Dr. Ivens the Croix de Guerre avec Palmes.

Dr. Ivens and Miss Ruth Nicholson, M.B., B.S.. were also entertained to luncheon by the committee. Miss S. E. S Mair presiding. There were also present Mrs. James Hunter (chairman). Mrs. Lawrie (hon. treasurer), and Miss Frances Simson (President of the Scottish Federation of Societies for Equal Citizenship).


“ We have not forgotten you in the years of war. We should be very glad to see again all you who have come back, and we are sure you would like to meet your pals.”

In these words the congregation of St. Philip’s Church invited the returned sailors and soldiers of the district covered by the Church to supper and a concert in the St. Philip’s Hall on Wednesday, the 7th inst., and the result was a merry and enjoyable party. About 240 invitations were sent out, and upwards of 150 men responded to the invitation. The arrangements were made by the Rev. R. B. Winser, priest-in-charge, assisted by the Church Council and Ladies’ Guild, and no effort was spared to make the gathering what it subsequently transpired to be—a first-class success. The large room had been tastefully decorated with flags and bunting, and to add to the comfort of the guests, and to maintain the room at a moderate temperature, Mr. J. C. Harratt installed three temporary electric lamps, thus obviating the use of gas.

Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. J. Such, who was responsible for the catering, an excellent supper, reminiscent of pre-war days, and consisting of ham and tongue, roast beef, veal, plum puddings, jellies, and innumerable pasties, was served up by members of the Ladies’ Guild, the choir, and congregation. After supper cigars and cigarettes, kindly given by Mr. F. van den Arend, were handed round, and after the tables had been cleared, an excellent concert was given.

During an interval in the programme Mr J. C. Harratt extended a very hearty welcome to the guests on behalf of the congregation and friends of the Church, and said he was pleased that the invitation had been accepted by so many. During the past four years they had been engaged on a very unwelcome task, which they had carried to a successful conclusion, but during the whole of those four years their friends had met in St. Philip’s Church week by week to think of them. They had looked forward to the time when they could welcome them back, and he was very grateful to think so many had been spared to return. He trusted this would not be the last time on which they would all meet together.

Lieut. Sudworth, formerly at Rugby, on behalf of his comrades, proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the congregation and all who had provided such an excellent spread. They all felt very grateful for being asked to meet each other in that way. Of course, when they were “ out there ” they knew they were being thought of by those at home, and it was a great help to them (applause). In fact, he often wondered what they would have done without such knowledge. No one who had been at home all the time knew what it was to those who were really in the thick of it to know that those at home were thinking of them in the real way. Now that they were back again, although they were not all yet out of the Army, it was a great joy for them to meet each other, because, although perhaps they might not know each other, they had all been doing the same thing in different ways and different fields. He called for hearty cheers for the congregation.

These having been given, one of the guests asked for “ three cheers for the parson,” which were also accorded.

Mr W. T. Simmonds then asked the men to stand and “ think of the men who used to worship in this building and St. Philip’s Church, or to live and work in the neighbourhood, who are now lying in heroes’ graves out yonder.”

Mr Simmonds then addressed the company, and said, while many of them had met in that room on many occasions, he believed none had been such a happy one as that that night (applause). It was a real pleasure for those who had not had the privilege of going out to fight to meet the fellows who had come back. They had been with them in thought and spirit, and they welcomed them back because they had proved themselves to be men, real noble men. They had fought the good fight, and because they did it with all their might they had won. He had heard some of them say they would not go through it again ; that was perfectly natural, but he believed that if the country was faced with the same circumstances, and made a call as in 1914, every one of them would spring to the colours again to lend a hand (applause). In spite of the difficulties, dangers and privations through which they had passed, they would risk it all again for the sake of their honour and to do what was right and true for a little State oppressed by a great, brutal enemy. They had come through the thick of it, and remember that their lives had been spared for some real cause, and they must be quite certain they made the best use of it.

One of the guests, Mr. H. J. Williams, also returned thanks and said the soldiers had not been “ out there ” alone, because they had had the thoughts of the friends at home. Those in England who had been unable to go out to the front—the munition workers and people engaged on other work—had all been helping to win the war, so the soldiers could not claim all the honours. He was pleased to think they had come through successfully, but he hoped they would never have another war like this one (applause). Although, as Mr Simmonds had said, if another such war did break out, every man who was able would volunteer again. It was only the voluntary spirit which pulled them through ; they were not like the Germans, forced into it, nor did they have rifles at their backs to force them on. They had always gone on, and had carried right through to the end, and that was what had brought them through victoriously.

The Rev. R. B. Winser said he spoke in two capacities, because he, too, had been out there ; and he, therefore, sat down and enjoyed his supper with the rest. In the words of the letter of introduction, he was “ meeting his pals,” and he greatly appreciated what the congregation had done for them. It had been no small matter and they owed it to the extraordinary energy and ability of Mrs Such and her helpers. He wished to say a few words about the spirit with which they had got to go ahead. They had won the war, and now they had got to win the peace. The victory pamphlet which had been distributed amongst them expressed, in a wonderful way, the sort of ideas that they had got to get into their minds. They had got to have that spirit of comradeship which all felt in the days behind them, when they had a pal on each side of them, and they could not, dare not, let him down. One Sunday he went to a meeting of the Discharged Sailors’, Soldiers’, and Airmen’s Association, and it was perfectly splendid to see the same kind of men whom one had met out in France, although they were not now in khaki. All the men seemed to be moved by this spirit of comradeship and a determination to make this a better England, a better world. They had got a big job in front of them, but, please God, they would do it, and win the peace as they had won the war (applause).

Mr. G. Seere, an old sailor, who has seen service during the present war, then mounted the platform, and said : “ I want to speak a few words on behalf of the Navy (applause). “ The Press,” he added, “ had in the early days continually asked : ‘ What is the Navy doing ?’” and he was very sorry that Admiral Jellicoe’s book was so expensive, otherwise they would be able to read for themselves what the Navy had done. He concurred in the expression of thanks to the organisers of that gathering.

The following contributed to the programme, the majority of the items being encored :—Mesdames Hutton and Yuille Smith, and Messrs. T. W. Cook, Burton, Ballard, Whitmore, Martin, Prior, Warden, F. Giggs, Seere, Pierce, Mercer, Soden, and Lummas.

The whole of the cost was borne by subscriptions from members of the congregation and friends.


The scheme for raising funds for the purchase of a new organ at the Baptist Church, Rugby, which it has been decided to erect as a war memorial, was successfully launched on Wednesday. The present organ, which came from Worcestershire, was purchased when the church was erected, and placed in a new case. It was an old instrument at the time, and is now becoming quite worn out. It is estimated that the new one will cost at least £1,000, and it is intended to place brass tablets on it with the names of all the boys connected with the Church who went to the war, with another special tablet for those who fell.

A service was held on Wednesday, the 7th inst., at which a sermon was preached by the Rev. T. N. Tattersall, of Kettering (late Lieut. Col.. D.S.O., Chaplain to his Majesty’s Forces). A tea was afterwards held in the schoolroom, at which between 200 and 250 sat down. The whole of the tea, &c., was given by members of the Church, and as 9d. each was charged for admission—the whole of which will be clear profit—a good sum will be added to the fund, which was commenced by a donation of £100 from the Rev. James Butlin, of Leamington, who has been such a good friend to this Church—it was largely through his instrumentality that the present buildings were erected.

Another service was held in the Church on Wednesday evening. The Rev. J. H. Lees said they were only following the popular idea in deciding to have a war memorial. Considering the small amount the old organ cost, he thought it had served them extremely well, for Mr. Chaplin, their organist, gave him an ultimatum about five years ago that it might collapse at any time. So that this war memorial arose out of a very distinct need. Not the least of the mercies of God was the fewness of the fallen in comparison with the number who joined from their Church. Mr. Lees then read a list of 120 names of those who had joined the Forces, of whom 13 had either been killed, or died of wounds or sickness.

The Rev. T. N. Tattersall said the choir was so good that he thought they could very well do without an organ, and he advised Mr. Lees when he made his next appeal not to have the choir there. Mr. Tattersall also made a reference to the late Mr. Greer, who, he said, had fathered him in his first pastorate. The speaker said he had not come to tell them any fairy stories about what he had seen at the front, but to speak to them about fatalism there, because it was the religious belief at the front which swayed the minds and hearts of men of all ranks from the highest to the lowest. There were really four groups of men in the Army. The first was composed of adventurers, men who loved fighting for its own sake, and because there was trouble they must be in the midst of it. The second group was made up of spiritual adventurers or Crusaders—men who never dreamed they would ever put on khaki, and who loathed and detested war. But they felt that their country was in the right, and was fighting for the liberties of the world, and they would have felt shamed in their own eyes if they had not gone. In the third group they found the true patriots who were imbued with the patriotism that lifted men out of their little selves, and called from them the best they had to give. When the war broke out some of them had difficulties with their friends as to the meaning of patriotism. Some people argued that we were all of one blood, and that we should love all nations as we did our own. But God had set a limit to our affections, and it was only right that our country should stand before all others. In the fourth group were the pressed men, which comprised those who had gone because the moral pressure brought to bear upon them was greater than they could resist, as well as the men who went under the Conscription Act. But at the front you could not distinguish one group from another, for they all had to live together in the greatest moral, mental, and physical contact. And as a pebble was worn smooth by its contact with others, so these men were speedily changed in their outlook. And they all came under that influence of what we call fatalism, although naturally, as they had so many different types of men, so it expressed itself in so many different forms. With some men luck and fate were synonymous terms. If you asked one why a bullet passed through his helmet into the head of his comrade he would tell you it was luck. He got to believe in a power that was ruthless and remorseless, but which could be appealed to and placated, but in very childish ways. They found as gross superstition in the Army as in darkest Africa. A million and a-half of mascots were sold in London alone and sent to the front. Did they realise what that meant? A man going to the front said “ Goodbye ” to his girl, and took with him half a threepenny piece, or a lock of hair, or something of the kind. Presently he began to invest that with occult powers, and believed that as long as he kept that safely about him this destroying power would pass him over, but that if he lost it he would be broken at once. These men were not ignorant, but included men of intelligence and education, some being even officers in command.

Mr. Thompson, the secretary, announced that Mr. James Butlin had sent a cheque for £100, and the choir had promised to raise another £100, the total sum promised amounting to £342 19s.

Mr. Lees said that some 18 or 19 people had that day given him £5 each, making, with Mr. Tew’s gift of £25, no less than £125.

Later in the evening Mr. Thompson announced that £48 5s. 6d. more had been promised that evening : the collection in the afternoon amounted to £2 3s. 9d. and in the evening to £7 1s. 3d., and the profit from the tea to £7, making £411 9s.


The Large Co-operative Hall was crowded on Thursday evening, when an enjoyable concert was given by the pupils of St. Matthew’s Boys’, West Council Girls’, and St. Matthew’s Infant Schools in aid of the St. Matthew’s Old Boys’ War Memorial Fund. The programme was excellently rendered from start to finish, and was heartily appreciated. The concert will be repeated this (Friday) evening. A full report will appear in our next issue.

GRATEFUL BELGIANS.—The Ursuline Sisters, who escaped from Belgium during the German advance in 1914, and who will be remembered as having helped Mrs. Mulliner, of Clifton Court, with the refugees at The Beeches, Clifton, and at Newton House, have lately been repatriated. They reached their old convent at Lierre safely, only to find that it had been burned to the ground by the Huns. Temporary shelter has, however, been given them by the inhabitants of Lierre, and they have now resumed their charitable work. Several letters have been received by Mrs. Mulliner from the Sisters, expressing the deepest gratitude both to her and to all the friends who showed them such kindness during their enforced exile at Rugby.

WAR MEMORIAL.—Walcote schoolroom was crowded on Thursday night on the occasion of a public meeting called what from the local war memorial should take. Lieut.-Col. G. W. Hobson took the chair, and it was decided to place a handsome mural brass in Misterton Church to memory of the fallen, and also—subject to sufficient funds being forthcoming—to erect a Memorial Hall in Walcote village. A strong committee to canvass for subscriptions was appointed.


With the presentation of the Allies’ Peace terms to the German delegates the signing of Peace is brought appreciably nearer, and the question, “ What is to be done at Rugby to celebrate it ? ” is continually being asked.

In order to try to satisfy this quite reasonable desire for information, a representative of the Advertiser called upon Mr. C. C. Wharton, the hon. secretary to the committee, and enquired what progress had been made in this direction.

A Question of Money.
Mr. Wharton, however, pointed out that so far very little progress has been possible owing to the fact that the committee had no idea how much money they could spend ; and, secondly, the date of the celebrations had not then been fixed, and until this was known it was impossible to expect people to work as enthusiastically as if for a given date.

Entertainments for Old and Young.
With regard to the dinner to the aged people and the children’s tea, he pointed out that these would naturally have to be paid for by subscriptions, but the cost of the town decorations, fireworks, &c., might be met from the rates ; and until it was known how much would be granted from this source the hands of the committee were more or less tied.

Elaborate Firework Displays.
We understand that it is proposed to spend about £200 on fireworks, and for this sum Messrs. Wilders, Birmingham, have contracted to supply a very elaborate programme of all kinds of mechanical devices, set pieces, flares, rockets, bombs, &c., in addition to balloons and daylight fireworks for the children’s day celebrations.

Street Decorations.
A somewhat elaborate scheme of street decorations and illuminations has been considered by the committee ; but, owing to an unforseen hitch, it is probable that this will have to be considerably modified. However, the decoration and illumination of the Benn Buildings, Clock Tower, and various points in the centre of the town will be under the supervision of the committee, and all that is required to assure a scheme worthy of the town and the occasion is a generous contribution from the rates.

The School to Co-operate.
It has now been decided that Rugby School will not disperse for the Peace celebration, and they will accordingly co-operate with the town in the local festivities. To this end two members of the School, Mr. C. G. Steel and Rev. E. F. Waddy, have been elected to the Town Committee, which now consists of Messrs. W. Flint (chairman), J. J. McKinnell, J. Carter, W. H. Cluett, F. E. Hands, R. S. Hudson, C. H. Rowbottom, J. J. Scrivener, A. F. Bennett, H. N. Sporborg, H. Tarbox, Mrs. H. C Bradby, Mrs B. B. Dickinson, Mrs. A. K. Morgan, Miss E. Elsee and Mr. J. H. Veasey (representing New Bilton), Mr. C. G. Steel and Rev. E. F. Waddy (representing Rugby School).


AUGUST 3, 4, AND 5.

As we go to press we learn on the authority of “ The Times ” that it has been decided, should the Peace Treaty have been duly signed, to hold the National Peace Celebrations on August 3, 4 & 5.

Sunday, August 3, will be devoted to religious services of thanksgiving ; August 4, the Bank Holiday, is the fifth anniversary of the declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany. Another consideration which has, doubtless, weighed with the Government in selecting the dates mentioned is that they cover a period generally devoted to holiday-making, and consequently there will be the minimum dislocation of public business.


EYDEN.—In proudest and ever-treasured memory of CLARENCE ALFRED EYDEN, who, in the Great European War, laid the richest of all gifts on the Altar of Duty—HIS LIFE. After three years’ active service in the Royal Engineers, he was killed in action in France on May 18th, and buried at St. Omer on Whit-Sunday, May 19th, 1918 ; aged 27 years.

LENNARD.—In loving memory of Sapper W. J. LENNARD, 98328, R.E., missing April 11, 1918, now reported killed on that date, the beloved husband of Harriett Lennard (nee Lee), of Ullesthorpe.—Sadly missed and silently mourned.

LIXENFIELD.—In loving memory of Lance-Corpl. JACK LIXENFIELD, Royal Engineers, who died of wounds on May 13, 1917.—“ He that is faithful unto death receiveth a crown of life. Remembered by Lil.

SMITH.—In ever-loving memory of our son and brother, Trooper WILLIAM SMITH, Leicestershire Yeomanry, of Blakenhall Cottage, Lutterworth (late at Eathorpe), who was reported missing on May 13, 1915.—Gone but not forgotten by his loving Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters.

11th Apr 1919. The War Workers of the School World – from making socks to growing cabbages


An interesting report on the war work of the schools under the Warwickshire County Council is issued by the Education Committee. It states :

The records of school war work make a tale whose web of varied hues has been spun by busy little hands in play time and school hours. Some of the work is that of tiny people from the infants’ departments ; otherwise the workers of this school-world range from the age of seven to fourteen. Countless socks, mittens, scarves and their like have been sent to “ old boys ” in the trenches, to the Red Cross and kindred societies. Treasure bags, too, have been popular ; the girls of one school alone made 1,150, while the little boys of Standards I. and II., unable to sew themselves, gave material for 163 bags. When sandbags were asked for the girls of many schools worked at these.

Ill-content to make only woollen comforts and treasure bags, the girls of certain schools devised more original work. The cookery class at one school for two successive years made a noble Christmas cake, weighing 12lbs., for the soldiers at the local Red Cross Hospital, and when last Christmas brought a scarcity of spice and plums and the making of cakes became difficult, the girls subscribed the money and bought the cake that the soldiers might not have Christmas without one. Another school specialised in the making of slippers with linoleum soles for the wounded of the local V.A.D. Hospital. At a third school the girls have the fine record of 8,925 collars washed and ironed, and 3,020 garments mended, also for the soldiers at the local hospital.

The boys, too, developed certain lines of their own. Members of the woodwork classes helped to make crutches for the wounded, while one school gained local fame for its poster painting and 14 rolls of honour given to Churches of the neighbourhood. Boys of the school gardening classes have done valiant work. Soldiers’ gardens have been dug and planted ; waste ground has been reclaimed ; old people have received help with their gardens ; potatoes have been sprayed and lifted, and allotments measured out under the direction of head teachers. Many schoolboys gave help in harvesting, potato picking, and general farm work during the holidays. Boys and girls combined to send parcels to “ old boys ” and organise collections of many kinds.

The collection and sale of 7,000 jam jars and bottles by one school realised £14 for charities. Two schools united to collect sufficient waste paper to employ a man regularly in “ baling,” and the result has been £105 for local charities. Many schools collected chestnuts, nut-shells, and bones for Government purposes, while in two years 38 tons of blackberries were gathered for Army jam. The £2 10s. received by the children of a country school for their blackberries was divided between the purchase of a large flag for the school and war funds.

Local Red Cross Hospitals were regularly supplied with vegetables, brought by the school children from home gardens, and Warwickshire vegetables were dispatched in large quantities to naval bases ; one school alone collected 18cwt. for this purpose. A show and sale of vegetables in another school brought £16 to provide Christmas gifts for “ old boys ” at the front. If many sailors have unknowingly enjoyed Warwickshire cabbages, very many wounded soldiers have had Warwickshire eggs. One boys’ school has the splendid record of 11,000 eggs collected ; at another school co-operation with outside helpers has resulted in a total of 24,938 eggs and over £97 in money for the National Egg Fund. In yet another part of the county a girls’ school has contributed £25 to the same cause, while 4,335 eggs have been sent from an infants’ school where the tiny people who had no eggs to bring gave weekly halfpennies to help keep up the supply. The school children have all been very devoted workers for the National Egg Collection, and two schools in districts where it was less easy to find eggs sent money collections.

Self-denial and the sacrifice of many “goodies ” are surely responsible in part for the substantial help given to war funds and charities by money collections in the schools. Eighteen schools have sent among them £30 to the Overseas Club ; a single school sent £56 to the Red Cross and Prisoners of War. A big urban school gave a total of £200 to various war funds ; an infants’ school sent £8 10s. to the Blinded Soldiers’ Children’s Fund ; many schools helped with their subscriptions the Y.M.O.A. huts, St. Dunstan’s, the Sailors’ Rests, and Minesweepers’ Funds ; all had collections for the Red Cross. A school entertainment made a profit of £12 to help an “ old boy ” blinded in war. A Christmas collection devoted for the past four years to the French Red Cross ; collections for hungry Belgian children ; a Christmas gift in money sent to local Belgian refugees ; Empire Day collections for the Overseas Club all reveal the children not indifferent to the magic and responsibility of becoming citizens of the world. Thus the 17 schools which have sent an account of their collections have in all raised the sum of £629 9s. for war charities, in addition to the money given to purchase wool and material for comforts. For this latter purpose children have sacrificed their prize money, organised entertainments, held sales of work, and given up their pocket money.

The children’s help has also been enlisted in the distribution of pamphlets urging National Food Economy, the need for War Savings, National Service, &c. Food economy, too, has been practised by the children, who no longer reject crusts or sniff at unfamiliar vegetarian diet. At one school all except the weekly ones voluntarily gave up mid-morning lunch when the submarine menace was explained to them.

A War Savings Association, attached to the schools, had in May, 1918, 11,078 members, mostly children, and had then collected £50,116.

Each boys’ school in the county has its roll of honour, and the record of gallantry these represent must be a wondrous one. Twenty schools hare sent in lists of the military decorations gained by their “ old boys.” These include: V.C., 2 ; D.S.O., 3 ; M.C. with bar, 1 ; M.C., 10 ; D.C.M., 25 ; D.S.M., 4 ; M.M. with bar, 1 ; M.M., 34 ; M.S.M., 1; Mentioned in Despatches, 23 ; Croix de Guerre, 6 ; Medaille Militaire, 3 ; Croce di Guerra, 2 ; British Empire Medal for bravery during a fire at a munitions factory, 2. If all schools had made returns, the numbers would, no doubt, be very much higher. A large number of former elementary scholars have obtained commissions of various ranks from that of lieutenant-colonel downwards.


NOTICE has been received that Pte. James Peacock, late 2nd Border Regt., has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery under shell fire at a Lewis gun post.

Pte. HAROLD JOHN RUSSELL, son of Mrs W. Burbidge, Alexandra Road, Rugby, who was reported missing in September, 1918, is now presumed to have been killed on that day. He was employed at the B.T.H., and was an old Murrayian.

POSTUMOUS AWARD.—Mr. G. Hall, of 31 Alexandra Road, Rugby, has just received the Meritorious Service Medal, which was awarded to his son, Lance-Corpl. S. G. Hall, 7th R.W.R., in recognition of valuable services rendered in France. It to a year to-day (Friday) since Lance-Corpl. Hall was killed in action.

RUGBY WAR MEMORIAL.—Donations are steadily mounting up for the War Memorial scheme for Rugby, and, as will be seen from our advertising columns, the hon. secretary, Mr A Morson, M.B.E., is able to announce several additional sums since the last list was published. The total is now closely approaching the £2,000 mark, and it is hoped the townspeople will not be slow to add their quota to the fund.


We understand that a company of about 30 soldiers travelling from Peterborough to Ireland refused to proceed beyond Rugby on Tuesday night. The men had to wait about an hour at Rugby, and when they were ordered to line up to join the Irish Mail they refused. They were apparently under the impression that they were being taken to Russia, and as they considered they had not had a proper leave, they persisted in their refusal to enter the train. They were accordingly billeted in the Church House for the night, returning to the station early on the following morning. On Wednesday an officer in charge of an armed guard arrived, and after holding an inquiry he decided that the men had no case. The ringleaders were arrested and taken to Warwick, and the rest of the men then proceeded to Ireland by the mail train. The men were very orderly throughout, and no disturbance took place.


The 5th Warwickshire (Howitzer) Battery Old Comrades’ Association held a smoking concert at their Headquarters on Friday evening last, about 40 members being present. The chair was taken by Mr. P. Painter. and a very successful programme was rendered. The pianist was Mr. Littler, and the artistes included the following :— Messrs. Jackson, Seymour, Hopewell. J. J. Smith, Read, Owen, Jago, W. Alsop, and Ainsley, with a violin solo by Master L. Turner.

During the evening the Chairman outlined the objects of the Old Comrades’ Association, which, briefly, are as follows :—

(1.) It was thought, after the active service the Rugby Howitzer Battery had seen abroad during the war, that members would like to keep more in touch with one another than would otherwise be possible without such an association.

(2.) The association is open to any man who has been a member, either past or present, of the Rugby Howitzer Battery.

(3.) A nominal annual subscription of 2s. 6d. is made to defray minor expenses.

(4.) During the year it is proposed to hold several social gatherings, and once each year an annual dinner.

(3.) The association will be known as the 5th Warwickshire (Howitzer) Battery (Old Comrades’ Association, and its headquarters will be at the Battery Drill Hall, Rugby.

Colonel H. H. Mulliner, J.P.. has consented to act as president of the association, and. amongst others, the following have consented to become vice-presidents :—Major C. P. Nickalls, D.S.O., Major W. R. W. Anderson, the Rev. C. T. Bernard McNulty, and Capt. J. Brodribb. The following committee to act for the ensuing 12 months has been elected :—Secretary, Mr. P. Painter, 65 York Street, Rugby ; committee, Messrs. H. Packwood, C. Packwood, J. Davis, A. Neal, G. Hopewell, and S. Wetherington.

It Is hoped that every man eligible for available membership will avail himself of the opportunity of joining.


A meeting was held at the Infirmary V.A.D. Auxiliary Hospital on Saturday to wind up the special war work of the Rugby V.A.D.’s, Warwick 40 and Warwick 66. Mrs. Brooke Michell, Vice president, and County Director, Mr. E. K. Little, C.B.E., attended, and the members of the Voluntary Aid Detachments present were :— V.A.D. Warwick 40 : Miss Alderson, Miss H. Alderson,. Miss Ashby, Miss Bluemel, Miss Ella Bluemel, Miss Hilda Bluemel, Miss E. Bromwich, Miss Cumming, Mrs. Haigh, Miss Kittermaster, Mrs. Over, Miss Size, Miss St. Hill, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Woodworth, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. Loverock, Mrs. Simey (Commandant).

V.A.D. Warrick 66 : Mrs. Wharton (Quartermaster), Mrs. Ash, Miss Clarke, Mrs. Currie, Miss David, Miss G. Everest, Miss L. Fortnam, Mrs. Marshall, Miss Maud, Mrs. Pratt, Miss Scott, Miss H. Size, Miss. Steel, Acting Q.M. Miss Townsend, Acting Commandant Miss M. G. Townsend, Miss Thompson, Miss Walker, Miss O. Walrond, Miss O. Walrond, Mrs Whitlock, Mrs Barber, Mrs. Eustace Hopewell, Miss Ivens, Mrs Barnard, Mrs Burdekin (Commandant).

Lady Denbigh, who was unable to attend, sent the following letter :—

“ Your letter followed me to and from Bournemouth, whither I went to recover from a bad attack of the flu. I am here till after Easter, and am afraid I cannot be in Rugby on the 31st. I wish I could. Will you tell Warwick 40 and Warwick 66 how sorry I am, and say how I congratulate them on the splendid work they have put in both at Te Hira and the Infirmary, and especially on the time they have put in at the Infirmary together, at a period when all were beginning to feel the strain, and when so many others fell out or had their hospitals closed. Having had some small experience of other Auxiliary Hospitals. I also think they are much to be congratulated on their mutual assistance and forbearance, and the splendid sinking of any personal opinions in the cause of the one great work of mercy on which they embarked and which they have so successfully carried to conclusion. It has been a great pride and pleasure to me to have been connected with them.”

Before calling upon the County Director to address the members, Mrs. Brooke Michell said : Our County Director has kindly come here this afternoon to dismiss us at the close of our war work. I hope it will be by no means the close of our Red Cross work, as to which Mr. Little may have something to say to us. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who have given such devoted service to our Red Cross work. Speaking for myself, they have made the office of Vice-president a very easy and pleasant one by their unfailing courtesy and efficiency. I am no speaker, but if anything could make me eloquent it would be the daily example of wonderful and unselfish devotion to duty that I have had before me since the autumn of 1914, when our first Hospital was opened. I say “ wonderful,” because to my way of thinking, it requires an extraordinary degree of grit to carry on such work as yours, in all weathers, through times of discouragement, bodily and mental fatigue, ill-health, and even bereavement. I know that one of you worked till the eve of a serious operation. All this you have done for four years unobtrusively, cheerfully, and without the help of any limelight.

I must thank Miss Maude Townsend, who has so ably seconded Mrs. Burdekin, and shared with her the responsibilities of the Commandant’s work, which she has carried on single handed when the Commandant was seriously ill.

Also Miss Bertha Townsend we must be particularly grateful to for the noble way in which she came to our rescue when the Quartermaster of Warwick 66 was obliged to retire from work. It is no small praise to Miss Townsend to say she has carried on in a manner worthy of her predecessor, Mrs. Wharton.

I must also thank Miss Bromwich, whose work at both Ta Hira and the Infirmary has been invaluable. Miss Bromwich has a genius for discovering the dull, uninteresting jobs and doing them unobtrusively at the top of the house or over hours! Miss David, also, is a devoted worker of the same kind. We also thank those who taught the men to do needlework, cabinet making, knitting, carving, etc.—a work which required much patience and tact. Last, but not least, we owe our cooks grateful thanks for having helped to make our Hospitals popular by their excellent cooking. It is hard enough work to cook in winter, but in the heat of summer it requires more than ordinary courage to face a small kitchen containing several people and two large gas cookers surmounted by steaming saucepans! Our cooks had that courage, and. what is more, the food they turned out was so good that at least one bachelor patient inquired “ whether the cook was married or single !” Out of the Detachments, our most grateful thanks are due to Mr. van den Arend, who has done all our transport work locally, and has even bought an ambulance, in which he has often taken our patients to Birmingham himself, thus giving up whole days of his time. Also we thank the orderlies, without whom we could not have carried on our work. They have cheerfully given up a great deal of their time, and done excellent work. I thank all them and every V.A.D. most sincerely, and hope the experience they have acquired in war time may be made use of in times of peace.

In the course of his address, Mr. Little said now that the curtain was coming down on the first act of Red Cross work, he thought it only right that in congratulating themselves, as they had every right to do, on the success which had attended their work for the sick and wounded, they should remember there was a long rehearsal before the curtain rose. He should always feel that great honour was due to those who pioneered Red Cross work in the year before the war, and laid the foundations of the V.A.D. organisation, which was now a household word in every country. They in Rugby began work among the very first in aiding the troops quartered there, though Te Hira, and then the Infirmary, were not opened until later. In 1918 and 1919 they had 30 hospitals open, and at the date of the armistice 34. Their high water mark of established beds was just over 2,000. Considering that Birmingham was a separate Red Cross one, he thought they could feel that Warwickshire had done well, and held a creditable place among the counties of Great Britain. If they analysed their own county at all, he could truthfully say that no part of it had done better service and shown greater loyalty to the cause than Rugby and its neighbourhood. They must always be grateful to Mr. 7 Mrs. St. Hill for giving up their house so unselfishly and making it possible to provide such an excellent hospital as Te Hira became.

Later on, when, in response to their urgent demand for beds, the help of the Guardians was sought, they not only threw no obstacle in the way, but did, and have continued to do, everything in their power to further the interests of the hospital. The question of future work was now being threshed out by our headquarters. As under the Geneva Convention they were only to work for the sick or wounded in time of war. It was necessary that the scope of the various Red Cross Societies should be enlarged, and an International Conference was to be held 20 days after peace was signed to settle this. All the great nations would be represented. One point he suggested to commandants was that a quarterly lecture of a more advanced kind should be arranged. He expected some of the doctors who had been so good in the past would be equally good in the future, and that they would find suitable subjects to interest those who were ready to learn more of anatomy and other subjects. Then he thought it would be an excellent arrangement that, if possible, their nursing members should put in a fortnight or a month every year in one of the permanent hospitals. All these things wanted working out, but he was sure that the end of the war was only the beginning of a new call on V.A.D. work. He thought everyone agreed that the organisation which had proved so successful during the war should be in every expect maintained in peace. It was only left for him to thank them all, on behalf of the branch, very earnestly and very sincerely for all their excellent work. What they had done was, of course, for the sick and wounded, and they already had their gratitude. But that was no reason why the branch should not also express their appreciation of their loyal support.


Miss Ivens, M.S.Lond., the daughter of the late Mr. William Ivens, of Harborough Parva, who for the past four years has been surgeon-in-charge of the Scottish Woman’s Hospitals in France, courteously allowed a representative of the Rugby Advertiser to interview her during a recent visit she paid to the town.

“ The Scottish Women’s Hospitals for Foreign Service were started in Edinburgh by Dr. Elsie Inglis at the beginning of the war,” remarked Miss Ivens after our representative had explained the object of his visit, “ and the first fully-equipped hospital unit was sent to France on November 30, 1914. A suitable building was found a few miles from Chantilly, then the seat of the French General Headquarters. In the ancient and beautiful Abbaye de Royaumout, built by St. Louis at the request of his mother, Blanche de Castille, wards for patients were arranged in the great vaulted halls and cloisters. Starting with 100 beds, the hospital accommodation was increased at the request of the French Army Medical Service until 600 patients could be received. When the line moved forward a second hospital of 300 beds was equipped in huts at Villers Cotterets for the 6th Army, and worked until May 30, 1918, when the fighting in its immediate neighbourhood necessitated evacuation. This was fortunately effected during the bombardment of Villers Cotterets with no loss of life to either patients or staff by the women chauffeurs attached to the hospital, assisted by a few American ambulances.”

“ The personnel retired to its base at Royaumont, and work was continued without a day’s interruption for the Foch Reserve Armies, under the command of General Fayolle, and more especially for the 10th Army, under General Mangin. The work became heavier than it had been even during the Amiens offensive in March, and numerous additions were made to the staff. When the armistice was signed Royaumont was still full of seriously wounded cases, and it was not until February 20, 1919, that the last patients could be evacuated, when the records showed that more than 9,000 patients had been treated, and over 7,000 operations performed. The French Military Authorities showed their appreciation of the work of the hospitals by the bestowal of numerous decorations, including a Cross of the Legion of Honour, a Croix de Guerre with palm, 22 Croix de Guerre with star, and 30 Medailles d’Honneur.”

“ What is your impression of the French soldier and the French people as a nation ? ” our representative then asked.

“ I greatly admire the French soldier,” Miss Ivens replied. “ He is a splendid fighter, and also an exceptionally good patient. He does not grumble, and is eminently philosophical. ‘C’est la guerre’ is his invariable response to any commiserating remark. He appreciates to the full any little attention, and his natural charm and politeness won the hearts of his British nurses. Grateful letters invariably arrived from the old patients, and many travelled hundreds of miles to re-visit their hospital. As for the French people, I sometimes wonder if England fully realises what a great nation we have for an ally. I for one certainly did not appreciate their qualities before the war, and was surprised to find them so brilliantly clever and cultivated. Their tenacity and capacity for endurance have been a surprise to themselves.”

“ France has suffered terribly during the war in every way, and no one who has not seen the devastated regions can picture their unutterable desolation. It will be a disaster if she does not get at the Peace Conference the effective frontier line she is demanding. The women of France, too, have shown great patriotism. As soon as the men were mobilised the women quietly took their places, and it was due to their phenomenally hard work that the food supplies maintained such a high level.”


There are in this country awaiting repatriation a number of South African farmers and farmers’ assistants, who will be here for the next three to six months, and desire to utilise the time in getting instruction on well-managed farms. They are in receipt of their Army pay, and Warwickshire farmers are invited to apply for one or more of these men, and to supply them with free board and lodging in return for their help on the farm. Any farmer willing to do so should communicate direct with Capt. F. J. Sutton. South African Force. No; 7 Camp, Perham Down, Wiltshire.

Motor Lorries.
The Board of Agriculture announce that as more motor lorries become available sales will be arranged in the provinces, at which farmers will have an opportunity of purchasing them. At present the small number of vehicles available are being sold in London.


SIR,-In reply to “The Sailor’s Plaint,” it is, perhaps, some consolation for him to know that someone else is in the same position. I was discharged from the Army six months ago, and am no nearer obtaining a house now than then, and, so far as I can see, the interest taken by the local authorities in the matter is not likely to assist me in getting one this side of the grave.

Would it not be possible for them to obtain some of the Army huts to tide them over the difficulty ? I would not object to living in one of these. But probably they would be considered an eyesore to Rugby.

You should bear in mind, “ Matlow,” that the war is practically over now, bar a bit of flag-wagging and what the authorities were prepared to do when you were an honoured member of his Majesty’s Forces, and now you are a “ civvy,” are two different matters. One has only to hark back to the South African War for a similar state of things.

I am with you all the way, “ Matlow,” in regard to the reward business. Personally, I cannot convince myself that the persons offering them have served in the Forces. If so, presumably they did not belong to the rank and file.

I second your suggestion to the Rugby property owners with avidity, and if there are any of the gentlemen referred to who would care to fall in with it, and will reply to that effect through the medium of this paper, I will gladly send them my name and address, and thank them heartily for their kindness.—Yours, &c.,
Rugby, 8th April, 1919.


BATES.—In memory of Corpl. THOMAS BATES, killed in France on March 31, 1918.
“ We little thought when leaving home
That he would ne’er return ;
That he so soon in death would sleep,
And leave us here to mourn.”
—From his Mother, Father, and Sisters.

BLUNDELL.—In loving memory of GERALD JAMES BLUNDELL, who died at Salonika on April 11, 1917.
“ Two years have passed since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away.
God took him home, He thought it best,
But in our hearts he liveth yet.”
—From his Sisters.

BURTON.—In memory of MONTAGUE (MONT), only son of Mrs. & the late E. T. Burton, killed in action in France on April 10, 1917. Interred at Tigris Lane Cemetery, Wancourt.—“ Though lost from sight, in memory ever dear.”—From his loving Mother, Sister, and Albert.

BUSHILL.—In loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. GEORGE BUSHILL, who died from wounds received in action at Abbeville on 11th April, 1918.—The Lodge, Dunchurch.

COLES.—In ever-loving and affectionate remembrance of Lance-Corpl. GEORGE BERTRAM, the dearly beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. T. Coles (late of Old Lodge, Binley), who was shot by a sniper at Arras on April 10, 1917.
“ Had we but seen him at the lase,
And watched his dying bed,
Or heard the last sigh of his heart,
Or held his drooping head ;
Our hearts, I think, would not have felt
Such bitterness and grief ;
But God ordered otherwise,
And now he rests in peace.”
—Never forgotten by his loving Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers.

COLING.—In loving and affectionate memory of our darling PHIL, who died of wounds in France on April 10, 1918, aged 24 years.—“ A devoted son, a loving brother.”—From Dad &t Mam.

COLLEDGE.—In loving memory of WALTER EDWARD COLLEDGE, who was killed at the Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917. Also HERBERT HENRY COLLEDGE, who died on February 20, 1919.—“ At rest with the Lord.”—From their loving Mother and Brother and Sisters.

ELSON.—In loving memory of ALFRED WM. ELSON, who died of wounds in France on April 6, 1918.
“ In health and strength he left his home,
Not thinking death so near.
Death came without a warning given,
And bade him meet his God in heaven.
His King and country called him ;
The call was not in vain.
On Britain’s Roll of Honour
You will find our loved one’s name.”
—Sadly missed by his loving Mother, Wife, Brothers and Sisters.


28th Dec 1918. Christmastide at Rugby


It to many years probably since the message of Christmas, “ Peace on earth,” struck such a real note in men’s hearts as during the Christmas of 1918, which has just passed. For the past four years the Continent of Europe has been deluged in the blood of the flower of the human race, and the annually recurring message of Christmas seemed to many a bitter mockery. Now, however, the armistice has been signed, and once again peace reigns on earth ; and this fact could not fail to react on the celebrations just concluded. Everybody seemed to be in a real festive mood, and the old-time greeting, “ A Merry Christmas,” was given and received with its old-time heartiness. The shops in the town were well stocked with provisions, toys and gifts of all kinds, and for several days prior to the festival the streets swarmed with eager shoppers, the crowds being augmented by an unusually large number of soldiers, many of whom were spending their first Christmas in the family circle since the outbreak at war.

There was an abundant supply of poultry and game on sale ; in fact, the supply was rather greater than the demand, a number of fine turkeys being sold late on Christmas Eve for 1s per lb ; while several fowls failed to secure buyers at 1s 3d per lb.

The principal feature of the festivities at the Rugby Institution was the sumptuous Christmas dinner which consisted of roast beef, pork, mutton, plum puddings with sauce, beer and mineral waters. The dinner was attended, as usual, by members of the Board and other friends, vis, Mr & Mrs W E Robotham and family, Mr C H Rowbottom, Mr C G Steel, Mr & Mrs A G Salter and family, Mr F M Burton, Mr J H Burton, Miss Fenwick, Mrs Stimpson, Messrs J W Pendred, A J Holt, and C W Clayson. Several friends sent gifts, and apples, oranges, sweets, biscuits, tobacco and cigars were distributed amongst the inmates during the afternoon. The Chairman (Rev Canon Mitchison) sent cake for tea and this was much appreciated by the old people. Everything possible for the entertainment of the inmates was done by Mrs Dickens (the matron) and her staff, and a very enjoyable day concluded with an impromptu programme, sustained by the inmates and friends. Selections were played by the Salvation Army Band during the morning.

At the Hospital of St Cross everything possible was done to ensure the happiness of the patients. Early in the morning the nursing staff made a round of the wards (which had been prettily decorated), singing carols. An excellent dinner was provided, the principal viands being turkeys (one of which was sent by the Portland Cement Company) and plum puddings. Dr Simey carved for the men and the children, and Dr Hoskyn for the women. The service in the chapel in the afternoon was conducted by the Rev W F Stokes. In the afternoon the patients were allowed to receive their friends, and in the evening an enjoyable entertainment was given by the nurses.

Special services were held at all the Churches, and these, which were of a bright and hearty character, were invariably well attended. At the Parish Church the services partook of the usual Christmas character. The Rector preached an appropriate sermon in the morning, and at evensong the Te Deum was chanted to a setting by Stanford in B flat. The carols sung were : “ On the Birthday of our Lord,” “See amid the winter snow,” and “ Bethlehem.”


The unsettled and showery weather which prevailed last week gave way to more promising conditions, and on Christmas morn a light fall of snow gave a seasonable touch to the countryside, and the air was keen and exhilarating. Boxing Day was bright and frosty.


On Christmas Day the patients of the Isolation Hospital, Harborough Magna, had a most enjoyable time. The Matron and nurses did everything possible to make it a joyful festival. The wards were very prettily decorated, one of the chief features being the Christmas tree, from which the Matron gave each patient a gift. The early morning was spent singing carols, after which Father Christmas visited each patient. The rest of the day was devoted to playing games, &c.


CHRISTMAS PRESENTS have been sent to all soldiers and sailors serving with H.M Forces from this parish, including Street Ashton.

PTE H A WHITE, Worcester Regiment, who has been a prisoner of war since May last, returned home last week, and was heartily welcomed by his numerous friends. He does not give a very good account of Huns treatment of our prisoners. After his capture he was compelled to work behind the firing line, and lastly in a mine, with very little food. Although parcels were sent to him regularly, he never received one.

CO-OP. CHILDREN’S TREAT.—The annual treat to the children of members of the Co-operative Society serving with the Armed Forces was given by the Education Committee of the Society on Saturday last. Nearly 700 children accepted the invitation, and a most enjoyable time was spent. A capital tea was provided, and this was followed by a programme of vocal and instrumental music and a ventriloquial entertainment. A large Christmas tree, prettily illuminated with a multitude of coloured electric lights, was heavily laden with useful presents and toys, and this was stripped by the members of the committee amid a regular babel of joyful sounds. Mr A E Holdom carried out the secretarial arrangements, and assistance was lent by the members of the General Committee and the Co-operative Women’s Guild.

PETTY SESSIONS.—There was only one case at Rugby Petty Sessions on Tuesday (before Dr Clement Dukes), vis, a charge of being an absentee from his unit, which was preferred against Sapper Frank Cooper, R.E, 16 South Street, Rugby. Defendant admitted the offence, but asked to be allowed to re-join his unit voluntarily, and this course was permitted.


During the week ended December 21st an enormous number of troops on leave have passed through the L & N-W Railway Station. So great at times have been the crowds that even the spacious platforms at Rugby have been rendered almost impassable. Many special trains have been run from London to the North, and when there has been a sufficient number of passengers to warrant it a special has been run to Birmingham and district so as to avoid a long wait for a regular train.

An extraordinary amount of work has also been thrown on the telegraph offices at the termini and large junctions on the railways, the number of telegrams handed in at Euston alone amounting to between 2,000 and 3,000 on one day. The number passed in at Rugby was also greatly in excess of the normal quantity, and required the constant attendance of one clerk at Rugby Post Office to deal with them.

Another branch of railway work which has shown an enormous development during the War is the supply of cups of tea to the trains from barrows. In the early days of the War small tea barrows were provided, but as the business rapidly increased two of these were joined together by means of planks so as to form counters, and the number of cups of tea supplied from them must number many thousands.

PIVOTAL MEN in the building trade can now be released from the Army, and such employees should make application to the local Labour Exchange.


Among the first English soldiers to be taken prisoner was Pte S Beard, son of Mr Beard. 46 Murray Road, Rugby, who returned to his home last week, after having been a prisoner for over four years. Pte Beard joined the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in 1911, and after spending some time in Malta he was drafted to the “International Army,” which was formed to support the first King of Albania on the throne, and was so serving when the War broke out. He was drafted back to Malta, and thence to England. Three weeks after his arrival in England he was sent out with the famous 7th Division, which landed at Zeebrugge 30,000 strong. On October 22nd when near Ypres volunteers were called for to man trenches, while the main part of the Army consolidated its position. It was stated that it would be a forlorn hope, but Pte Beard was one of 250 volunteers who entered a trench, which they were told to hold at all costs. The fighting was most desperate, the English force being hopelessly outnumbered in both men and guns. Finally, after hours of desperate fighting, when 17 men were left alive out of the 250, they were forced to surrender, and the whole of the rest of the Division were either killed or taken prisoners. But they had succeeded in holding the line until reinforcements arrived.

The Germans stripped all their clothes off them, with the exception of their boots, trousers and shirts, and they were then put into closed cattle wagons, from which they could only obtain a view of the country through the ventilators. Sixty men were packed in each truck, which had not been cleaned since the animals last occupied them, and they were despatched to Gottengen. During the journey, which lasted three days and three nights, neither food nor drink was given to them. When the train stopped at stations the doors were opened so as to exhibit the prisoners to the German people, who spat on them and reviled them. On their arrival at Gottengen they were given some coffee without sugar or milk, but no food. They were also provided with rugs to cover them at night, but as they had nothing but their shirt and trousers, they were glad to use them as cloaks during the daytime until their friends in England could send them a supply of clothing. There were no facilities for bathing in the camps, but they were given a hand bowl and towels. No soap was supplied, there being an absolute dearth of fats in the country. For months they had no change of underclothing, with the result that they became dirty and verminous. They were not allowed to shave, and were also forbidden to smoke.

Pte Beard complains bitterly of the bullying ways of the German. “Son of a pig” was the usual salutation, and he has been beaten in a disgraceful manner with rifles, &c, when he refused to work for them. The camps were very closely guarded, a live wire running round them, but the prisoners used to be sent out in small working parties, and were compelled to labour long hours for very little money. Pte Beard tried to escape on seven different occasions, and managed to reach the Dutch frontier three times. But he never had the luck to get past the triple line sentries by which it was guarded.

Whilst he was at work in one of the factories he became on friendly terms with a young German woman, and he bribed her with gifts of soap and food out of his parcels from England to obtain civilian clothes, maps, compass, &c. He had passed an examination in steering his way by means of maps and a compass, and so he found no difficulty in making his way to the frontier. He lived on what he could carry with him and anything he could pick up in the fields, &c. During one of these journeys he had a very narrow escape of losing his life. Accompanied by an Irish soldier, he came across a large building, in part of which they found some trusses of hay, on which they slept. They were wakened by feeling the hay being mowed, and Pte Beard had the narrowest escape from having a pitchfork driven into his stomach. They jumped up, and found themselves confronted by a lot of lunatics. They had unwittingly found their way into a lunatic asylum! Pte Beard told his companion to bolt, which he did, and the lunatics then performed a dance around him, shouting out in German : “English war prisoners.” Taking advantage of their turning their heads to speak to some attendants who arrived on the scene, he made a dash for safety, and rejoined his comrade outside. Each time that he escaped he was given 14 days’ “strong arrest.” He was put in a small cell about 5ft. square, which was totally devoid of light, and for three days he was fed on bread and water. On the fourth day the cover was taken off the skylight, and light was admitted to the cell for 12 hours. On that day he received two helpings of very poor soup. He also had a rug to cover him at night. This was done every fourth day. The rest of the time he spent in total darkness, and slept on a wooden bed without covering. During the whole period he was never allowed to leave the cell.

Pte Beard consistently refused to work for them for any length of time owing to the long hours and brutal treatment, and was, therefore, continually in trouble with the authorities. The longest period he ever passed at work was on a farm, where he remained four months. The farms are built on the French model, the house and barns being joined together, with the usual muck-heap outside the house. During the time he was there he had his meals with the family, but the fare was very meagre. For breakfast they had coffee without sugar or milk, and an egg or something in that line. For dinner they had bacon or some kind of sausage, the latter being supplied in on extraordinary number of varieties—in fact, he says he could fill a book about the number he has seen. They had potatoes also, but he never saw anything in the shape of a pudding, nor did he see a piece of butcher’s meat during the whole time he was in Germany. For tea they had a sort of “mash up” of what was left from dinner, and they did not have supper. Unsweetened coffee was supplied at every meal, but the only tea he had to drink was that sent to him from England.

Whenever England was spoken of the Germans always said that she was beaten, but he and his companion had every confidence that Mr Lloyd George would pull them through. Although he was comparatively comfortable on the farm, Pte Beard got tired of the farmer’s incessant grumbling, for he said, no matter how much work they did, the Germans were never satisfied, although they worked 12 hours a day for the magnificent wage of 3d per day.

On another occasion he was sent to work in a foundry, and here he also worked 12 hours a day for 2d a day and very poor fare. There were some German women in the factory, for the German Government forced every woman to work, and he met with girls who had never previously done a day’s work in their lives. The foremen in the factory bullied the girls as badly as they did the prisoners; indeed, so far as his experience went, the Germans looked on women as their chattels and slaves, and treated them accordingly. Pte Beard spent three periods in hospitals, but they were totally devoid of all medical comforts, and the wadding and bandages were made of paper. Still, to give the devil his due, the Germans acted on two or three occasions in a totally different manner to what would have been expected. While in the Army Pte Beard had become an expert boxer, and one day he became so enraged at the abuse he was receiving from one of the German guards that he struck him a violent blow in the mouth, knocking two teeth down his throat. One would naturally assume that Pte Beard would have been immediately shot, but instead he was sentenced to two years’ and two months’ imprisonment, He appealed against this, and the sentence was reduced to one year and one month, and on a further appeal he was acquitted altogether. The prosecutor then appealed against this, but the acquittal was upheld, the court holding that he had received sufficient provocation, but he was considered to have been guilty of contempt of court owing to some remarks he had made, and was sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment.

He calculates that out of his four years’ captivity he has spent 17 months in prison for refusing to work, &c. After he had been in Germany some time he acquired a knowledge of many words, and, thinking he would like to learn the language he applied, through the commandant of the camp, to Berlin for test books, which, strange to say, were supplied, and he became so proficient in the language that he was able to translate the German newspapers for the benefit of his companions. But since things had been going so badly with the Germans, he had not been able to procure any papers. Ha also learned French from a French prisoner, to whom he taught English in return. By bribing the guards, they also managed to get hold of the English “Times” fairly regularly, so that they knew exactly how things were going. He considered the railways far inferior to the English, there being four classes, the last two being totally devoid of cushions. The country is also wonderfully like England, and when he walked through towns like Munster or Minden he could have imagined he was in Birmingham or Leicester had it not been for the language.

Pte Beard earnestly desires to thank the Rugby Prisoners of War Committee for their regular supply of parcels, without which he would certainly have starved. So excellent were the arrangements made that he never missed a single one, and even when he was in prison they were kept for him until he came out. He also wishes to thank many kind friends for things they have sent him. He regularly received a supply of beautiful bread, which was sent from Copenhagen through the International Red Cross Society. When the armistice was signed the prisoners were packed into trains and sent into Holland, where they received every attention, and Pte Beard now appears in the best of health and none the worse for his trying experiences. On his return journey through Germany they were much better treated by the people, who all seemed very pleased to think the War was over, and not at all cast down at their humiliating defeat. Naturally Pte Beard’s feelings towards the Germans are the reverse of friendly, and he complains bitterly of the luxurious way in which the German prisoners are treated in this country.


Corpl F T Evans, Rifle Brigade, son of Mr W Evens, James Street, who was captured by the Germans near Cambrai on November 30,1917, has returned home this week, after undergoing most harrowing experiences at the hands of the Germans. He was badly wounded in the left thigh by an explosive bullet during the Battle of Cambrai. and owing to the retirement of the British he had to crawl as best he could to the German dressing station. He arrived there at five o’clock in the afternoon, and his wound was not attended to until seven hours afterwards. In the meantime he suffered considerably at the hands of his captors. Several of the soldiers deliberately kicked him, and others propped him up against a tree and knocked him down until he fell senseless. After his wound had been dressed he was placed with others in a barn and given a slice of dry German bread and a cup of cold coffee. He asked for a blanket to cover over his wounded thigh, but this was refused, and he accordingly had to make shift with some straw. He was subsequently removed to a hospital, where he was operated upon for two hours without an anaesthetic, the doctor and “sisters” informing him that if he cried out they would hurt him the more. After the operation he asked for something to drink and was served with a glass of water. Although he was captured on November 30th, Corpl Evans was not allowed the luxury of a wash until Christmas Day. After referring to the scanty and nauseating rations supplied by the Germans, Corpl Evans remarked to a representative of the Rugby Advertiser : “ You can tell the people of Rugby that had it not been for the food parcels they sent to Germany none of us would ever have returned to Old England.


Rugby, through the medium of Dr Frances Ivens, finds itself in intimate association with the first hospital in France conducted entirely by women. Dr Ivens is the third daughter of the late Mr Wm Ivens, of Harborough Parva, and at the outbreak of war had a large practice in Liverpool. This she gave up almost immediately after the opening of hostilities. The Scottish branch of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies conceived a scheme for supplying and maintaining two complete hospital units of 100 beds each to be officered entirely by medical women. A committee was appointed for the working out of this scheme, the moving spirit of which was Dr Elsie Inglis, of Edinburgh. The first unit parted for France early in December, 1914, and the second sailed for Serbia a little later the same month. Long before 1915 had elapsed the original modest proposition which had represented 200 beds had developed, and included two hospitals stationed, in France and three in Serbia, aggregating over 1,000 beds. After much consideration, the Abbaye de Royaumont was accepted as the centre of the work of the French unit. The personnel consisted of seven women doctors, ten fully trained nurses, eight orderlies, three chauffeuses, all under the direction of a head surgeon, Dr Frances Ivens.

The work and the responsibility of such a position in those early days of the German onward rush, when all hospitals were crowded and their staffs terribly overworked, can well be imagined ; and M Antonio de Navarro (husband of the celebrated actress Mary Anderson), in giving an account of the hospital in a book recently published, thus refers to Dr Iven’s labours on behalf of the suffering Poilu :—“ Here should be recorded the Head Surgeon’s devotion to her—at times superhuman work and her never-failing in times of unexpected complications. One could not but feel that any vacillation, lack of courage, or initiative on her part might have affected at critical moments the security of the institution itself. Happily she issued from them all with invariable composure. It should be [photograph] added that the unsparing co-operation of her assistants—surgeons and doctors alike—has been a notable feature in the unimpeachable success of the medical staff at Royaumont.” During the first two years of the hospital’s existence 2,508 patients were received and 2,872 operations performed.

A letter from one of the staff indicates the strain of the work : “ Day and night our chauffouses were on the road conveying the wounded men from the military evacuating station. Day and night out band of surgeons and nurses worked under the unwearing example of our chief, Dr Frances Ivens. During the first week in July three hours’ consecutive sleep was an inconceivable luxury, yet no one regarded her share in such work at such a time as other than a privilege. Certain it is that only by such assiduous labour were saved the lives and limbs of many of these gas-infected men, Twelve hours of waiting whilst the staff slept would have many a life and limb amongst the hundreds of soldiers entrusted to our care.”

The Scottish women wore uniforms of a soft-grey material with tartan facings, the orderlies were clad in blue cotton caps and frocks, the busy nurses with their flowing white veils flitting and out the sunlit avenues of the gardens, all combined to create of picture of singular charm and animation.

An amusing story is told of an Algerian tirailleur, a sulky young man. His long musical name was shortened to “ Sala.” On one occasion he was found at the head of the cold staircase on a chilly February afternoon, his dressing gown tightly wrapped round his naked legs. From this position of vantage he refused to move. The head surgeon was summoned to cope with the situation. Sala stood against the wall surrounded by six nurses and orderlies gloomily resisting all attempts to take him back to his bed in the ward. To the head surgeon he excitedly explained, half in Arabic, half in French, that the patient in the neighbouring bed had called him a pig, and he would not return to his accustomed place near such a contemptible Frenchman. With sympathetic agreement, Miss Ivens tactfully promised to remove the offender to a remote corner, and with the further inducement of a stick of chocolate, Sala eventually allowed himself to be coaxed back to the warm bed which he had quited half-an-hour before. His devoted Algerian servant followed him to the new position, and from afar they both ignored with oriental dignity the teasing French lad whose jests had occasioned the feud. Later on Sala was removed to a ward on another floor ; but even when out of night of his enemy he had not forgot their quarrel. One night soon after he was caught with a knife, which he confided was to be employed on his former neighbour as soon as he could steal an opportunity to reach his ward. But the opportunity never came. The doctor finally decided that he was “ well enough ” to proceed to his depot.

These incidents selected from many serve to show the splendid work this lady has accomplished since 1914. Little wonder that her services have been fully recognised by the French Government. Early in the war a gold medal was conferred by the French authorities, President Poincaré personally decorated her with the Legion of Honour, in August, 1917, and this year Dr Iven’s services were again noted by the presentation of the Croix de Guerre for performing operations by candlelight when under bombardment at the advanced hospital at Villers-Cotterets.


BATCHELOR.—In loving memory of Pte. THOMAS BATCHELOR of the 5th Royal Berks., who died of wounds in Germany on December 25, 1917.
“ The hardest part is yet to come
When other lads return,
And we miss among the cheering crowd
The face of him we love.”
—Sadly missed by his loving Children, Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers.

GULLIVER.—In loving memory of our two dear boys—ARTHUR, killed in action Oct 6th, 1917, aged 21 years ; and HARRY, died of wounds in France Dec 25th, 1917, aged 28 years—beloved sons of Mr and Mrs Gulliver, Broadwell. “ Their duty nobly done.”—Father, Mother, Sisters.

SHEASBY.—In ever-loving memory of our dear son and brother, Pte. H. J. SHEASBY, M.G.C. Co., killed in action on December 30, 1917, aged 19. “ Sleep on, dear one, in a soldier’s grave, out in that foreign land. We often sit and look at your photo in the frame, and often picture your smiling face ; and better tears then flow to think that we have lost you, dear ; it is just a year ago.”—From his sorrowing Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters.

8th Sep 1917. Everyone Must Provide Their Own Sugar.

EVERYONE MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN SUGAR.— Hundreds of business premises (as well as Government departments) who have tea clubs have raised the point as to whether they will be allowed any sugar under the card scheme. Their hopes are doomed to disappointment, as it will not be possible for them obtain a single lump of sugar unless each member brings the sugar from his or her domestic allowance. Even the charwoman will have to provide her own sugar when working at a house unless the mistress gives some out of her own store. The form of registration shortly to be issued will make it dear that only people actually sleeping in the house will be counted in the sugar allowance.


“ Unless we can purchase animals at considerably lower prices than those prevailing at present, I am afraid there is little prospect of the price of beef being reduced locally,” a prominent Rugby butcher informed our representative on Thursday. “ In fact,” he added, “ if we are able to get 2½d per lb profit on cost price allowed by the Food controller, we shall have to advance the price of beef somewhat, although the consumers may expect a little relief in so far as mutton and lamb is concerned.

It is not perhaps generally known that while the price at which stock is to be sold to the government is fixed, up to the present time the butchers are having to buy their cattle in the open market at a figure considerably in advance of that fixed by the Government, and this naturally places the butchers in a very difficult position. Our informant pointed out that the butcher bears practically the whole brunt of the consumer’s displeasure.

“ There is a great deal of talk about profiteering,” he added ; “but anyone who attends Rugby Market and observes the prices we are charged with for the live meat will quickly see who is the real profiteer. It will be quite a new experience for us to make as much as 2½d per lb profit ; that is a figure we have never reached before.”

Several meetings have been held by the Rugby masters butchers during the past week, and the whole of the figures have been most carefully worked out. It was decided that give effect of the Order of the prices for certain cuts of beef would have to be advanced a shade ; but that mutton and lamb must be reduced, in some cases as much as 2d per lb. Great difficulty was experienced in arriving at a decision as regards pork owing to the excessive price of pigs, and it is probable that in this case the price will remain as at present.

At present no price lists have been exhibited in the butchers’ shops in Rugby.


Strong protests against the prices of meat fixed for the New Year by the Food Controller, especially for beef, were made by representative agriculturists at Warwick on Saturday, and there was general agreement during discussion that if an alteration was not made at once there would be a strong tendency towards a meat famine next spring.

Sir E Montagu Nelson said he knew that the Government were making enquiries about putting English meat into cold storage ; but that, he thought, was a question they did not understand. We had storage to keep meat frozen, but not for freezing it, and he did not think it was possible to get any freezing establishments fitted up before January. Apart from the possibility of larger importations, he could not conceive the object of fixing the figure of 60s per cwt live weight of beef in January.

The meeting passed a resolution urging the Food Controller to raise the price to 70 s.


To the Editor of the Advertiser.

SIR, The following is the text of a letter which has been sent to the Chairman of the Rugby Urban District Council by the employees of the B.T.H and which will probably be of interest to your readers.
C H GAY, T FALLA, H YATES, F THACKER, and E A GATEHOUSE, Executive Committee

“Sir,-A meeting representative of all grades of employees of British Thomson-Houston Co. was held this evening and I am directed to acquaint you with the text of the resolutions which were put to the meeting and unanimously passed.

“(1.) That the Rugby Food Control Committee as at present constituted does not command the confidence of the employees of the British Thomson-Houston Co., in view of the fact that its constitution embodies so large a proportion of members whose interests are mainly connected with the sale of food.

“(2.) That consequently it is very strongly urged that the committee should be reconstructed, so no persons directly concerned with the sale of food should remain a member. It is felt that the interests of traders could be fully safeguarded by their incorporation in an advisory sub-committee.

“(3.) That in view of the fact that the employees of the British Thomson-Houston Co, together in their dependants represent at least one-quarter of the total population of Rugby, the B.T.H employees should be asked to nominate not less than three representatives to become members of the committee

“ It is hoped that very careful consideration will be given to these matters at the next meeting on your Council.-Yours faithfully,
E RICHES, Acting Secretary.”


Gunner Sydney Ivens, Warwickshire R.H.A, is in hospital at Warrington with gunshot wounds received on the 21st ult.

Major John L Baird, C.M.G., D.S.O, has been awarded the Croix de Chevalier by the Present of the French Republic for distinguished service rendered during the course of the campaign.

Gunner W D Duncombe, Garrison Artillery, has been killed in action, death being instantaneous. Gunner Duncombe was an assistant a the Leamington Free Library for about four years, and left in 1911 to take up a position in the B.T.H Works at Rugby. He enlisted about 18 months ago. He was a nephew of the late Chief Inspector Edwards.

Pte Frank S Stockley, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, is in hospital at Portsmouth suffering from a broken leg, caused by a fall inot a shell-hole near St Julien. Before joining the Army, Pte Stockley was employed at Messrs Willans & Robinson’s, and subsequently in the Co-operative Society’s Bakery.

Mrs Chadburn, of 18 Oxford Street, has received official information that her son William has been seriously wounded, and is now in Hospital in France. He formerly belonged to the Rugby Howitzer Battery, but was subsequently transferred to the Warwicks. He is 19 years of age.


Sergt-Major Evans, R.F.A, Regular Army, son of Mr Frank Evans, Craven Road, has been awarded the D.C.M for gallant conduct in the field on August 5th. He organised a clearing of killed and wounded men and horses from the wagon lines, which were under very heavy shell fire, thus averting a panic and setting a splendid example. Sergt-Major Evans, who went to France in October, 1914, with the Indian Expeditionary Force, is an Old Murrayian, and also an old member of the 1st Company Boys’ Brigade.


PTE W MORGAN, of Crick, is reported as killed on the Western Front. This is the second son David Morgan has lost in the War. The other son was killed in the Battle of the Marne. Mr Morgan has two other sons serving with the Salonica Force, and a son-in-law a prisoner of war in Germany. A memorial service to Pte W Morgan was held in the Parish Church on Sunday afternoon last.

DISCHARGED SAILORS’ and SOLDIERS’ ASSOCIATION.—A meet of the Rugby Branch was held at the Trades Hall on Sunday, Mr Rose presiding over a good attendance. The branch decided to take action in the case of a local discharged soldier, who, it was stated, came off the funds of his club in order to go to job found him at Coventry. Owing to his lameness he was not accepted, and his club refused to take him back on the funds. A sum was collected for him at the meeting to tide him over his present financial stress. Mr C W Browning gave an address enlightening the members on the position of labour towards the association. Arrangements were also made for a concert and dance in aid of the funds of the branch.

FORTHCOMING FLAG DAYS.—Several official flag days to be held under the auspices of the Urban Council are now being arranged. Saturday, September 22nd, will be observed as Lifeboat Day, and this will be followed by efforts for the French Red Cros, British Red Cross, and the Y.M.C.A Huts. It is hoped that these efforts will meet with a generous response from the general public, and any offers of assistance will be welcomed by the hon organiser, Mr J R Barker.

HORSE CHESTNUTS.—We notice from “ The Spectator ” that it is hoped school teachers will encourage the children to collect horse chestnuts, not for the mysterious games of “ conquerors,” but to help in winning the War. It appears that horse chestnuts can be used by the Ministry of Munitions as a substitute for grain in some important industrial processes. Every ton of chestnuts will save half-a-ton of grain for food, and there are, it is said, 200,000 tons of chestnuts to be picked up. A depot for the receipt of chestnuts will probably be opened in Rugby.


FLETCHER.—In loving memory of my dear nephew, Pte. G. E. FLETCHER, Napton, who died in France from wounds received in dug-out on August 17, 1917 ; aged 19 years..—“ God’s will be done,”—From his loving Aunt TILL and Cousin WILL.

FLETCHER.—In loving memory of our dear son, Pte. G. E. FLETCHER, second eldest son of Dennis and Amy Fletcher, of Napton, who was wounded on August 27th. 1917, and died shortly afterwards in France, aged 19 years.—From his sorrowing Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters.

BADGER.—On August 27th, 1917, at the General Hospital, Rouen, of wounds received in action, ARTHUR FRANCIS, dearly-beloved third son of Charles and Mary Badger, of Shuckburgh Road, Napton, aged 24 years.
“ Alive in our hearts he will ever be,
For love must survive in eternity;
And its just to wait till He bids us rise,
And see the same light in the same dear eyes.”

GILLINGS.—In fondest memory of Rifleman WALTER (Gunner) GILLINGS, R. B., of Dunchurch, who died of wounds received in action August 18th, 1917, aged 25 years.
“ If love, and care could death prevent,
Thy life would not so soon spent;
But God knew best, and He did see,
Eternal life is best for thee.”
—From his Father and Mother, Brother & Sisters.

GILLINGS.—In loving memory of Rifleman WALTER GILLINGS, who died of wounds August 18th, 1917.—From Mr. and Mrs. Fox and Family, Burton Green.

GREEN.—ALBERT (52nd Batt. Canadians), youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Green, of Clifton, killed in action in France, aged 23 years.

SUMMERFIELD.—PRIVATE WALTER ERNEST SUMMERFIELD, 3 Winfield Street, Rugby, killed in action in France Aug. 20th, 1917, aged 25 years.
“ Lost to sight, but to memory ever dear.”


GREEN.—In affectionate remembrance of FREDERICK JOHN, the dearly-loved son of Frederick and the late Louisa Greenfield Green, of 4 Gladstone Street, New Bilton, who was killed in action at Le-Neuvelle, France, on September 7th, 1916.—Sadly missed by his Father, Brothers and Sisters.

HENTON.—In ever loving memory of Cecil Henton, 13th Batt. R.W. Regt., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Henton, Railway Terrace, who died September 9th, 1916, from wounds received in action on the Somme on August 29th, age 20.—For the land he loved and the King he served he gave his life. We who sorrow find consolation in the knowledge that he nobly did his duty and died a hero’s death.

LEE.—In loving memory of Charles Lee, of the 1st Coldstream Guards, who died September 6th, 1916.
“ A year has passed, our hearts still sore,
Day by day we miss him more;
His welcome smile, his dear sweet face,
Never on earth can we replace.
—From his loving Wife and Children.

LEE.—In loving memory of Pte. CHARLES LEE, who died Sept. 6th, 1916.—Never forgotten by his Mother, Dad, Brothers, Winnie and May.

LEE.—In loving memory of my dear son, HERBERT, who was killed in France, Sept. 3rd, 1916.—Never forgotten by his loving Mother, Sisters, Brothers, and Brothers-in-law, Charlie and Bob.

MURDEN—In loving memory of dear husband Pte HENRY MURDEN, killed in action Sept. 3rd, 1916, aged 26.
Had I but seen him at the last
And watched his dying bed,
Or heard the last sigh of his heart,
Or held his drooping head.
My heart, I think, would not have felt
Such bitterness and grief.
But God had ordered otherwise
And now he rests in peace.
Never forgotten by his loving wife.

MURDEN.—In loving memory of ROBERT EDWARD HENRY MURDEN (Bob), the beloved grandson of the late James Murden, Brinklow, and Mrs. James Murden, widow, Rugby, who was killed in action in France Sept. 3rd, 1916, aged 26 years.
He bravely answered duty’s call,
His life he gave for one and all;
But the unknown grave is the bitterest blow,
None aching hearts can know.

WARD.—In loving memory of CHARLES WARD (late of the Rifle Brigade), son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ward, of Brandon, who was killed in action in France, Sept. 3rd, 1916.—From Father, Mother, Sisters, and Brothers. “ A day of remembrance sad to recall.”

1st Sep 1917. French Honour English Lady

FRENCH HONOUR ENGLISH LADY.—On Friday afternoon last week, M. Painleve, the French Minister of War, presented the Cross of the Legion of Honour to Dr Frances Ivens (formerly Harborough Parva), who has had charge of the Scottish Women’s Hospital at the Abbaye de Royaumont for nearly three years. Miss Ivens is also associated with Lady Michelham in the charge of the Michelham Foundation Hospital, Hotel Astoria, Paris, which M. Painleve attended to make the presentation.


Rifleman G Lorriman, of the Rifle Brigade, son of Mr J Lorriman, of 40 Essex Street, Rugby, was wounded in the head on August 19th. This is the second time he has been wounded, the previous occasion being on September, 1916, at Guillemont.

The friends of Sert-Major Hopewell, of the Rugby Howitzer Battery, will be pleased to hear that he has received the D.C.M. Sergt-Major Hopewell has been in the Battery since its formation and went out with it to France three years last March. During the time he has been there the Battery has taken part in a lot of fighting, and recently it has been very severe.

Mr J C Cowley, of Brackley (formerly of Kilsby), Northamptonshire, received on Saturday last a card dated July 15th (written with his left hand), from his son, Second-Lieut R L Cowley. Northampton Regt, who has been missing since the battle of “ The Dunes,” on July 10th. He is in a German hospital wounded in the right arm, and is going on nicely.

Lance-Corpl F H Hadfield, K.R.R, of 4 Charlotte Street, and Pte H A J Barnett, R W.R., of 174 Murray Road, have written home stating that they are prisoners of war in Germany. The news of Pte Barnett’s capture has only just reached his parents although he was taken prisoner on April 28th. Lance-Corpl Hadfield, who was formerly employed by Mr W Flint, wine merchant, was reported as missing five weeks ago.


Mr W T Coles Hodges, of the Murray School, has received information that Rifleman Leslie J Ensor, son Mr J C Ensor, Nottingham, formerly of Rugby, was killed in action on July 10th. Rifleman Ensor, who was 21 years age, enlisted in the King’s Royal Rifles with his brother Claude in September, 1914, and they were drafted to France in July, 1915. For eight months they were in the trenches near Ypres. They were in the second battle of Ypres, and were in reserve at the battle Loos. They were engaged in various “ scraps,” the battle of Arras, and also in a good deal of sanguinary fighting on the Somme, their Battalion being specially commended for the capture of Guillemont. In this battle Claude Ensor was severely wounded, and his brother was also slightly wounded twice, the first time near Trones Wood. He was also buried and slightly wounded near Combles, and after spending four months in England returned France in January last. He was at first sent to St Quinten, and was afterwards moved up to the coast, where he fought his last fight with the K.R.R.s and Northamptons at Lombartzyde. Rifleman Leslie Ensor was battalion bomber, and held the instructor’s certificate for Stoke’s Trench Mortars. His brother Claude has now recovered from his wounds but at present has only the partial use of the left arm. He was recently offered a commission, but declined it, as he preferred to go to Hythe for a course of musketry. He was successful in gaining the first-class certificate and was promoted Sergeant-Instructor in musketry. Both lads stood 6ft 2in and weighed 13 stones, and their fine, manly characters made them popular with all who knew them.


ROLL OF HONOUR.—Another Flecknoe young man, Frederick Cox, lost his life through shell-shock on the 16th of August, in France. In a letter received by the young man’s sister, Miss E Cox, the Colonel of his Regiment—a Battalion of the Royal Warwicks—states that he will be sadly missed by the officers and men. The young man was 24 years of age, and had been in France about 12 months. Before joining the army he was in the employ of Mr Thompson, farmer, of Wolfhampcote Hall, and bore an excellent character.


PRIVATE READER MISSING.—Mrs Reader has received news both from the War Office and the Adjutant of his Company, that Private Gerald Reader, her husband, is missing. Before joining the army he was manager for Mr Udal at Wolston. He was one of a body of men who made a successful raid upon the enemy. He joined the 4th Royal Warwicks, but was afterwards transferred to the Welsh Fusiliers. Much sympathy is felt in the district for Mrs Reader, who has four children, several of whom are very delicate. The day on which he was missing was the 12th anniversary of his wedding day.

ROLL OF HONOUR : MESSRS BLUEMEL’S WORKS LIST.—The above firm has given another proof of its sincere regard for men who have left their works to uphold the honour of their country. Through the instrumentality of Mr W R Glare, the genial works’ manager, who has continually had before him the welfare of not only the men but their dependants, two beautiful and expensive designs have been purchased. These have been mounted and placed in oak frames. The two rolls contain the names of 104 men from the works who have entered the Navy or Army. The records show that 16 have been killed, 27 wounded, two died from the effects of the war, three missing, whilst one is a prisoner of war and one is suffering from shell-shock. All the names have been beautifully inscribed on the two lists, and these are surrounded by artistic illuminations. Although they are not yet placed in a permanent position, a number of residents have viewed them and greatly admired their appearance. It is hoped by several who have had this privilege that it will be an incentive to the surrounding parishes to provide similar rolls of honour. There still remains plenty of space for the names of others who may yet join the forces.


WOUNDED.—Mrs Blackman has received news that her husband has been wounded in the head, shoulder, and right hand. He has been out at the front for nearly nine months. He belongs to the Hertfordshire Regiment, and is well known at Brandon, having been in the employ of Colonel R J Beech a few years ago. Although very deaf from the result of his wound, he is progressing favourably.


MUCH sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs T Nicholas, Lime Kiln Farm, who have received news that their third son, Stewart, who was wounded and missing on September 29th, 1916, is now reported to have been killed on that date.

ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER BY THE POST OFFICE FOR URGENT CENSORSHIP.—The sender of a specially urgent letter for Portugal, Russia, the United States of America, or any neutral country in Europe or America, may secure its specially expeditious treatment by the Post Office and by the Military Censors, by posting it at the counter the Rugby Office, with a special fee of half-a-crown in stamps in addition to the full ordinary postage. No responsibility is taken for delay, but in general letters posted under the special conditions will be despatched appreciably sooner than those posted in the ordinary way.


The harvest prospects, which month ago were of a hopeful character all round, have gradually become less and less satisfactory owing to unfavourable weather conditions, and this week the situation has assumed a more serious aspect, in consequence of the exceptionally severe storms for the time of year. Reports from all parts of the country indicate that very boisterous, stormy weather became general in the course of Monday evening and night, the wind rising to the strength of a gale, accompanied by violent squalls in many districts—apparently the most widespread gale experienced for a long time past. In the Rugby district rain fell with little intermission from Sunday evening till Wednesday midday, and there were heavy downfalls on Thursday.

NO SUGAR FOR MARROW JAM.—The Ministry of Food has officially advised the Liverpool Corporation that vegetable marrows are not fruit within the meaning of the Sugar Domestic Preserving Order (1917) and people are not entitled to use sugar for making jam from marrows.


GILLINGS.—In loving remembrance of Rifleman WALTER GILLINGS, R.B., of Dunchurch, who died of wounds received in action August 18th, 1917.—Though lost to sight, to memory ever dear.—From Annie.—Rest nobly won.

HOLLAND.—Fred (2nd Lieut. Sherwood Foresters), son of Supt. W HOLLAND, Lutterworth, died of wounds at the Liverpool Merchants’ Hospital, Etaples, France, on August, 22nd, 1917, aged 22 years.


OLDS.—In fond memory of Pte. G. Olds, R.W.R, of Gaydon, killed in action in France, Aug. 30, 1916.
“ There are two things death cannot sever,
Love and remembrance live for ever.”
—An Old Friend.

OLDS.—In loving memory of Pte. G. OLDS, Gaydon, killed in action Aug. 30, 1916. Never forgotten by his Mother, Father, Brothers, and Sister.

MASON.— In dearest, proudest memory of my darling husband, Sergt. ARTHUR MASON, Oxon & Bucks, killed in action August 31st, 1916.—Until we meet.

WHITEMAN.—In glorious remembrance of Lance-Corpl. T. WHITEMAN, R.W.R., killed in action in France, September 3rd, 1916.—From his loving wife, Father, Sisters, and Brothers.

17th Mar 1917. High French Honour for Miss Ivens


The French Government has awarded a gold medal, the Medaille des Epidemies, to Miss Mary Hannah Frances Ivens, medical superintendent of the Auxiliary Hospital No. 301 Royaumont Abbey. Miss Ivens, formerly of Harborough Parva, holds the degrees of Master of Surgery and Batchelor of Medicine, and is curator of the Museum and demonstrator in practical pathology at the Royal Free Hospital, and a Fellow of the Obstetric Society of London. Silver, silver-gilt and bronze medals have also been awarded to several nurses at the Royaumont Abbey Hospital.-“ Paris Daily Mail.”


The “ British Weekly ” for last week contained the following :- “ Warm sympathy is expressed for Mr James Maclehose, the distinguished publisher to the University of Glasgow, who has lost his elder son in the War. The young officer was only 19, and he was killed in France on St. Valentine’s Day, 1917. His short career was full of promise and od performance. He was head of the School House at Rugby, where he was a cadet officer in the Rugby Officers’ Training Corps.”


Pte Arthur K Reeve, 13th Royal Berkshire Regiment, died in Queen Alexandra Hospital, Dunkirk, France, on Sunday, March 4th, from spotted fever after two days’ illness. Before joining the Army he was employed by Mr Hollowell, builder, and lived at 16 Cambridge Street. He leaves a wife and two children. Pte Reeve was the third son of Mrs Reeve, 168 Murray Road, and was 41 years of age and an old St Matthew’s boy. The Captain of his Company, in a letter to Mrs Reeve, says her husband’s illness was quite short, and he died after being in hospital two days. The writer adds : ” Your husband was a good soldier and liked by all who knew him. I trust you will find consolation in the fact that he died whilst doing his duty and fighting for King and country, just as much as if he had died in the firing line.”


In response to a request by the President of the Local Government Board and the Director-General of National Service, a committee has been formed by the Urban District Council to conduct the National Service recruiting campaign in Rugby. The Rev T F Churlich and Mr J T Clarke have been appointed joint honorary secretaries, and the headquarters of the committee will be at the Benn Buildings.


Second-Lieut B F McMurtrie has recently been promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to the Headquarters Staff of the Division.

Mr Wm Howkins, of Hillmorton Grounds has received from the War Office an expression of the King’s appreciation of the services of the late Lieut Maurice Howkins, of the Royal Field Artillery, who was mentioned in a despatch from Sir A Murray in October last year for gallant and distinguished service in the field. The letter adds : “ His Majesty trusts that their public acknowledgment may be of some consolation in your bereavement.” Lieut Howkins, it will be remembered, was killed in Egypt.

Second-Lieut Maurice Lewis George Richardson, South Lancashire Regiment, attached to the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, who was killed in action on the 28th ult., was the only son of the Rev Lewis Richardson and Mrs Richardson, of Binley Parsonage, Coventry, and was 19 years of age. Lieut Richardson, who was educated at Oakfield, Rugby, and St. Edward’s School, Oxford, received his commission in June, 1915, and went to the front a year later. For good work done as a bombing officer in January of this year he was mentioned in Despatched.


ELLIOTT.-Killed in action on February 12th, L.-Corpl. HARRY JOHN ELLIOTT, Rifle Brigade, second son of Henry and Ann Elliott, of Bubbenhall.

REEVE.-On March 4th, in the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Dunkirk, France, ARTHUR KIMBALL REEVE, Royal Berkshire Regiment, beloved husband of Frances Amanda Reeve, 16 Cambridge Street, Rugby ; aged 41 years.


ATKINS.-In ever-loving memory of our dear son, who was killed at St. Eloi, France, March 16, 1915.
“ Dear son, we miss thy hand-clasp ; we miss thy loving smile.
Our hearts are broken, but wait a little while,
And we shall pass thy golden gates.
God, comfort us, my son ; God, help us to wait.”
-Ever in the thoughts of his MOTHER & DAD.

ATKINS.-In ever-loving memory of our dear brother, who was killed at St. Eloi, France, March 16, 1915.
“ Had we but one last fond look
Into his loving face,
Or had we only got the chance
To kneel down in his place,
To hold your head, dear brother,
While your life’s blood ebbed away.
Our hearts would not have felt so much
The tears we shed to-day.
So ready to answer the call to the brave,
Altho’ you now rest in a far distant grave.
More or better could any man give
Than to die for his country that others might live.”
-From his loving SISTERS and BROTHERS.

SKINNER.-In loving memory of Pte. GEORGE GAULD SKINNER, 19th Canadians, who was killed by a sniper “ somewhere in Belgium,” March 14, 1915.
“ Oh ! just to clasp your hand once more,
Just to hear your voice again.
Here life to me without you
Is nought but grief and pain.
Could I have raised your dying head,
Or heard your last farewell,
The grief would not have been so hard
For me who loves you well.”
-Sadly missed by his sorrowing wife, CHARLOTTE.

STEEL.-In loving memory of our dear son, EDWARD, who was killed in action somewhere in France, March 16, 1915.
It would ease our hearts to know
How he met his fatal blow ;
But we know he was doing his share
For King and country in the foreign land over there.
-His ever loving father, Mother, Sister & Brothers.

28th Oct 1916. The Boy Scouts – A Record of Useful Work


The annual general meeting of the above Association will be held at the Benn Buildings, High Street, Rugby, on Saturday, November 4th, at 3 p.m. when all those interested in the Boy Scout movement are invited to attend.

After the business—approval of balance sheet, election of officers, etc—the President, Mr Arthur James, will present the Divisional Colours to the 2nd (Laurentian) troop. These colours are awarded quarterly to the troop which has made the greatest progress during the quarter. The Patrol Competition Cup, given by Mr W T Coles Hodges, will also be presented to the winning patrol.

The meeting will terminate with a short display by the winning troop and patrol.

That the Division has been active will be evident from a perusal of the following report prepared by the Assistant District Commissioner :-

GENERAL PROGRESS.—It is encouraging to be able to report that the Division has maintained its strength, in spite of various adverse circumstances. A number of the boys were only waiting to attain the necessary age before joining the Forces, but the loss to the Division has been made up by the additional recruits. The corps of officers has suffered further depletion, due to its members joining the colours, and several troops are in abeyance, or have been badly handicapped from this cause, or due to the remaining officers being so much occupied with some form of war work as to be unable to devote the necessary time to the troops. The 1st (Town) Troop, which has been without a scoutmaster for some time, has been disbanded, but, on the other hand, the 16th (Elborow) Troop has been restarted under the scoutmastership of one of the Clergy ; and the Wolf Cub Pack, composed of boys too young to be scouts, has also been re-started, two ladies having kindly undertaken the office of Cubmaster. The 17th (Frankton) Troop, which had become very small in numbers, has had to be disbanded owing to the Lady Scoutmaster having to resign on account of her health. A satisfactory feature of the year’s work is the increasing efficiency of the Patrol System, under which the boys work together in teams of about eight, under a leader and a second, who are encouraged to take full responsibility for the leadership and instruction of their patrols. The Division now comprises 230 scouts and 18 wolf cubs, 120 of the scouts having passed their second class tests, and 31 being first close scouts. The total number of badges held for proficiency in various subjects is 744, as against 500 last year, and this increase is in spite of the fact that it is the senior boys who have been lost to the Division.

ROLL OF HONOUR.—The total number of members of the Division who have joined His Majesty’s Forces is now 152, 117 of these being scouts, and 35 officers. Three have died in their country’s service.

NATIONAL SERVICE.—The scouts have continued to distribute circulars and notices for various organisations, particularly for the Red Cross Society (V.A.D) and the St Cross Hospital. They have collected some 1,300 eggs for the wounded in the Rugby Town (V.A.D) Hospital. They have also collected waste paper and bottles for various funds, including 2 tons of old newspapers (which realise £8 per ton) for the National Relief Fund, and bottles which have realised about £2, to be given to the St John’s Ambulance Association. Owing to the shortage of labour, the 5th (B.T.H) Troop have provided a squad of boys each Saturday during the summer to assist the Bath Superintendent in cleaning out the Public Baths.

MOBILISATION IN CASE OF AIR RAID.—Although the scouts have been mobilised several times according to the scheme outlined in my last report, there has happily been no occasion for the practical application of their services.

DIVISIONAL COLOURS.—The new system of awarding these Colours according to the marks earned during the quarter, has proved satisfactory in that the Colours have passed from troop to troop, thereby stimulating the interest. Since my last report they have been won for the three quarters as follows :—1st quarter, 9th (Hillmorton) Troop, 2nd quarter, 3rd (St George’s) Troop , 3rd quarter, 2nd (Laurentian) Troop.

CAMP.—Preliminary arrangements were made for the holding of a Divisional summer camp, but owing to various adverse circumstances, and particularly to the inadequate number of Scoutmasters available to take charge, it was reluctantly decided by the Scoutmasters’ Committee, and with the approval of the Executive Committee, that it was impossible to hold such a camp this year. Some troops, however, held successful Troop camps in the neighbourhood, and one or two troops kept weekend camps going during the summer, thereby affording opportunities for the camp training, which is so desirable a feature of the scout movement.


Maurice Victor Eyden (O,R), younger son of Mr Alfred Eyden, of Northampton, formerly residing in the Clifton Road, Rugby, has been gazetted 2nd Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment (Steelbacks), after a course of training in the Inns of Court O.T.C.

Second Lieut Percy W Ivens, son of Mr W Ivens, of Harborough Parva, has recently been gazetted to Suffolk regiment. He joined the army in September, 1914, did six months’ service in France and four months’ training at a Cadet School prior to receiving his commission.


Pte Cooke, of the Royal Warwicks, has been invalided from France, and is now in hospital at Carrington, suffering from bullet wound in the left hand. Pte Cooke, who was an apprentice at Messrs Frost & Sons, went out in November, 1914, and has been through most of the fighting out there in which the Warwicks have been engaged.


Second-Lieut H E Britton, R.F.A, who has died of wounds in France, was employed in the Controller Engineers’ Department at the B.T.H for about twelve years. He was the son of the Rev J Willis Britton, and several years ago he did useful service as a forward for the Rugby Football Club, and he was later a playing member of the Hockey Club. In August, 1914, he joined the Howitzer Battery, and proceeded with them to the front. About twelve months ago he was granted a commission. He was about 34 years of age.


Amongst B.T.H men who have been killed in France during the past month are : Sergt M P O Brown, of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, and Lance-Corpl E P Kittle, of the same regiment. Before the War Sergt, Brown was employed in the Foundry Department, and Lance-Corpl Kittle in the Punch Shop.


PTE A J SMITH KILLED.—Mrs Anderson, Worcester Street, has received official news that her son, Pte A J Smith, was killed in action in France on August 24th last. Pte Smith was a native of Newbold, and belonged to the Oxford and Bucks Light. Infantry. He enlisted soon after the war commenced, and previously was working at the B.T.H. He was a good footballer, and played with the Newbold 2nd Team for several years. Afterwards be joined the New Bilton St Oswald’s team.


SERGT F C VINCENT.—Great satisfaction was felt in Wolston when the local Press announced that he had been awarded the D.C.M. This makes the second honour to a member of the Wolston Football Club. Recently Mr Silas Poxon was awarded the Military Medal, and both were members of the Brandon and Wolston Football Club. Sergt Vincent resided in Wolston for a number of years, and attended the Wolston School. He finished his education at Bablake School, Coventry.


Mr and Mrs White have received news that their son, Corpl W F C White, has been wounded in the thigh, and is now in hospital in Newcastle-on-Tyne. He joined the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry on August 31, 1914, was sent out to France July, 1915, and was promoted Corporal in September last.


REECE BULL HONOURED.—Amongst the names selected for honours in the Service Battalion of the Royal Warwicks in connection with the effort to relieve the Kut Garrison occurs that of Corpl Reece Bull (No. 4022). He is the son of Mr and Mrs Jim Bull, of this village, and has partaken in many actions. He was seriously wounded in France by shrapnel on June 17, 1915, and also injured by falling debris. His many friends offer him their sincere congratulations in the distinction he has attained.

At the Coventry Munitions Tribunal on Thursday in last week the following Rugby cases were dealt with :-

W G Tasker, Rugby, was fined 10s for being absent without leave on Monday night, October 9th.-For losing 50 hours in the nine weeks ending September 30th, Miss P Burton, of Bilton Hill, was fined 10s, to be paid in two weekly instalments.-A similar penalty was imposed on Miss M Sparkes, New Bilton, who had lost 50¾ hours in the same period.

Miss E Rhead, Rugby, was charged with being absent without permission on the afternoon of Monday, October 2nd, and the morning of the following day.—The girl stated that she had taken a friend home in the mid-day interval on Monday, and by the time she had been to the chemist for her it was four o’clock.—The Chairman asked why she did not go back to the factory then ; and she said it was no use going back for two hours. On the Tuesday morning she was expecting a soldier friend from the front, and the train aid not arrive until after the starting time.-The case was declared proven ; but, in view of the expense of going to Coventry and the loss of time, it was dismissed, and she was warned not to come before them again.

C Morbery, Rugby, for being on the premises worse for liquor on the night of October 9th, was fined 10s.——F J Marchant was fined 10s for being absent on October 3rd ; and E R Harratt, Rugby ; A J Pitts, Badby ; and G Dexter, Rugby, were fined £1 each for similar offences.

At the Thursday sitting, A Harrison, Rugby, was fined 30s, to be paid in three weekly instalments, for being absent from the 3rd to the 10th October, both dates inclusive.—In view of the man’s excellent record, the case against E Hall, of Rugby, who was charged with absenting himself on October 3rd, was dismissed.- A Alcock, Rugby, was similarly summoned ; but in view of his previous good record, the case was adjourned for one month.—R H Masters, Newbold, was charged with a like offence. He claimed that he was entitled to these days, as he had worked during the “ rest period ” ; but the firm replied that he asked for Tuesday, and took Tuesday and Wednesday.—The case was dismissed.-J Ireson, Rugby, was summoned in respect of October 3rd ; but wrote stating that he had 14 teeth extracted during the “ rest period.”—Fined 2s 6d for failing to notify the firm.


The Warwickshire War Agricultural Committee have reported to the Warwickshire County Council that 1,479 women had now been registered by the District Sub-Committees, of which number 786 are, or have been working on the land. Of the women registered, a large proportion, owing to domestic ties, are only able to undertake casual work. It was anticipated there will be an increased demand for this class of labour next spring. The Committee add :- Although women undertaking temporary war work in agriculture are able to obtain exemption in almost every case from the employed person’s share of the contributions payable under the National Health Insurance Act, 1911, such exemptions do not relieve the employers of their share the contributions. Farmers do not object to paying the contributions, if the women in respect of whom they are paid can obtain some benefits in return, but having regard to the temporary nature of their employment it is impossible for these women to obtain any benefits, as the periods of their employment are not of sufficient duration to permit of the payment of the number of contributions necessary to qualify for the benefits. Claiming contributions from farmers under such circumstances is an injustice, against which we have protested to the Board of Agriculture, but we regret to say the Government are unwilling to move in the matter.

FARMER : “ Can you cure bacon ?” New Hand (a girl help) : “I’m afraid I can’t. You see, I came as a farm hand—not as a vet.”—From “ Punch.”


A BAD BOY.-The wife of a soldier stationed in Egypt asked for an order for her son to be sent to an industrial school. He was quite beyond her control.-Mr P A Crofts said he knew the case. The boy was quite un-manageable. His mother had flogged him severely, but he only turned round and laughed. He was always stealing.-Supt Clarke : Perhaps she does not flog him right. They don’t laugh when I flog them.—An order was made.


EMERY.—In glorious memory of BDR. ERNEST H. EMERY, who was accidentally killed, whilst on active service somewhere in Greece, October 1st, 1916, aged 19 years.
“ Thou hast done thy life’s work ; enter into rest.”

WILSON.—Killed in action in France on September 3rd 1916, Lance-Corpl S. W. WILSON, Oxford and Bucks L.I., the dearly loved husband of Louisa Wilson, Swinford.
“ Now the labourers task is o’er ;
Now the battle day is past ;
Father, in Thy gracious keeping,
Leave we now thy servant sleeping.”


CATER.—In loving memory of ERNEST CATER, youngest son of the late Francis and Annie Cater, of Watford. Reported missing March 15, 1915. Now presumed to have been killed on that date.

25th Dec 1915. Christmas Arrangements at the Post Office


Christmas is always the busiest season of the year with the Postal authorities, although locally there has not been so much business transacted as is generally the case. So far the busiest day was Monday, the last day for posting parcels to the Expeditionary Force, and a large number of parcels, mostly for France and Belgium, were received on that day.

In order, to cope with the increased business, a number of temporary workers have been taken on, consisting of 13 indoor employees, 13 outdoor men, 12 women letter carriers, and 6 women indoor helpers. The employment of women is an innovation caused by the scarcity of male labour, and it is stated that the fair workers have given every satisfaction up to the present.


The Christmas parcels sent to prisoners of war by the local committee contained a large plum pudding, a cake, packet of “ Force,” a packet of tea, sugar, milk, Oxo cubes, cafe-au-lait, sweets, and some warm clothing, A packet of cigarettes and tobacco was also sent to each man.


The Editor of the Advertiser has received several letters from local soldiers thanking friends in Rugby and district for sending Xmas parcels, and we append a few brief extracts :—

Lance-Corpl O Wilson, 1st Batt R.W.R, writes from a hospital at Birkenhead :—“ I should be very glad if I could have a small space in your newspaper to express my very best thanks to my Newbold-on-Avon friends for a parcel I have received. I have enjoyed the contents very much. It is a pleasure to know that we are thought of while we are away from our home and village. I have just returned from the front after seven months in the trenches. I have seen some stiff fighting, but I have run through quite safe. I have been sent back to England with lumbago and rheumatism through getting so wet in the trenches. I also thank kind friends for presents and cigarettes sent to me in the trenches. I always look forward to receive the Rugby paper, which I have had every week since I have been away.”

Pte W White, B Coy 6th Oxon and Bucks Light Infantry, wishes to thank the subscribers of Bourton and Draycote for a parcel sent by them to him. He adds : “ We have had it rough while we have been out here. The trenches are full of water, but we have to make the best of it, although it is most trying at times.”


Pte A J Curtis, B Coy, 6th Oxon and Bucks Light Infantry, in a letter to the Editor states that there are a large number of Rugby men in his company, and they would be very grateful if someone would send them a melodeon, because several in the platoon can play that instrument, and a little music would brighten up things in the trenches.


To the Editor of the Advertiser,

DEAR SIR,—I shall be much obliged if you will kindly allow me, through your columns, to ask the wives of all the Rugby men in the 1/5th Warwickshire Howitzer Battery and in the 1/7th Warwickshire Battalion now serving in France, to be good enough to send their address and the number, age, and sex of their children, to Mrs Nickalls, Brown’s Farm, or to me not later than January 1st, 1916.—Yours faithfully,

Bilton, Rugby.


Corpl Horace Neeves, of the Warwickshire Yeomanry, elder son of Mr and Mrs S Neeves, of Murray Road, Rugby, has received a commission. He has been gazetted to the Northumberland Fusiliers, and expects to proceed shortly to Bedford for training. Called up with the Yeomanry at the outbreak of the war, he went out in due time with the signalling troop to the Dardanelles, and took part in the famous landing at Suvla Bay on August 21st. He had a very narrow escape from a bullet, which lodged in a thimble carried among his belongings. Subsequently he developed dysentery, and has been for some time in a military hospital in England, but is now convalescent.


Pte J Farren, 1/7th Royal Warwickshires, has been reported wounded.

Capt the Hon O M Guest, Lothians and Border Horse and R.F.C, who is officially reported wounded, is Lord Wimborne’s youngest brother.


Lieut C H Ivens, of Rugby, writing from Suvla Bay, describes a terrible storm—such as one never sees in England—that burst over the trenches on November 26th. The rain came down in torrents, and the thunder and lightning was terrible. They were quickly flooded out, and blankets, bedding, and loose equipment were washed away. Men were wallowing up to their waists in mud and water. Snow followed, and then severe frost set in, with the result that large numbers of men were frost-bitten. Others were dropping down in the water too weak to stand, in consequence of their long immersion in the water and mud. Eventually they were marched off to a place five miles away.


The War Office on Monday afternoon issued the following announcement :

All the troops at Suvla and Anzac, together with their guns and stores, have been successfully transferred with insignificant casualties to another sphere of operations.

In a later announcement the War Office states :

Some further details of the evacuation of Anzac and Suvla have been received. Without the Turks being aware of the movement a great army has been withdrawn from one of the areas occupied on the Gallipoli Peninsula, although in closest contact with the enemy.

By this contraction of front, operations at other points of the line will be more effectively carried out.

Sir Charles Monro gives great credit for this skilfully conducted transfer of forces to the Generals Commanding and the Royal Navy.


The operations in the Dardanelles date back to January last, when a blockading squadron was reinforced by British and French stations, with Tenedos and Lemnos as bases. An attack was made on February 19 on the forts at the entrance to the Dardanelles, and a month later the forts at the Narrows were shelled. The bombardment was resumed on February 25 and 26, but whilst the entrance to the Straits had been cleared, the real defence—the forts at the Narrows—had not been touched. Other attempts followed in March, culminating on the 18th in an attack in force in which two British vessels, the Irresistible and the Ocean, and the Bouvet, of the French squadron, were sunk by mines.

The experience gained by these operations showed that simultaneous naval and land attacks were necessary for success, and the Allied forces, which included the 29th Division that was quartered in Warwickshire for a time, landed on April 25. By almost superhuman heroism a footing was gained at Cape Helles, Sedd-el-Bahr, and the adjacent beaches, and by April 27 the forces had advanced two miles into the Peninsula. Throughout May, June, and July fighting more or less severe took place, and on August 6 the great attack from Anzac (so called from the landing there of the Australian and New Zealand Corps) and Suvla Bay took place. Fighting with splendid heroism, the Australians and New Zealanders gained the summits of Sari Bahr and Chunuk Bahr, but they had to withdraw in consequence of the advance from Suvla Bay not making the progress necessary to consolidate the success. This advance had been entrusted to new contingents, including several yeomanry regiments, of British troops who had only been landed the day before at Suvla Bay.

As the result of efforts during August the British positions were further advanced, after which the operations took on the aspect of trench warfare.

In a recent statement to the House of Commons Mr Asquith stated that the losses in the Mediterranean on land and sea up to November 9 were :

Officers.                       Men.

Wounded                     2,860                          70,148

Killed                           1,504                          21,551

Missing                         356                           10,211

These, with disablements by sickness, makes a total of nearly 200,000.