13th Jun 1919. A Happy Reunion, Rugby Lower School Past and Present


The annual re-union at Rugby Lower School was held as usual this Whitsuntide.

The annual sports were held on Saturday, when there was a good attendance, and some very exciting finishes were witnessed. . . .

The annual general meeting was held on Saturday evening, when the President (Mr. W. J. R. Hartwell) presided over a good attendance, and submitted the report for the past year, as follows :—The Committee congratulates the members on the continued financial prosperity of the Society. The number of new members elected was 16, the membership now being 245, as compared with 229 last year. After careful consideration, it was felt that this was not an opportune time for various reasons to revive the annual dinner, which has now been in abeyance for five years. Instead, a smoking concert had been arranged. Before this time next year peace will, we hope, be concluded, in which case the quinquennial dinner will be held on the Whit Monday, and every member is asked to make an effort to be present, more especially as the Society will then attain its majority. Needless to say, we heartily welcome back those Old Laurentians who have been serving in the Navy, Army, and Air Force ; the total number who have served being, as far as can be ascertained, about 350. Of these, 60 have laid down their lives, 49 have been wounded, 8 taken prisoners of war, and 5 are missing. The distinctions gained include 1 D.S.O, 1 O.B.E. (Military Division), 7 Military Crosses, 2 D.C.M., 5 Military Medals, 1 Meritorious Service Medal, 1 Croix de Guerre, 1 Order of Leopold, and one mentioned in despatches. Some progress towards the provision of a fitting memorial to those who have laid down their lives has been made by the Committee. A fund has been opened, and already amounts to £103 13s. As soon as something definite is settled, efforts will be made to reach every Old Laurentian, inviting them to subscribe. The Committee felt that they would be interpreting aright the feelings and wishes of all Old Laurentians when they considered the possibility of some having lost their lives in the war, and having left behind them children to be educated. It was felt that there may be cases in which assistance could be rendered in providing a secondary education for such boys and girls. Feeling that it is a duty for us to render such help, a recommendation on the matter will be submitted to your consideration to-night. It is with deep regret that we have to record, during the past year, the deaths, amongst others, of Rev. G. J. Powell, who was senior assistant master for some time from the opening of the school in 1879 ; of Mr. T. M. Lindsay, drawing master for 27 years ; also of Mr. R. R. Redfern, President of this Society, 1909-1910. One member of the Committee. Mr. C. A. Eyden, has made the supreme sacrifice. To their relatives, and those of the other Old Laurentians who have passed away, we tender our sincerest sympathy, as also to the Headmaster in the great loss which he has sustained. With regard to the finances of the Society, we brought forward a balance of £45 10s. 7d. The income from the “ Griffin ” and subscriptions has been £30 2s., while dividends and interest amounted to £1 16s. 2d., making a total of £77 7s. 9d. The expenditure amounted to £18 16s. 1d., thus leaving a balance to be carried forward of £58 11s. 8d.. the greater part of which is invested in 5 per cent. Exchequer Bonds. The Committee urge all Old Laurentians. especially those who intend to reside abroad, to become life members, thereby ensuring a permanent link between them and the School, both Past and Present. The cost is two guineas. In concluding, the Committee wish to place on record their appreciation of the work of the hon. Secretary (Mr. Ralph B. Liddington), and to express the hope that a return to a more normal condition of affairs may find the Society enlarging in sphere of usefulness.

The report and accounts, details of which had been circulated at the meeting, were passed, on the proposition of Mr. S. T. Laughton, seconded by Mr. A. C. Marple. . . . Confederation was deferred until the War memorial had been discussed.

In introducing the latter subject, the Chairman referred to the proposal for the erection of a bronze tablet in the school lobby, and asked for further suggestions.

Replying to a question as to whether it was intended to inscribe on the tablet the names only of those who had fallen, the Secretary said they wanted the meeting to decide that point. He also stated that, in addition to the £103 already subscribed, promises had been received for a further £57. The amounts varied from half a crown upwards, also that the list would not be published. He then gave particulars regarding two designs for tablets, sketches of which were exhibited. One, to hold the names of the fallen only, and the other the names of all who had served during the war, the cost being £121 and £310 respectively. The latter, with the fixing and a stone or other surrounding, would ultimately cost about £450. The other suggestions received were for a pavilion, the reconstruction of the organ, and the provision of a plain brass tablet.

Mr. S. T. Laughton said he did not think it would be the wish of the fallen for them to go to an elaborate expense on anything which was not useful. He suggested that the names of the fallen should be inscribed on a brass tablet to be placed in the school, and that the remainder of the money be spent on a pavilion on the school’s new ground.

The Headmaster said it was intended to send circulars to all who had served, and to the families of the fallen, asking for particulars of service. Then to have the names inserted in a book, to be bound and preserved with the School Records, where it would always be a testimony to those who had served during the last four years.

A general discussion as to the kind of tablet and a suitable position followed.

Mr. Collison said he had been asked by an Old Boy to suggest the provision of baths for the school.

Mr. Lister said that in matters like that their difficulty was the great cost of building.

Replying to Mr. Laughton, the Headmaster said that the Parents’ Association proposed to put up a clock as a memorial.

Further discussion followed, and ultimately Mr. W. T. Coles Hodges proposed, and Mr. E. P. Morris seconded, that the first charge on the fund should be the erection in the Big Room of a tablet containing the names of the fallen. This was carried unanimously.

Mr. J. Morton proposed, and Mr. G. J. Daniels seconded, that a sum not exceeding £125 be spent on the tablet, and that the matter be left to the Committee, with the addition of Mr. E. M. Betts. This was also passed unanimously.

Mr. S. T. Laughton suggested the planting of a memorial oak to the fallen, and to this the meeting agreed ; also that the remainder of the money subscribed should go to the proposed Education Fund.

Mr. J. Morton, speaking regarding the Committee’s recommendations, said it appeared as if they were likely to have a fair amount of money which could go to this fund ; he was of opinion that it would enable them to widen its scope, and, if funds permitted, he would like them to consider whether they could not do something to give the boys and girls a start in life after leaving school.

Mr. L. Lubbock proposed, and Mr. J. Morton seconded, that the remainder of the money subscribed be held to form the nucleus of the fund for the education and maintenance of the children of Old Laurentians who, through service in the war, are unable to give a secondary education to their children. This was carried without a dissentient.

The question of the provision of a roll of some kind in the school of those who had been wounded was raised, the matter ultimately being left to the Committee. Consideration of the question of making a levy was adjourned.

The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the President for presiding, and for his services during the year.

IN the latest official casualty list appears the following :—Previously missing, now reported died as prisoner of war in German hands :— Clements, 307487, Corpl. F. (Rugby), R W R.

A letter was read from the Local Government Board to the effect that parish council would be allowed to expend a reasonable amount out of the rates for the celebration of peace, and there was no objection to the proposed arrangement between the Parish Council and Rugby Urban District Council.

A letter was received from the War Office offering the Council a German field gun and carriage on the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant of the County.—Mr. Barnett : We must put it on the green.—The Chairman suggested, in view of the geographical division of the parish, that the Council should apply for two guns, one for each ward.—This was agreed to.

The clerk said he had already approached the War Office, and he had received a reply to the effect that the distribution of guns was being made entirely upon the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant. The number of applications for these trophies far exceeded the number available for such a purpose, but in all cases in which units have substantiated their claims to trophies their wishes are ascertained as to allocation, and as for as possible these are carried out. . . .

Co. Q.M. Sergt. L. E. Pyle. 1st Border Regiment, whose home is at Clifton, has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. He went to the Dardanelles with the 29th Division, and has also served in France. He has signed on for a further period of service.

SOLDIERS’ WELCOME HOME.—The village will be en fete on Monday afternoon and evening when, in the Rectory grounds, a great welcome home will be given to those of the village who have been on active service. There will be a tea, &c., and the Bilton band will be in attendance. Visitors are welcome, and will be charged 1s. Admission, the villagers being admitted free.

SOLDIERS’ SUPPER.—The returned soldiers were recently given a supper in St. Leonard’s schoolroom, the proceeds of a whist drive. They were joined by the Rector and the committees of the War Memorial and others funds. The catering was done by Mr. Wills, who was assisted in the arranging of the tables, etc, by the ladies, of the above committee, Messrs. C. and P. Kimberley and V. Butler. Mr. House, who went through the whole of the South African War and was awarded a medal (Quenn Victoria’s reign), was called upon for a speech. Miss Holden, schoolmistress, was next presented with a gold brooch by Mr. P. Kimberley, an old schoolboy, who had been in different war zones, and lastly in Greece. This was the gift of her old boys, who had through the war. Miss Holden said the brooch would always remain one of her treasured possessions. After the speeches Mr. Cockerill gave selections on a gramophone. Songs were given by members of the party.

WARRIORS’ WELCOME HOME.—One of the most interesting gatherings in the history of the village was held at the new schools last Wednesday evening, when the returned soldiers and sailors were welcomed home. It was unfortunately impossible, owing to many being still with H.M. Forces, to secure the presence of all the men. But they were well represented by the 85 comrades who sat down. The arrangements were in the hands of the Crick Soldiers’ Fund committee, composed of the Rev. H. Hatherley, Dr. Smith, and Messrs. Cowley, Howkins, Jacob, Lewis, Marson, Morgan, F. Towers, and Spatshott. Proceedings commenced with a supper, an excellent repast admirably served by Messrs. Hobley, of Rugby. After the loyal toast had been honoured, Mr. Marson proposed “ The Crick Soldiers and Sailors,” and emphasised the debt of gratitude the village owed to those men who had so worthily upheld its traditions, and in cordially welcoming them home once more, thanked them for their great services. Dr. Smith, in responding, said he wished to lay particular stress on the work of the Soldiers’ Parcels Committee, and especially thanked Messrs. Lewis and Haswell and various ladies associated with them in this work during the war. Major Hemsley said many of the men present were doubtless glad to be free from various irksome, if necessary, phases of army life, and from the delicate attentions of sundry Sergeant-Majors ; but he could assure them no one appreciated more than he did the joy of being in old England once more (hear, hear). A smoking concert followed, during which cigarettes, etc., kindly given by Mrs. W. H. Cowley and Mrs. T. Cowley, were distributed. A delightful and varied entertainment was given by the White Jester Concert Party from Birmingham, whose efforts during the war have been indefatigable. They have given over 100 voluntary entertainments in aid of the Red Cross, etc.

WAR SAVINGS ASSOCIATION.—A public meeting was called last week to consider the advisability or otherwise of closing this branch. There was a very small attendance, besides the hon. Treasurer and secretary only about half a dozen members showing up. After some discussion it was decided to wind the branch up—that is, the adults’ part—as Miss Price has offered to continue the children’s branch, which is doing very well. Since the commencement they have put in £170 5s. 6d. The Association started on July 29, 1916, and the total received up to date is just over £1,700. This includes the two villages, Church Lawford and Kings Newnham. Both Mr. A. Appleby, the hon. Treasurer, and Rev. H. Smith, who was ably carried out the duties of hon. secretary, were warmly thanked for their services. Mr. Appleby, who is leaving the village, was asked to accept the best wishes of the other members of the committee. Thanks were also passed to Miss Price for her work in connection with the children’s branch. At the close of the meeting Mr. Appleby handed to Miss A. W. Townsend 10s., which was left over from the Soldiers’ Christmas Parcels Fund, and this, with a small balance which Miss Townsend has in hand from another source, it was decided to send to the St. Dunstan’s home for blind soldiers.

A FEW WORDS to Employers.

THERE ARE MANY MEN WHO FOUGHT HARD FOR YOU who are ready to work hard for you. They are waiting now for jobs which you have, or will soon have, open. Some of them are receiving Out-of-Work Pay at the Employment Exchanges. They would rather work.

You can help in the great resettlement in industry which is now in progress by notifying existing and impending vacancies for men (or women) to the nearest Employment Exchange.

AMONG THOSE who are waiting are OFFICERS AND MEN OF HIGHER EDUCATION who, having finished Army service, have now to be placed in civil life. Most of these men have proved themselves leaders of men. Is not that a recommendation ? Can you employ them, or, aided by the State, train them ?

If you can employ or train an ex-officer or man of higher education, notify the fact without delay to the nearest District Directorate of Appointments Department (the Post Office will give you the address) or write direct to the Department at St. Ermin’s Hotel. S.W. 1.


Many an officer or man who is “ disabled ” in the military sense is quite fit for civil work. Thousands of these men have been found work.

THERE ARE highly educated women, too—WOMEN FITTED FOR PROFESSIONAL LIFE—who are anxiously seeking positions. Fully trained nurses, also those heroic women who braved danger and disease “ out there,” are now being demobilised and are seeking re-employment.

If you can employ a highly-educated woman, write at once to the Professional Women’s Registry, 16, Curzon Street, Mayfair, W.1, and see if they can help you.

If you want the services of a nurse who has returned to civil life, write to the Nurses Demobilisation and Resettlement Committee, 16, Curzon St., Mayfair, W.1., or in the case of Scotland, 112, George St., Edinburgh.

ALL the necessary Government organisation for resettlement of workers of both sexes and all classes has been set up. But it cannot succeed without your help. By communicating with any of the organisations referred to above you incur no liability. You will be helped as far as it is possible for willing service to help you. You will be put in touch with good men and good women, and you will be spared as much trouble as possible.

WORK MEANS HAPPINESS. To most of those who risked everything when the call of service came it means life.

Will you not co-operate with those whose task it is to effect complete resettlement ?


EVANS.—In loving memory of WILLIAM, the beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Evans (of Thurlaston), late 14th Batt., R.W.R., killed in action June 10, 1917.
“ Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away,
In Jesu’s keeping we are safe and they.
It is enough, earth’s struggles soon shall cease
And Jesus call us to heaven, perfect peace.”
—From Dad, Mother, Sisters & Brothers.

LEE.—In loving memory of Pte. W. LEE, 1st R.W.R., who died at Birmingham, June 5th, from wounds received in action on April 15th, 1918. After much suffering, sweet rest.—Lovingly remembered by his sisters, Polly, Em, and Alice.

LEE.—In loving memory of our dear brother, Pte. WILLIAM LEE, 1st Royal Warwicks, died of wounds received in action in June, 1918.—“ Rest in peace.”—Fondly remembered by his sister Lou and Family at Long Lawford, also brother Dick and Family, Vicarage Hill.


6th Jun 1919. School’s Gift to the Hospital

SCHOOL’S GIFT TO THE HOSPITAL.—The principals of Arnold High School have decided that the school war memorial shall take the form of a gift of a massage couch to the Hospital of St. Cross, which will cost about £20, and last week a concert was given by the children of the Lower School and Kindergarten Department on the lawn at “ Eastfield,” Church Walk, in aid of this object. A good number of friends attended, and an excellent programme of character songs, dances, recitations, physical drill. and instrumental items was given. The children had been trained by Misses Pratt, Taylor, Darby, and Shepherd.

CAPT. A. J. HARRIS, R.E., son of Mr. A. Harris. Dunchurch Road, Rugby, has been awarded the O.B.E. (Military Division) for work done during the final operations on the Tigris with the 17th Division, ending at the battle of Shergat, south of Mosul.


SIR,—The following appeared in your last week’s issue :—The Distinguished Conduct Medal has been awarded to Sergt. E. R. Gilbert. R.E., attached to the 18th Div. Sig. Co., of Rugby. The official report says:—“ On October 28, 1918, near Sherqat, Mesopotamia, during an attack when the enemy’s fire was greatly impeding our advance, he was sent up the side of a spur to locate hostile machine guns. On reaching the top he found one gun, which he immediately charged, killing or capturing the entire team. His prompt and daring action materially relieved the situation.”

With reference to the foregoing it would appear that someone at the War Office has blundered.

My D.C.M. was awarded to me, according to the official account issued in November, 1918, For “ carrying despatches under heavy fire and maintaining continued communication with an isolated Brigade.”

Curiously enough, the place, Sherqat, and the date, October 28th, 1918, are quite correct. I should be very glad if you would correct this in your next issue.—Yours, etc.,

14 Willow Bridge Road, Canonbury, London, N.


To-day we give a list of local subscriptions to the fund for the re-planting of Dunchurch Avenue, the scheme for which was fully described in last Friday’s Rugby Advertiser.

As then stated, the proposal not only aims at the restoration of a famous beauty spot of leafy Warwickshire, but it is further meant to be a memorial to the gallant 29th Division who were billeted in the county before their departure for the heroic fighting in Gallipoli, and were inspected by the King in Dunchurch Avenue on May 12, 1915. To carry out the re-planting scheme the sum of £5,000 is required, and it is proposed to allocate the money as follows :— Monument to the 29th Division, £500 ; alterations to road, £500, re-planting trees, £2,500 ; maintenance, £1,500.

The treasurer of the fund is Mr. Edward Field, of Leamington, and the Rugby Advertiser will be pleased to acknowledge all subscriptions from its readers and to forward the same to him. Two new members of the committee are Lord Algernon Percy and Mr. C. E. Blyth, of Cawston, Rugby. . . . .

Writing in the “ Midland Daily Telegraph,” “ Rover ” says:—Many cyclists have imagined that the glorious avenue of trees that once led from the top of Knightlow Hill practically into Dunchurch village on the London Road were cut down either by a Government that wanted timber or landlord that wanted money. This was not the case. The trees were mostly elms, and the gales of 1915 denuded the avenue of no less than seventy-four of these trees, the roots of which do not take so firm a hold of mother earth as the British oak. The lord of the manor, the Duke of Buccleuch, who owned the grazing rights at the roadside as well as the land on which the trees stood, took expert advice, and was recommended to remove what might have been a source of danger to the travelling public. The result is that one of the pleasantest rides in the neighbourhood has become one of the least interesting. The felled timber lies all along the road, and gives a semblance of a continuous timber yard. As my readers have learned from “ The Midland Daily Telegraph,” a committee of the Warwickshire County Council met the Duke to discuss the question of renovation, and he has offered as a nucleus of the replanting fund to hand over half the net proceeds of the sale of the felled timber, and to renounce his rights over the unenclosed land on which grew the trees. This column is written by a cyclist for cyclists, and I feel sure that I shall not appeal in vain when I ask those who have enjoyed the shade of the Dunchurch Avenue on a hot day to subscribe to this fund. It Should be borne in mind that the avenue when replanted is to be a perpetual memorial to the gallant 29th Division who died in Gallipoli to save the honour and lives of Britons. These brave soldiers were, previous to that unfortunate expedition, reviewed by the King on the Dunchurch Avenue, and were also billeted in Warwickshire. Is it not fitting that a lasting memorial should be erected to their memory, and what is more suitable than the poplars, chestnuts, oaks, beeches, and pines which it is suggested should be planted to fill up the odd five miles of denuded avenue ?

It is also proposed, as you know, to erect a monument to the officers and men of this division, and to enable this to be done, as well as to maintain the tress, the sum of £5,000 is required. I know that the demands on one’s pocket are constant, but whatever we disburse will compensate for the loss of the gallant lives, and the least we can do is to subscribe willingly and generously in accordance with our finances. I always think that a subscription to a memorial should appeal much more strongly to the mind than any other form of appeal. It is a last tribute to the gallant dead, and I hope cyclists will respond heartily. All donations will be acknowledged in the columns of this paper, and the sums received handed to the Treasurer, Mr. E. Field, of Leamington. The proprietors of “ The Midland Daily Telegraph ” (Messrs. Iliffe and Sons, Ltd.) have subscribed £25 to the fund, and the writer appeals with confidence to the generosity of cyclists to see that this section of the community who use the roads assist to attain the required amount as soon as possible. I try to practice what I preach, therefore “ Rover ” has handed to the Editor his smite.


On Sunday the flags used at the Infirmary V.A.D. Red Cross Hospital were deposited in St. Peter’s Church as an act of thanksgiving by the V.A.D.’s and the workers at the hospital. Special prayers of thanksgiving were offered at the celebrating of Holy Communion, and at the evening service, after the anthem “ Praise the Lord,” Mrs. Burdekin (commandant), accompanied by two V.A.D. Nurses, Miss Townsend and Miss Thompson, presented the colours at the alter rails to the priest in charge, the Rev. T. H. Perry. The Te Deum was sung after the Blessing.
It is proposed to hang the colours in the church.

The Dunchurch and Thurlaston District Nursing Association gratefully acknowledge a gift of dressings, linen, and other nursing requisites from Newnham Paddox Red Cross Hospital.


SIR,—In view of the appeal made to employers by the Prime Minister, will you kindly allow us, through the medium of your valued columns, to make a special appeal to local employers of all classes of labour on behalf of our members ?

These are at present a large number of discharged sailors, soldiers and airmen out of employment in Rugby. These men are most anxious to obtain work, but are unable to do so. Many are men who, through wounds, are unable to go to their old trades, but are fully fitted for work where less physical strength is required. It must be admitted by all that this unemployment is bad for the men and worse for the nation.

Is it necessary that all employers should ask for men who have done their particular class of work before ? May we not submit that a little time should be given to teaching men who risked everything for those who are now asked to help them in return ?

There are men willing to work who are suffering in every way from this enforced idleness. The national bill for unemployment pay is mounting up. Under these circumstances we appeal to employers to make their wants known and give the men who have won the great victory and the Peace we are all discussing the first chance, in recognition thereof.

(Signed) J. CAIN, Chairman Rugby & District Discharged Sailors, Soldiers, etc., Association.
A. FARNDON, Chairman Employment Committee.
CHARLES E. JOYNES, Sec. Employment Committee.
40 Railway Terrace, Rugby.


BENNETT.—Died March 22, 1918, or since, Rifleman FRED BENNETT, 17th K.R.R., late A.S.C., aged 22, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bennett, Marton.

DOYLE.—In loving memory of my dear husband, Pte. TOM DOYLE, of Bourton, killed in action, June 6th, 1918, with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
“ No one knows the silent heartache,
Only those can know
Who have lost their loved and dearest
Without saying good-bye.”
“ I miss dim and mourn him in silence unseen,
And dwell on the memories of days that have been.”
—Sadly missed by his loving wife & Children.

DOYLE.—In loving memory of my dear Sons and our dear Brothers, Pte. TOM DOYLE, killed in action June 6, 1918 ; Corpl. FRANK DOYLE, killed in action July 13, 1916 ; Pte. WILFRED DOYLE (BILL), killed in action November 11, 1917, the dearly beloved Sons of Betsy and the late Joseph Doyle, of Frankton.
—Sadly missed by their loving Mother, Sisters, and Brothers.

HANCOX.—In ever loving memory of my dear husband, FRANK, who died of wounds in France, June 5, 1918.—Inserted by his loving wife, Una, Daventry Street, Southam.
Out of the shadows of war into the light of Eternal Peace.

HANCOX.—In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, who died of wounds in France, June 5th, 1918.—Sadly missed by all.
No morning dawns or evening shadows flee without we think of thee.

LEE.—In loving memory of Pte. W. LEE, 1st R.W.R., who died at Birmingham, June 5th, 1918, from wounds received in action on April 15th, 1918. After much suffering, sweet rest.
—Lovingly remembered by his sisters, Polly, Em, and Alice.

TERRY.—In loving remembrance of our dear son, AMBROSE JOSEPH TERRY, R.W.R., who died of wounds on June 7th, 1917.
“ They miss him most who loved him best.”
—From Mother and Father.

30th May 1919. The Chronicles of 55 Squadron


Captain L. Miller, of the R.A.F., now stationed at Cologne, has written a book under the above title—a book which should appeal very closely to members and ex-members of the Squadron. The profits will be handed to a R.A.F. charity, viz., “ The Flying Services Fund,” which is for the benefit of officers, N.C.O.’s and men of the R.A.F. who are incapacitated while on duty and for the widows and dependants of those who were killed or contracted injuries while on duty.

The matter is of interest to Rugby and district, as it will be recalled that 55 Squadron was stationed at Lilbourne during the winter of 1916 and early months of 1917. The Squadron left for France early in March, and during its service on the Western Front took part from the air in the Battle of Arras and Third Battle of Ypres, doing important bombing raids and reconnaissances. Subsequently in October, 1917, it moved down nearer the Vosges sector as the first Daylight Bombing Squadron, of what was afterwards known as “ The Independent Force,” and during its service there was responsible for raids such as those on Mannheim, Cologne, Frankfort-On-Main, Bonn, and in any others, most of which were mentioned in the Press at the time they took place, but of course the identity of the Squadron was not given.

THE DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL has been awarded to Sergt. E. R. Gilbert, R.E., attached to the 18th Div. Sig. Co., of Rugby. The official report says :—“ On October 28, 1918, near Sherqat, Mesopotamia, during an attack when the enemy’s fire was greatly impeding our advance, he was sent up the side of a spur to locate hostile machine guns. On reaching the top he found one gun, which he immediately charged, killing or capturing the entire team. His prompt and daring action materially relieved the situation.”

DEATH OF AN OLD VOLUNTEER.—The death took place on Wednesday in last week at his residence, 8 Earl Street, of Mr. Harry Barnett, aged 49. He was for many years a member of the Old Rugby Volunteer Company, and soon after the commencement of the war he enlisted in the Bridge Guarding Companies. He was subsequently sent to Egypt and India, where his health broke down, and he arrived home on May 1st a physical wreck, only to die three weeks afterwards. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. T. H. Perry (St. Peter’s) in the Cemetery on Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large number of friends and sympathisers. The coffin was covered with a Union Jack, and a firing party was provided by Rugby Volunteers, under the command of Sergt.-Major W. H. Cluett. A number of wreaths were sent by relatives and friends.


On Friday last a parish meeting was held in Newbold Council School. The object was to receive the report of the War Memorial Committee. The meeting was most disappointing, as excepting the ten members of the committee, only about six villagers were present.

Mr. Martin said if this was representative of the interest taken by the parishioners, it seemed to be a foreboding that the whole thing would be a failure.

In the absence of Mr. C. E. Boughton-Leigh, the chair was taken by the Rev. J. B. Hewitt, who said the design for the monument had been decided upon and a site for it chosen. It was between the church and the road.

Mr J. P. Cox proposed, Mr. Harvey seconded, and it was unanimously agreed that the design placed before the meeting be provisionally accepted.

Alter discussion it was decided, on the proposition of the Rev. J. B. Hewitt, seconded by Mr. E. Dodson, that the meeting be adjourned until some future date, when it is hoped a more representative gathering will be present.

[drawing] Our illustration shows the design prepared for the memorial. The site chosen is in the churchyard, opposite the north porch. The idea upon which the design is founded is that the names of the fallen should be recorded on bronze tablets framed in stonework designed in the Gothic style in keeping with the architecture of the Church, and that the whole should be surmounted by a cross. The base of the structure is octagonal in shape, being divided into four wide and four narrow panels. The latter will be left blank, but the four wider panels will contain the bronze tablets. On three of these tablets will be recorded the names of the fallen, and on the fourth will be an inscription and particulars as to when and by whom the memorial was erected. It is also intended that a text should be incised in the stonework on the band running round near the base. The material proposed is a reddish-brown freestone similar in colour to that of which the church is built. The height of the monument will be about 15 feet. The total estimated cost is between £275 and £300.

The design is the work of Mr. S. J. Oldham, M.S.A., of Rugby.


The question of the reinstatement of the famous Dunchurch Avenue is again cropping up. It was in 1917 that the lord of the manor, the Duke of Buccleuch, found it necessary to take action with a view to safeguarding the traffic along the famous road. The elm trees, many of them planted so long ago as 1740, were becoming increasingly dangerous, and finally, after a negotiation of several months’ duration with the Warwickshire County Council, the menace was removed by the felling of the trees, and the beautiful old avenue reduced to the naked unwonted appearance it now bears.

We have called attention to the matter in the Rugby Advertiser several times, and suggested that, seeing that the King on March 12, 1915, reviewed the immortal 29th Division on the London Road, in the parish of Stretton-on-Dunsmore, shortly before they went to become heroes at Gallipoli, there was an opportunity of erecting a lasting monument to the brave fellows who fell.

Since then the project has developed, and a committee has been appointed, consisting of the Chairman of the Warwickshire County Council, Lord Algernon Percy, Capt. Oliver-Bellasis (chairman of the County Roads and Bridges Committee) ; the Mayors of Coventry, Leamington, Nuneaton, Stratford, and Warwick ; County Aldermen the Hon. H. Arden Adderley and Mr. T. Hunter ; Capt. Wratislaw ; Messrs. Harry Smith, J. J. McKinnell, C.C., James Johnson, C.C., and F. R. Davenport, C.C. The Mayor of Warwick (Mr. Austin Edwards) is acting as treasurer and hon. secretary to the fund.

This body has been actively engaged in considering re-planting proposals, which are as follow :—
Commencing at the Coventry end of the Avenue, to plant the trees on the unusually wide margins of the road in the following order :—
Canadian poplars, 29.
Red chestnuts, 53.
Montana elms, 143.
Scarlet oaks, 149.
Beeches, 82.
Scotch pines, 90.
The trees will be planted about 50ft. apart except that the last 40 or 50 (Scotch pines) will be arranged in clumps.

The full length to be planted is 8,753 yards, and the total number of trees 546, with 78 extra as a reserve against failures.

£5,000 REQUIRED.
For this important work, together with the provision of a monolith as a memorial to the men of the 29th Division, the sum of £5,000 is required. That sum will be spent thus :—
Monument……………………… £500
Alterations to road……………. £500
Re-planting trees……………… £2,500
Maintenance…………………… £1,500

When the matter of a permanent memorial and organised action was first mooted Mr. A. E Donkin appealed to the people of Rugby on behalf of the scheme, and himself got up a concert in the Temple Speech Room in aid of the fund. As a result he was able to forward £35, but there was such apathy in the matter among the public generally that the town has done nothing more. The opportunity now recurs, for our contemporary —the “ Midland Daily Telegraph ”—has opened a subscription list, and has given a donation of £25. The Rugby Advertiser is sending five guineas to the fund.

If any of our readers would like to be associated with this public-spirited movement, and would care to send donations to the Editor of the Rugby Advertiser, he will see that they are forwarded to the proper quarter and duly acknowledged.

In helping forward this project for re-planting, the public will be aiding a worthy cause in a two-fold way. They will ensure by reason of the restoration of the Avenue that coming generations will enjoy a similarly delightful scene ; they will also be taking part in the provision of a memorial to the heroes of the gallant 29th Division.

A calculation over a considerable portion of the distance, and counting both sides of the road, shows that 20 trees to every 100 yards have been felled. At this rate some 1,000 trees have taken from the famous Avenue, but the figure can only be very roughly estimated.

At a meeting at Leamington, re the Dunchurch Avenue Fund, for the purpose of supplying a suitable memorial to the 29th Division, Mr. S. C. Smith, the hon. secretary, reported that there was a balance in hand of £589 19s. 5d.

Application has been made to War Office for two German guns captured by the 29th Division, which would form part of the Memorial. Delays have occurred in preparing the site for the memorial owing to the shortage of labour. Mr. Bridgman, of Lichfield, the architect appointed, attended, and the question of adding some wide stone steps to the memorial was discussed. It way decided that Mr. Bridgman should submit models of the memorial, with and without the steps, and then a discussion could take place as to which form the memorial should take.


The final meeting of the Rugby Waste Paper Committee was held on Monday, Mr. J. J. McKinnell, J.P., presiding.

The Hon. Secretary (Mr. J. Reginald Barker) outlined the work accomplished during the 18 months’ activities of the committee. Over 41 tons of waste paper have been collected, the greater part being through the efforts of the boys of Murray and Elborow Schools. Messrs. Willans & Robinson, Ltd., had disposed of their office waste to the committee, devoting the proceeds to local charities ; and the boys of St. Oswald’s School, New Bilton, under the direction of Mr. W. A. Sheppard, and Bilton C.E. School had also assisted in the collection. A number of private purchases had also been made from persons who had given the money to charity. From time to time the committee had met and voted grants, including the following :— Rugby Prisoners of War Fund, £44 4s ; Hospital of St. Cross, £10 ; District Nursing Association, £10 ; St. John’s Ambulance, £10 ; Hamilton Home, £10 ; Rugby Town Red Cross Society, £10 ; and Willans & Robinson, Ltd., £10. They had had to purchase three trucks, but had sold one. There remained a disposable balance of £28 and two trucks, both having been recently repaired, painted, and put into quite new condition. Mr. Barker proposed that, in recognition of the services of the boys of Murray and Elborow Schools, the committee give these trucks to the schools, and upon being carried, Mr. W. T. Simmonds and Mr. Coles Hodges expressed their thanks, remarking that they would be extremely useful to the boys in many ways.

A discussion arose as to the best means of disposing of the balance in hand ; and the Hon. Secretary having stated that the Bilton collections had been made with a view of helping their local war memorials, the committee unanimously decided to give £10 to New Bilton per Mr. Sheppard, and £3 to Bilton per Mr. J. W. Higgie for that purpose. Other grants made were : £5 to Rugby Nursing Association, £5 to Hamilton Home, and £5 to Messrs. Willans & Robinson for any charity they cared to name.

The Chairman expressed his thanks to all who had helped in making the collections financially successful, not only to the advantage of the local institutions, but the nation also during the serious paper famine. He specially referred to the work of the boys of the schools under the supervision of Mr. Simmonds & Mr. Coles Hodges, and asked these gentlemen to convey to their boys the great appreciation of the committee for all they had done.

Mr. Coles Hodges said it had been very hard work for the boys, and he doubted if anyone other than those actually concerned in the collection realised what a vast amount 40 tons of loose waste paper represented and the work entailed in handling same.

On the proposition of Mr. Simmonds, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman.


CONOPO.—In affectionate remembrance of our dear son and brother, WILLIAM CONOPO, who lost his life on H.M.S. Queen Mary, in the Battle of Jutland, May 31st, 1916.
“ Three years have passed since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away.”
Gone from our home, but never from our hearts.
—From his loving Father, Mother, Brothers, and Sisters.

GRANT.—In proud and ever-loving memory of our two sons, HARRY GRANT, Rifleman, 4th Batt. Rifle Brigade, “ missing ” during the night of the 8th-9th May, 1915, whilst out on advance post duty near Ypres, since presumed to have been killed in action on that date, and now in absence of any further news, confirmed, third son of George and Elizabeth Grant, of Newbold-on-Avon, aged 22. Also, on the 12th August, 1916, ERNEST GRANT, Acting Corporal, 3rd Batt. Rifle Brigade, previously wounded, killed by a sniper whilst out at night digging advanced trench with his section at Guillenmont, near Cobbles, second son of George and Elizabeth Grant, aged 26.
“ So they passed on, out of the warfare of the world into the peace of God.”
“ Their lives were perfect in loving unity,
And in their death they were not divided.”
E’en as they trod that day to God, so walked they from their birth,
In simpleness and gentleness, in honour and clean mirth.”

HALE.—In loving memory of my dear husband, PTE. A. G. HALE, killed in action May 28th, 1918. Gone, but not forgotten by his loving wife.

INGRAM.—In ever loving memory of my youngest and dearest son, PTE. LEONARD INGRAM, who died from wounds in France, May 29th, 1918. Never forgotten by his broken-hearted Mother and Brothers Joe, Arthur, and Val.
“ Forget him, No ! we never will ;
We loved him here and we love him still ;
Nor love him less because he’s gone
From here to his eternal home.”
“ God in His tender care His loved one keepeth,
And softly whispers to our hearts, ‘ He is not dead, but sleepeth.’”

SHARMAN.—In ever loving memory of PERCY J. SHARMAN, son of S. and F. Sharman, Queen Street, Rugby, reported missing 21st March—1st April, 1918, now presumed to have died on or about that time. He paid the big sacrifice and left his friends mourning.


23rd May 1919. Rugby Scouts who have Fallen.


A memorial service to the Rugby Scouts who fell during the war was held in the Parish Church on Wednesday evening. The troops assembled at the Murray School, and, headed by the B.T.H. Military Band, marched to the church via Murray Road, Whitehall Road, Hillmorton Road, High Street, Church Street, returning after the service via Clifton Road and Bath Street to the school. The arrangements for the service were in the hands of the Rev. T. F. Charlton. In the unavoidable absence of the District Commissioner (the Earl of Denbigh) owing to an engagement in London, and the County Commissioner (Lord Leigh), who was on official duty in connection with the Royal visit to Birmingham, the parade was in charge of Assistant District Commissioner C. C. Wharton, with Scoutmaster W. T. Cols* Hodges as his adjutant. Major Claude Seabroke, who is a vice-president of the Scouts ; Mrs. Seabroke, secretary of the Girl Guides’ Association, and Mr. J. J. McKinnell, a member of the Executive Committee of the Scouts, also attended the service. The whole of the nave was reserved for the Scouts, which they more than half-filled, and there was a considerable number of the public also present. The service was conducted by the Rev. T. F. Charlton and the Rev. R. B. Winser.

The Rev. T. Charlton read the list of names of the fallen as :—
S.M. I. B Hart-Davies, A.S.M.’s D. Hay, R. V. Wilson. H. J. F. Irving and J. Spencer, P.L.’s W. Lintern, C. Batchelor. S. Stibbard, B. Whitbread, S. H. Dicken and M. B. Andrews, 2nd P.L.’s W Page and R B. Pebody, Scouts C. S. Collins, L. S. Docker, S. Elliott, J. H. Jenkins, F. Moloney, H. Smith. W. Packwood, J. Seymour, T. Shone, E Colston, J. E. Bassett, W. Gibbs, H. Lister, and F. P. Watson.

The rev. gentleman remarked that these were all they had a record of. He also read the Scout promises, and the Scouts then repeated their pledge after him. The “ Last Post ” was sounded on bugles by A.S.M.’s Rufford, Herringshaw, and Donald Herringshaw, of the 5th Company, followed by the reveille. While this was done the colours were held by other Scouts standing at the foot of the chancel steps. The service concluded by singing three verses of the National Anthem.

Vicar and Mrs. Lever Still Hopeful.

The retiring Vicar [of Hillmorton] received intimation on the 19th October that his youngest son, 2nd Lieut. H. B. Lever, was wounded on the 14th October. He joined the Colours June 10th, 1916, and after four months’ training at Tring left for France, and was slightly wounded in the left hand in battle on Easter Monday, 1917. On June 10th, 1917, he returned to England to take up a Commission. His Cadetship was spent at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and he was gazetted to the 5th Bedfords at the end of November, when, after four months at Crowborough, he crossed to France and shortly afterwards took a course of training in the Trench Mortars. The following letter was received by the Vicar, October 18, 1918 :—It is with great regret that I write to say that your son, 2nd Lieut. H. B. Lever, is wounded and missing. I have been all over the ground where the fight took place, and found his service book, but no other trace, and so there is every hope that he is a prisoner. I have very good evidence that the enemy were taking care of our wounded. He took part in an effort to get across a canal, and for the moment we were driven out. He had gained a great reputation with the Battery, and the men are full of praise for him, as also are the officers and men of this Battalion. Any news of his being a prisoner will come direct to you, and I should be glad if you would let us know if you hear, especially as I feel more than usual interest, as I know your district well.—Yours sincerely, alfred S. Mayne, C-F. C/E, H.Q., 1st Worcester Regt.

The following letter was received by Mrs. H. B. Lever on October 15, 1918.—Dear Mrs. Lever,—I am afraid I have to write and tell you that your husband was wounded on the 14th inst, by an enemy machine gun, and was, as far as I can ascertain, taken prisoner soon after. The information I can get is very scanty, as the whole of the detachment under his command also failed to come back, with the exception of one man, who was wounded early in the action, and was evacuated to hospital before I could see him. Your husband was co-operating with an Infantry Company on a very gallant action which had to be undertaken. I have interviewed the only surviving officer engaged, and he told me that the services rendered by your husband were invaluable, and that his bravery was magnificent. He had silenced several enemy machine guns, thereby saving for the time being many lives. His servant was with him when he was wounded, and was carrying him back when he, too, was shot. Your husband was last seen lying on a stretcher waiting to be evacuated when it was found that the Company was completely surrounded and outnumbered. We all trust that he is now a prisoner, and that he will recover from his wound, as he was captured soon after being hit. A search party was sent out to find him as soon as it was dusk, but they were unable to obtain any trace, and so I think we may hope that he will be safe. I will personally see that his kit is packed and forwarded in the usual way. Of your husband I cannot speak too highly. He was a man who I am proud to have had the privilege to have served with. His personal bravery under fire was known by everybody. On the 7th of this month his own gallantry saved a critical situation, and his conduct on that date has been spoken of by all the officers in the Brigade. He was respected and admired by all who knew him, his men trusted him implicitly, and we, his brother officers, cannot yet realise our loss. To us he is irreparable, both on parade and in the Mess. Please accept my sincerest sympathy, for though his loss to us seems everything, I believe I can realise vaguely what it means to you. There is hope, and I confidently believe that he will return to you when all this is settled.—Yours very sincerely, Robert E Barringer (Major).

The Vicar and Mrs. Lever most sincerely thank the parishioners for their kind sympathy in their great anxiety. They are still hopeful, as they have heard from a repatriated prisoner that their son was seen in a casualty clearing station some days after the action.

WELCOME HOME.—In continuation of the Baptist Sunday School Week, a supper and concert were given in the schoolroom on Tuesday evening last week to the old boys who have returned from the Army. About seventy invitations were sent out, and upwards of 40 old boys accepted. The Rev. J. H. Lees presided, and the church deacons present were : Messrs. G. H. Hardwick, J. A. Cooke, F. Cox, F. A. Parker, J. J. Thompson, and E. A. Greer. After an excellent supper, the Chairman imposed the loyal toast, and cordially welcomed the guests. A short address of welcome was also given by the church secretary, Mr. J. J. Thompson. Mr. W. Hill paid a tribute to the fallen, which was honoured in silence, and the health of the boys who have not yet returned, and of those who have returned, were proposed by Messrs. F. A. Parker and J. A. Cooke respectively, and responded to by Sergt.-Major Avery (who was home on leave) and Mr. Norman Harris. An excellent programme of music, etc., was supported by Mrs. Hutton, Miss Spencer, Messrs. H. Cawthorne, H. Birkett, Wheatley (cornet), Sladen (concertina), and Oewn (comedian). Mrs. R. C. Herron was the accompanist.

The following men of the Northants. Yeomanry have been awarded the Croce di Guerra by the King of Italy : Sergt. R. M. Allan (Clifton) and W. C. Berry (Rugby). Sergt. L. Pedley (Rugby), of the Northants Regiment, has also been awarded the Croce di Guerra.


SIR,—I am sending this letter to you, hoping you will find a little space for it in your valuable paper.

In am one of the Rugby Fortress Company, RE, and, as you know, we were formed in May, 1915, and during the three years and four months, during which time we have been in Egypt, not one-sixth of the Company have had “ Blighty ” leave—and our unit is not an isolated case either. Perhaps the people of Rugby, like everybody elsewhere, have the opinion that we have had a soft job out here, and do not want to get home. But such is not the case, I assure you. I will admit that we have not had such heavy fighting on this front, but we have had various other things to contend with.

My object in writing to you is to give you some idea of our chances of getting home, which at present amount to nil. Since the Armistice was signed not more than 35 of our chaps have been demobilised out of a strength of 150. What about the officers ? They have all been on leave to “ Blighty,” and one has gone home again, having signed on for the Army of Occupation. The officer who brought us out went on leave about May last year, and was recalled just before last Christmas. He is now following his civilian profession.

Now we come to the part which is getting our “ backs up.” Our present O.C. came back from “ Blighty ” leave in the first week of January this year, and probably before this letter is published he will be home again. No doubt it is another leave, but a permanent one.

Now I ask you : Is this fair treatment ? I know what my answer is—a big NO ! When he has gone we shall be left in charge of fresh officers, who, no doubt, will have very little interest in us. But I sincerely hope that our new O.C. will do more for his men than the old ones have done.

Hoping you will kindly publish this letter, and thanking you in anticipation,—Yours, &c.,
Egypt, May 4, 1919.


The suggested dates for the national celebrations in connection with the declaration of peace—i.e., August 3, 4. and 5—do not meet with the approval of the local Peace Celebration Committee, and at a meeting on Tuesday evening the Urban District Council decided to write to the Local Government Board, suggesting that the celebrations should be put off till the end of August, which is usually regarded as the holiday month.

The question arose as a result of a letter from the committee asking the Council to grant £667 for expenses in connection with the celebration as under :—
Bands . . . . .£150
Fireworks … .. .. 223
Decorations . . . . 125
Procession . . . . . . 70
Entertainments . . . . 52
Sports and Ground . . . 45
Total . . . . £667

As regarded the provision of dinners for the old people and teas for the children, these would he provided by public subscription. The letter went on to state that the committee regarded the dates fixed as unsuitable and as likely to greatly reduce the support and attendance at the events proposed by the committee. They had decided to pass no resolution on the matter, pending official confirmation. A programme of events, which has already been published, was enclosed.

The Chairman (Mr. W. Flint) pointed out that one of the objections to the proposed dates was that the schools would then be closed, and if they wished to give a treat to the scholars it was essential that the schoolmasters and mistresses should be available to look after the children. He wished to know the feelings of the Council, and whether they would like to make any recommendation on the matter, because, if so, it would be wise to do so at once. During the early part of August many people would be away from home, and a large number had already made arrangements for that week. These people, however, would naturally prefer to be at home for the peace celebrations.

Mr. Hands suggested that the Council send a strong letter of protest against the proposed dates. If the date suggested by the Local Government Board was adopted, it would mean that hundreds of thousands of people up and down the country would be unable to take part in the festivities in their own towns. It was unfair to expect them to hold their festivities with the town depleted by at least one-third of the inhabitants.—Mr. McKinnell asked if the pronouncement had been declared authoritative. It had been stated in “ The Times,” but not in Parliament.—The Chairman : It was contradicted the next day.—Mr. Yates also spoke in opposition to the suggested dates, and said that at such a time people naturally wished to rejoice at home and amongst their own friends. The holiday month was not suitable for such festivities.—Mr. Hands pointed out that the later in the summer the celebrations were held the better it would be for the firework display. People would not want to look at the works in the daylight.—A resolution in the terms outlined above was passed.

With regard to the financial aspect of the letter, Mr. Linnell said Mr. Wharton had given definite estimates, but he hoped the Council would regard them as approximate and not tie the Committee down to these exact figures.—Mr. Wise agreed, and moved a resolution to the effect that the Council approve generally of the scheme prepared by the Peace Celebration Committee, and authorises the expenditure from the district fund of such sums as are approved and passed by the Committee’s Finance Sub-committee. He thought such procedure was in order, but whether the auditor would consider such expenditure reasonable it was impossible to say. He did not wish a resolution to be put down suggesting definite figures which the Committee would have to keep these or come to the Council every time they wanted to alter anything, and two or three things would want alteration if the celebration was held in August. Moreover, no credit had been allowed for what they might receive from New Bilton. New Bilton was to be included in the festivities at Rugby, and the New Bilton representatives on the committee were of opinion that when a rate was levied on Bilton the New Bilton share would be handed over to the Rugby Committee. This would probably amount to between £50 and £60.

The Clerk said he wished to utter a word of warning. They must be very careful about the rates from a neighbouring parish being spent in Rugby or any of Rugby’s rates being spent in another parish. Moreover, he doubted the ability of New Bilton to raise a rate.

Mr. Wise replied that the rate would he levied over the whole parish, and the arrangement was for the New Bilton share to be paid over to the Rugby Committee.

Mr. Stevenson said he did not agree with the proposal to leave the financial decisions in the hands of the Peace Celebrations Committee. This should be managed by the Council’s Finance Committee. These were gentlemen on the Finance Sub-committee of the Peace Committee who were not members of the Council which was responsible to the people.

The Chairman : Mr. Wise is Chairman of that Committee, and Messrs. McKinnell and Foxon are members. The only person unconnected with the Council is Mr. Fraser, so we are quite safe. We all know how Mr. Wise looks after the interests of the town.

Mr. McKinnell : Mr. Davenport is a member.

Mr. Wise : And Mr. Whiteley.

Mr. Stevenson : I have no doubt with regard to the Committee. It is the principle.

Mr. Wise said he shared Mr. Stevenson’s feelings in the matter, but the whole thing had been allowed to pass out of their hands. Like Topsy, the Committee had “ growed,” and no one knew how it had grown. While the principle expounded by Mr. Stevenson was quite right, they had now reached such a stage when it was impossible to proceed upon it, but he could assure them no excessive expenditure would be passed by the Finance Committee. In fact, he would be prepared to bring any matter he thought fit before the Council. He was not afraid of being in a minority of one.

The resolution was agreed to.


BARNETT.—On May 21st, at 8 Earl Street, Rugby, 203588 Rifleman HENRY ALFRED JOHN BARNETT, only son of Mrs. Barnett, aged 49 years.—R.I.P.


BASKOTT.—In loving memory of Pte. Edward Baskott, second son of Walter and Elizabeth Baskott, late of Rugby, died of gas poisoning May 14, 1918, at the 1st Australian Hospital, Rouen. “ They miss him most who loved him best.”

BRADSHAW.—In loving memory of Corporal F. J. Bradshaw, Royal Engineers, killed near Bailleul, May 23th[?], 1918. Deeply mourned by his brothers. “ Sleep on, dear brother, and rest in peace.”

HUDSON.—In loving memory of Henry John Hudson, of New Bilton, who died in Chatham Naval Hospital, May 20th, 1917.

MASON.—In loving remembrance of Arthur Alec Mason, od Long Buckby, who was lost on H.M.S. Goliath in the Dardanelles, May 13th, 1915.
“ Until the day breaks.”

PERRY.—In loving memory of Pte. A. J. Perry, Royal Marine L.I., who died of wounds in France, May 22, 1917.
“ Fresh in our hearts his memory clings,
Yet still out grief is sore :
Not dead to those who loved him,
Not lost, but gone before.”
—From Mother, Brother, and Sister.

VICKERS.—In loving remembrance of our dear son-in-law, Sergt. T. C. Vickers (Tom), Warwick Yeomanry, torpedoed on Leasow Castle May 27th, 1918.
“ Oh ! For the touch of a vanished hand,
For the sound of a voice that is still.”

16th May 1919. Rugby Lady Honoured, Dr. Frances Iverns’ War Work Recognised


There was a large and representative gathering at the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh, where the Scottish Women’s Hospitals held a reception in honour of Miss Frances Ivens, M.S., M.B., on the occasion of her return from Royaumont. Among those present were Lady Salvesen, Sir George and Lady Berry, Sir Robert and Lady Cranston, Sir John and Lady Cowan, Sir Edward and Lady Schafer, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Drummond, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Williamson, Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers Watson, Dr. Ethel Cassie, Dr. Marian Erskine, Dr. Mary MacNicol, and Miss S. E. S. Mair.

Sir George Berry presided, and Dr. Ivens gave an account of her experiences from the time she first went out in December, 1914. She was appointed to take charge of the hospital unit sent out to work under the French Red Cross. The unit was installed in the Abbaye de Royaumont, and for her services there she was decorated by the French President with the Cross of the Legion of Honour. In 1917 she was asked to take charge of an advanced hospital at Villers Cotterets. Work was continued there until May, 1918, when the advance of the enemy made it necessary to evacuate. Many of the patients and all the staff went to Royaumont, where the work was exceptionally heavy for some months. The number of beds had been increased from 100 to 600, and the hospital was taken over by the French military authorities. In recognition of her services during the bombardment and evacuation of Villerss Cotterets, the French Army bestowed on Dr. Ivens the Croix de Guerre avec Palmes.

Dr. Ivens and Miss Ruth Nicholson, M.B., B.S.. were also entertained to luncheon by the committee. Miss S. E. S Mair presiding. There were also present Mrs. James Hunter (chairman). Mrs. Lawrie (hon. treasurer), and Miss Frances Simson (President of the Scottish Federation of Societies for Equal Citizenship).


“ We have not forgotten you in the years of war. We should be very glad to see again all you who have come back, and we are sure you would like to meet your pals.”

In these words the congregation of St. Philip’s Church invited the returned sailors and soldiers of the district covered by the Church to supper and a concert in the St. Philip’s Hall on Wednesday, the 7th inst., and the result was a merry and enjoyable party. About 240 invitations were sent out, and upwards of 150 men responded to the invitation. The arrangements were made by the Rev. R. B. Winser, priest-in-charge, assisted by the Church Council and Ladies’ Guild, and no effort was spared to make the gathering what it subsequently transpired to be—a first-class success. The large room had been tastefully decorated with flags and bunting, and to add to the comfort of the guests, and to maintain the room at a moderate temperature, Mr. J. C. Harratt installed three temporary electric lamps, thus obviating the use of gas.

Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. J. Such, who was responsible for the catering, an excellent supper, reminiscent of pre-war days, and consisting of ham and tongue, roast beef, veal, plum puddings, jellies, and innumerable pasties, was served up by members of the Ladies’ Guild, the choir, and congregation. After supper cigars and cigarettes, kindly given by Mr. F. van den Arend, were handed round, and after the tables had been cleared, an excellent concert was given.

During an interval in the programme Mr J. C. Harratt extended a very hearty welcome to the guests on behalf of the congregation and friends of the Church, and said he was pleased that the invitation had been accepted by so many. During the past four years they had been engaged on a very unwelcome task, which they had carried to a successful conclusion, but during the whole of those four years their friends had met in St. Philip’s Church week by week to think of them. They had looked forward to the time when they could welcome them back, and he was very grateful to think so many had been spared to return. He trusted this would not be the last time on which they would all meet together.

Lieut. Sudworth, formerly at Rugby, on behalf of his comrades, proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the congregation and all who had provided such an excellent spread. They all felt very grateful for being asked to meet each other in that way. Of course, when they were “ out there ” they knew they were being thought of by those at home, and it was a great help to them (applause). In fact, he often wondered what they would have done without such knowledge. No one who had been at home all the time knew what it was to those who were really in the thick of it to know that those at home were thinking of them in the real way. Now that they were back again, although they were not all yet out of the Army, it was a great joy for them to meet each other, because, although perhaps they might not know each other, they had all been doing the same thing in different ways and different fields. He called for hearty cheers for the congregation.

These having been given, one of the guests asked for “ three cheers for the parson,” which were also accorded.

Mr W. T. Simmonds then asked the men to stand and “ think of the men who used to worship in this building and St. Philip’s Church, or to live and work in the neighbourhood, who are now lying in heroes’ graves out yonder.”

Mr Simmonds then addressed the company, and said, while many of them had met in that room on many occasions, he believed none had been such a happy one as that that night (applause). It was a real pleasure for those who had not had the privilege of going out to fight to meet the fellows who had come back. They had been with them in thought and spirit, and they welcomed them back because they had proved themselves to be men, real noble men. They had fought the good fight, and because they did it with all their might they had won. He had heard some of them say they would not go through it again ; that was perfectly natural, but he believed that if the country was faced with the same circumstances, and made a call as in 1914, every one of them would spring to the colours again to lend a hand (applause). In spite of the difficulties, dangers and privations through which they had passed, they would risk it all again for the sake of their honour and to do what was right and true for a little State oppressed by a great, brutal enemy. They had come through the thick of it, and remember that their lives had been spared for some real cause, and they must be quite certain they made the best use of it.

One of the guests, Mr. H. J. Williams, also returned thanks and said the soldiers had not been “ out there ” alone, because they had had the thoughts of the friends at home. Those in England who had been unable to go out to the front—the munition workers and people engaged on other work—had all been helping to win the war, so the soldiers could not claim all the honours. He was pleased to think they had come through successfully, but he hoped they would never have another war like this one (applause). Although, as Mr Simmonds had said, if another such war did break out, every man who was able would volunteer again. It was only the voluntary spirit which pulled them through ; they were not like the Germans, forced into it, nor did they have rifles at their backs to force them on. They had always gone on, and had carried right through to the end, and that was what had brought them through victoriously.

The Rev. R. B. Winser said he spoke in two capacities, because he, too, had been out there ; and he, therefore, sat down and enjoyed his supper with the rest. In the words of the letter of introduction, he was “ meeting his pals,” and he greatly appreciated what the congregation had done for them. It had been no small matter and they owed it to the extraordinary energy and ability of Mrs Such and her helpers. He wished to say a few words about the spirit with which they had got to go ahead. They had won the war, and now they had got to win the peace. The victory pamphlet which had been distributed amongst them expressed, in a wonderful way, the sort of ideas that they had got to get into their minds. They had got to have that spirit of comradeship which all felt in the days behind them, when they had a pal on each side of them, and they could not, dare not, let him down. One Sunday he went to a meeting of the Discharged Sailors’, Soldiers’, and Airmen’s Association, and it was perfectly splendid to see the same kind of men whom one had met out in France, although they were not now in khaki. All the men seemed to be moved by this spirit of comradeship and a determination to make this a better England, a better world. They had got a big job in front of them, but, please God, they would do it, and win the peace as they had won the war (applause).

Mr. G. Seere, an old sailor, who has seen service during the present war, then mounted the platform, and said : “ I want to speak a few words on behalf of the Navy (applause). “ The Press,” he added, “ had in the early days continually asked : ‘ What is the Navy doing ?’” and he was very sorry that Admiral Jellicoe’s book was so expensive, otherwise they would be able to read for themselves what the Navy had done. He concurred in the expression of thanks to the organisers of that gathering.

The following contributed to the programme, the majority of the items being encored :—Mesdames Hutton and Yuille Smith, and Messrs. T. W. Cook, Burton, Ballard, Whitmore, Martin, Prior, Warden, F. Giggs, Seere, Pierce, Mercer, Soden, and Lummas.

The whole of the cost was borne by subscriptions from members of the congregation and friends.


The scheme for raising funds for the purchase of a new organ at the Baptist Church, Rugby, which it has been decided to erect as a war memorial, was successfully launched on Wednesday. The present organ, which came from Worcestershire, was purchased when the church was erected, and placed in a new case. It was an old instrument at the time, and is now becoming quite worn out. It is estimated that the new one will cost at least £1,000, and it is intended to place brass tablets on it with the names of all the boys connected with the Church who went to the war, with another special tablet for those who fell.

A service was held on Wednesday, the 7th inst., at which a sermon was preached by the Rev. T. N. Tattersall, of Kettering (late Lieut. Col.. D.S.O., Chaplain to his Majesty’s Forces). A tea was afterwards held in the schoolroom, at which between 200 and 250 sat down. The whole of the tea, &c., was given by members of the Church, and as 9d. each was charged for admission—the whole of which will be clear profit—a good sum will be added to the fund, which was commenced by a donation of £100 from the Rev. James Butlin, of Leamington, who has been such a good friend to this Church—it was largely through his instrumentality that the present buildings were erected.

Another service was held in the Church on Wednesday evening. The Rev. J. H. Lees said they were only following the popular idea in deciding to have a war memorial. Considering the small amount the old organ cost, he thought it had served them extremely well, for Mr. Chaplin, their organist, gave him an ultimatum about five years ago that it might collapse at any time. So that this war memorial arose out of a very distinct need. Not the least of the mercies of God was the fewness of the fallen in comparison with the number who joined from their Church. Mr. Lees then read a list of 120 names of those who had joined the Forces, of whom 13 had either been killed, or died of wounds or sickness.

The Rev. T. N. Tattersall said the choir was so good that he thought they could very well do without an organ, and he advised Mr. Lees when he made his next appeal not to have the choir there. Mr. Tattersall also made a reference to the late Mr. Greer, who, he said, had fathered him in his first pastorate. The speaker said he had not come to tell them any fairy stories about what he had seen at the front, but to speak to them about fatalism there, because it was the religious belief at the front which swayed the minds and hearts of men of all ranks from the highest to the lowest. There were really four groups of men in the Army. The first was composed of adventurers, men who loved fighting for its own sake, and because there was trouble they must be in the midst of it. The second group was made up of spiritual adventurers or Crusaders—men who never dreamed they would ever put on khaki, and who loathed and detested war. But they felt that their country was in the right, and was fighting for the liberties of the world, and they would have felt shamed in their own eyes if they had not gone. In the third group they found the true patriots who were imbued with the patriotism that lifted men out of their little selves, and called from them the best they had to give. When the war broke out some of them had difficulties with their friends as to the meaning of patriotism. Some people argued that we were all of one blood, and that we should love all nations as we did our own. But God had set a limit to our affections, and it was only right that our country should stand before all others. In the fourth group were the pressed men, which comprised those who had gone because the moral pressure brought to bear upon them was greater than they could resist, as well as the men who went under the Conscription Act. But at the front you could not distinguish one group from another, for they all had to live together in the greatest moral, mental, and physical contact. And as a pebble was worn smooth by its contact with others, so these men were speedily changed in their outlook. And they all came under that influence of what we call fatalism, although naturally, as they had so many different types of men, so it expressed itself in so many different forms. With some men luck and fate were synonymous terms. If you asked one why a bullet passed through his helmet into the head of his comrade he would tell you it was luck. He got to believe in a power that was ruthless and remorseless, but which could be appealed to and placated, but in very childish ways. They found as gross superstition in the Army as in darkest Africa. A million and a-half of mascots were sold in London alone and sent to the front. Did they realise what that meant? A man going to the front said “ Goodbye ” to his girl, and took with him half a threepenny piece, or a lock of hair, or something of the kind. Presently he began to invest that with occult powers, and believed that as long as he kept that safely about him this destroying power would pass him over, but that if he lost it he would be broken at once. These men were not ignorant, but included men of intelligence and education, some being even officers in command.

Mr. Thompson, the secretary, announced that Mr. James Butlin had sent a cheque for £100, and the choir had promised to raise another £100, the total sum promised amounting to £342 19s.

Mr. Lees said that some 18 or 19 people had that day given him £5 each, making, with Mr. Tew’s gift of £25, no less than £125.

Later in the evening Mr. Thompson announced that £48 5s. 6d. more had been promised that evening : the collection in the afternoon amounted to £2 3s. 9d. and in the evening to £7 1s. 3d., and the profit from the tea to £7, making £411 9s.


The Large Co-operative Hall was crowded on Thursday evening, when an enjoyable concert was given by the pupils of St. Matthew’s Boys’, West Council Girls’, and St. Matthew’s Infant Schools in aid of the St. Matthew’s Old Boys’ War Memorial Fund. The programme was excellently rendered from start to finish, and was heartily appreciated. The concert will be repeated this (Friday) evening. A full report will appear in our next issue.

GRATEFUL BELGIANS.—The Ursuline Sisters, who escaped from Belgium during the German advance in 1914, and who will be remembered as having helped Mrs. Mulliner, of Clifton Court, with the refugees at The Beeches, Clifton, and at Newton House, have lately been repatriated. They reached their old convent at Lierre safely, only to find that it had been burned to the ground by the Huns. Temporary shelter has, however, been given them by the inhabitants of Lierre, and they have now resumed their charitable work. Several letters have been received by Mrs. Mulliner from the Sisters, expressing the deepest gratitude both to her and to all the friends who showed them such kindness during their enforced exile at Rugby.

WAR MEMORIAL.—Walcote schoolroom was crowded on Thursday night on the occasion of a public meeting called what from the local war memorial should take. Lieut.-Col. G. W. Hobson took the chair, and it was decided to place a handsome mural brass in Misterton Church to memory of the fallen, and also—subject to sufficient funds being forthcoming—to erect a Memorial Hall in Walcote village. A strong committee to canvass for subscriptions was appointed.


With the presentation of the Allies’ Peace terms to the German delegates the signing of Peace is brought appreciably nearer, and the question, “ What is to be done at Rugby to celebrate it ? ” is continually being asked.

In order to try to satisfy this quite reasonable desire for information, a representative of the Advertiser called upon Mr. C. C. Wharton, the hon. secretary to the committee, and enquired what progress had been made in this direction.

A Question of Money.
Mr. Wharton, however, pointed out that so far very little progress has been possible owing to the fact that the committee had no idea how much money they could spend ; and, secondly, the date of the celebrations had not then been fixed, and until this was known it was impossible to expect people to work as enthusiastically as if for a given date.

Entertainments for Old and Young.
With regard to the dinner to the aged people and the children’s tea, he pointed out that these would naturally have to be paid for by subscriptions, but the cost of the town decorations, fireworks, &c., might be met from the rates ; and until it was known how much would be granted from this source the hands of the committee were more or less tied.

Elaborate Firework Displays.
We understand that it is proposed to spend about £200 on fireworks, and for this sum Messrs. Wilders, Birmingham, have contracted to supply a very elaborate programme of all kinds of mechanical devices, set pieces, flares, rockets, bombs, &c., in addition to balloons and daylight fireworks for the children’s day celebrations.

Street Decorations.
A somewhat elaborate scheme of street decorations and illuminations has been considered by the committee ; but, owing to an unforseen hitch, it is probable that this will have to be considerably modified. However, the decoration and illumination of the Benn Buildings, Clock Tower, and various points in the centre of the town will be under the supervision of the committee, and all that is required to assure a scheme worthy of the town and the occasion is a generous contribution from the rates.

The School to Co-operate.
It has now been decided that Rugby School will not disperse for the Peace celebration, and they will accordingly co-operate with the town in the local festivities. To this end two members of the School, Mr. C. G. Steel and Rev. E. F. Waddy, have been elected to the Town Committee, which now consists of Messrs. W. Flint (chairman), J. J. McKinnell, J. Carter, W. H. Cluett, F. E. Hands, R. S. Hudson, C. H. Rowbottom, J. J. Scrivener, A. F. Bennett, H. N. Sporborg, H. Tarbox, Mrs. H. C Bradby, Mrs B. B. Dickinson, Mrs. A. K. Morgan, Miss E. Elsee and Mr. J. H. Veasey (representing New Bilton), Mr. C. G. Steel and Rev. E. F. Waddy (representing Rugby School).


AUGUST 3, 4, AND 5.

As we go to press we learn on the authority of “ The Times ” that it has been decided, should the Peace Treaty have been duly signed, to hold the National Peace Celebrations on August 3, 4 & 5.

Sunday, August 3, will be devoted to religious services of thanksgiving ; August 4, the Bank Holiday, is the fifth anniversary of the declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany. Another consideration which has, doubtless, weighed with the Government in selecting the dates mentioned is that they cover a period generally devoted to holiday-making, and consequently there will be the minimum dislocation of public business.


EYDEN.—In proudest and ever-treasured memory of CLARENCE ALFRED EYDEN, who, in the Great European War, laid the richest of all gifts on the Altar of Duty—HIS LIFE. After three years’ active service in the Royal Engineers, he was killed in action in France on May 18th, and buried at St. Omer on Whit-Sunday, May 19th, 1918 ; aged 27 years.

LENNARD.—In loving memory of Sapper W. J. LENNARD, 98328, R.E., missing April 11, 1918, now reported killed on that date, the beloved husband of Harriett Lennard (nee Lee), of Ullesthorpe.—Sadly missed and silently mourned.

LIXENFIELD.—In loving memory of Lance-Corpl. JACK LIXENFIELD, Royal Engineers, who died of wounds on May 13, 1917.—“ He that is faithful unto death receiveth a crown of life. Remembered by Lil.

SMITH.—In ever-loving memory of our son and brother, Trooper WILLIAM SMITH, Leicestershire Yeomanry, of Blakenhall Cottage, Lutterworth (late at Eathorpe), who was reported missing on May 13, 1915.—Gone but not forgotten by his loving Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters.

9th May 1919. Smokes for Soldiers


The hon. Secretaries of the Rugby Hospitals’ Tobacco Fund, the Rev. W. H. Payne-Smith and Mr. H. N. Sporborg, have issued a statement summarising the work during the war. In 1918 the sum of £80 16s. was given to the fund. As a result a regulated supply of cigarettes and tobacco to Rugby’s wounded soldier guests in both hospitals was able to be maintained without fail. In the report for 1917 the Hon. Secretaries anticipated that the expenditure would rise in 1918, and in the early part of the year that was the case. But both hospitals were closed for a time, and the funds, therefore, had not only sufficed for 1918 and for the first quarter of 1919 till the final closing of the hospitals, but had left a balance of £28 12s. 7d. This had been given to the Hospital of St. Cross. Rugby, and it is hoped that the subscribers will approve. The work of the fund has been highly appreciated both by the men and by the staff of the hospitals ; and the Hon. Secretaries desire to express their warm thanks to all friends who have so generously contributed to the fund.

A summary of the expenses and receipts shows that the receipts in 1917 were £102 10s. 1d., and in 1918 £80 16s. The expenses were :—Cigarettes, &c., in 1916, £5 13s. 6d. ; 1917, £77 15s. 9d. ; 1918, £52 3s. 9d. ; 1919, £16 19s. 9d. Printing two reports, £2 0s. 9d. ; and balance to Hospital of St. Cross, £28 12s. 7d.


The splendid services of the V.A.D.’s of Warwickshire during the war were put on record in the annual report presented by Mr. E. K. Little (the County Director) at the annual meeting of the county branch of the British Red Cross Society, held at the County Hall, Warwick, and reference was made to the importance of maintaining V.A.D. organisation in order that those associated with it might be able to render valuable work in several directions in time of peace. Lady Craven presided over the meeting, at which there was a good attendance.

Mr. Little spoke of the strenuous work done at the hospitals, only three of which, he said, now remained open—Weddington, St. Bernard’s, and Southam—and they were remaining open in order to continue to assist the 2-1st Southern General Hospital for a short time longer. In the matter of maintenance grant it could hardly be said that the War Office had treated the auxiliary hospitals liberally. The aggregate cost of maintenance and administration in 1918 amounted to just over £20,000. Towards this the Army paid approximately £73,000 and the War Pensions Committees £450, and the balance of £16,550 was raised voluntarily, either in money or kind. During the war period 39 hospitals had been opened as units of the Warwickshire branch ; of these, 8 had run for two years and over, 10 for three years and over, and 11 for over four years. The number of beds thus provided rose gradually from 180 in 1914 to the high water mark of 2,010 in 1918. In all, 35,248 sick or wounded men had been admitted as in-patients to the hospitals. Last year a large number of discharged men were treated as out-patients ; some 4,934 visits were on record, and the number was, in fact, considerably more.

Lady Craven expressed public thanks to Mr. Little for his magnificent work.

General Quayle Jones drew attention to suggestions that the society should observe two principles in keeping up its work and organisation : That the work done during peace should be of a nature calculated to fit the personnel undertaking it for rendering better services during war ; and that the broken victims of the war should be the first care of the peace activities of the B.R.C.S. He read to the meeting an important memorandum which has been issued on the work of the B.R.C.S in peace. This suggested that the following were activities which might be usefully undertaken, and “ which would be of undoubted benefit to the ex-patients of naval and military hospitals” :—

(1) Cottage Hospitals : It is suggested that the number of these hospitals should be extended and that this class of institution should be made the peculiar care of our detachments and generally supervised by our County Director.

(2) Ambulances : The care of motor ambulances for local work and all first-aid equipment might be placed under the local detachment. This work should be organised in connection with the local hospitals.

(3) Care Visitors : The local detachment might undertake the duty of visiting broken men and reporting to the county organisation cases which were in need of assistance, whether pecuniary or medical. The county should, it is suggested, set up machinery to supplement the official care for such men.

(4) Red Cross Reserve : It is suggested that all ex-members of detachments who have attained a certain standard of proficiency should be registered on a Red Cross Reserve maintained by a Central V.A.D. authority.

(5) Technical Reserve of the Territorial Force : The detachments should be encouraged to undertake their old work with such modifications as experience may suggest. The detachments should train with the men and be officially recognised on field days and in summer camps as part of the military organisation.


Major F. Clover, who has temporarily taken over command of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion R.W.R., in issuing a special corps order, states with regard to the late officer commanding that Battalion :—

Now that the mortal remains of the Commandant of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, have been laid to rest, the painful duty fall, upon me to give expression to the sorrow every Officer, Non-commissioned Officer and man feels in the loss the Battalion has sustained. From the earliest stages of the Volunteer Movement in Warwickshire—first in the promotion of the Leamington Defence Corps, and later when the various Corps throughout the county were organised into Battalions-Colonel Johnstone placed his ripe experience at the disposal of those who were collecting up the threads of disjointed and scattered groups, and forming them into a cohesive whole. Through those trying times his tact, judgment, experience, and determination were invaluable, and contributed largely to the formation of one of the largest and best equipped Battalions in the country.

During the period he was engaged in recruiting duties, and his services transferred to a neighbouring Battalion, his regret at severance from the Battalion he had taken such an active part in forming, was great, and none rejoiced more heartily than he when he was restored to the command.

As a drill he was facile princeps. In those earlier Concentrations, which were the joy of his heart, none who moved under the magic of his word of command will readily forget its vibrant tones and compelling force.

For myself I feel I have lost a friend in addition to a capable chief, and I am sure the same sense will pervade all those who came beneath the charm of his influence.

Latterly we had seriously conferred together on the future of the Volunteer force, and our position with regard to it. His counsel was that until the authorities had decided what was to be our part in the defence of the country, our duty is to remain as we are and endeavour to save it from disintegration. He argued that we still possess the skeleton of an organisation, and the time might come when it would be again clothed in the flesh and live for Home Defence. If we accept this view, I believe we shall be best preserving the memory of one we hold dear.

It now only remains for me to ask for that ready assistance from all ranks that was so cheerfully given to my predecessor—at least until such time as the future of the Volunteer Movement is determined, when it is my hope to be relieved of my command to make way for a younger and stronger man, with more time at his disposal and well versed in lessons learnt from the war.


HARDMAN.—In loving memory of our dear son, Rifleman WALTER HARDMAN, Rifle Brigade, who was killed in France on May 9, 1915.
“ This day brings back a memory
Of a loved one laid to rest,
And those who think of him to-day
Are those who loved him best.”
—From his loving Mother and Father, Brothers and Sisters.

PORTER.—In ever-loving memory of our son and brother, GEORGE RUPERT PORTER, who fell in action on May 8, 1915.
“ We little thought his time so short
When on leave he came.
Out to the Front he bravely went,
Never to return again.
Friends may think we have forgotten him
When at times they see us smile ;
But they little know the heartaches
That the smile hides all the while.”
—From his sorrowing Mother, Father, Brother and Sisters.

REYNOLDS.—In loving memory of my dear husband, John Reynolds, who died of wounds received in action May 8th, 1918.—From his sorrowing wife and sonnie Jack.
“ A face is from our household gone,
A voice we loved is still,
A place is vacant in our home
Which can never be filled.”

Barnett, Henry Alfred John. Died 21 May 1919

Henry Alfred John BARNETT was born in about July 1870 in Clifton upon Dunsmore and registered in Q2, 1870 in Rugby.  He was the eldest son of Alfred John Barnett, a miller (b.c.1843 in Clifton) and his wife Jane, née Newby, Barnett (b.c.1841 in Cassington, Leicestershire).  Their marriage was registered in Barrow in Q3, 1867.

In April 1871, Henry was ten months old; he had a two year old sister, Henrietta, who was also born at Clifton on Dunsmore.  They also had an elder ‘step’-sister Ada who was eleven, and born in Ratcliffe on Wreak.  In 1871, his father was a ‘miller journeyman’.

By 1881, his father had died and his widowed mother was working as a dressmaker, and the family, which now included another daughter, Edith, aged five, (she was born on 13 July 1875) was living on the Lilbourne Road, Clifton.

Some time before 1891, the family moved to Rugby, and probably that was when Henry attended the Lawrence Sheriff School.  By 1891 Jane and two of the children were living at 2 Earl Street.  Jane was still a ‘dressmaker’, Henry was 20 and a grocer’s assistant, his elder sister, now enumerated as Harriett had no occupation.  Edith was missing, but reappeared with the family in 1901, when they were at 8 Earl Street.  Henry was by then a ‘cycle agent’, and his mother and his two sisters were all working as ‘Dressmaker – Own Account’.

By 1911 the family home had the fuller address 8 Clifton Cottages, Earl Street, Rugby.  They were all still working at home: Henry was a ‘cycle repairer’ and his mother and sisters still running their business his mother being a ‘Dressmaker’ and his sisters undertaking ‘Dressmaking & General Sewing’.

At some date Henry moved to 174 Murray Road.  With war declared, Henry did not rush to sign up, but was recruited later in late November 1915 under Lord Derby’s Scheme,

The following have enlisted at the Rugby Drill Hall under the Group system.  A considerable number of the men have enlisted under Reserve B for munition workers. …
Single Men … Barnett, Alfred Henry John, Newbold-on-Avon.[1]

Although no Service Record survives, his Medal Card states that he became a Rifleman, No.236 in the Rifle Brigade, and latterly he served as No.203588 in the 21st Battalion, the Rifle Brigade.

It is assumed that he would have been under training until mid-1916, however the …
… 21st (Midland), … Battalion [of the Rifle Brigade] was formed in accordance with an Army Council Instruction on 29 November 1915.  The Battalions were made up of supernumerary TF [Territorial Force] Companies, formed from National Reservists who were used for guarding vulnerable points in Great Britain.  The Battalions were posted for Garrison duty overseas in 1916.   The 21st went to India via Egypt, …[2]

It seems unlikely that Henry actually went to Egypt and India, as on 28 April 1917, Henry was captured and became a ‘Prisoner of War’ in Germany.  It was some months until the news reached Rugby, and the Rugby Advertiser reported in September,
Lance-Corpl F H Hadfield, K.R.R, of 4 Charlotte Street, and Pte H A J Barnett, R.W.R., of 174 Murray Road, have written home stating that they are prisoners of war in Germany.  The news of Pte Barnett’s capture has only just reached his parents although he was taken prisoner on April 28th. … .[3]

After his period of training it seems likely that Henry had missed going to Egypt and India, but had probably been attached to another Battalion in France.  He would have remained a PoW for the rest of the war.  Whilst it seems he returned home after the Armistice, conditions for prisoners were such that they would have been ill fed, weakened and likely in poor health when released.

His death was confirmed by the Register of Soldiers’ Effects which noted that he died on ‘21-5-19, Illness at Home’ and the death was registered in Rugby in Q2, 1919.  He was aged 49.  His death certificate would probably provide further details of the cause of death.

He was buried in a ‘private grave’ in Plot L.8. at the Clifton Road Cemetery, Rugby.  There do not appear to be any reports of his funeral in the Rugby Advertiser.

Henry Alfred John BARNETT was awarded the British War and Victory Medals.  He is remembered on the Rugby Memorial Gates; at the Clifton Road Cemetery; and on the WWI Lawrence Sheriff School Plaque,[4] which reads,
‘In Commemoration of our Brother Laurentians who Fell in The Great War, 1914-1918, Orando Laborando.’  

The Register of Soldier’s Effects noted that his outstanding pay of £37-15-4d, which included his War Gratuity of £26, was paid to his ‘sole Legatee, Jane’ – his mother – on 19 March 1925.  She died soon afterwards; her death was registered in Rugby in Q2, 1920 – she was 79.

It seems that Henry’s elder sister, Harriett, married in 1917 with Ernest Moore; she died aged 80 in Rugby in 1949.  His younger sister, Edith remained single, and was still a ‘seamstress’ in 1939 at 8 Earl Street, Rugby.  She died in St. Luke’s Hospital, Rugby on 28 January 1962 aged 85.



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This article on Henry Alfred John BARNETT was researched and written for a Rugby Family History Group [RFHG] project, by John P H Frearson and is © John P H Frearson and the RFHG, October 2018.

[1]      https://rugbyremembers.wordpress.com/2015/11/27/27th-nov-1915-lord-derbys-scheme/, transcribed from Rugby Advertiser, 27 November 1915.

[2]      https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/army/regiments-and-corps/the-british-infantry-regiments-of-1914-1918/the-rifle-brigade-1914-1918/.

[3]      https://rugbyremembers.wordpress.com/2017/09/01/1st-sep-1917-french-honour-english-lady/, transcribed from the Rugby Advertiser, 1 September 1917.

[4]      Information from https://www.rugbyfhg.co.uk/lawrence-sheriff-school-plaques.

Ashwood, Arthur. Died 17th May 1919

Arthur Ashwood appeared to have no connection with Rugby, until we discovered his elder brother, Herbert living in the town.

Arthur was born in Tamworth Staffordshire in late 1890, he was aged 5 months in the 1890 census. His parents were Edwin Godderidge and Eliza (nee Whitehouse) Ashwood. Edwin and Eliza had been married in 1877 in the Aston RD and Arthur was their sixth child and second son.

The family have not been found in the 1881 census, although judging by the place of birth of their children, they lived throughout in Tamworth. In 1891 Edwin was a Licensed Victualler in the Prince of Wales Pub in Gungate Street, Tamworth.

By 1901 Edwin, at the age of 46 was a retired hotel keeper and living with his family at Woodland House in Hopwas, Tamworth. Arthur was aged 10, and his elder brother Herbert, 19, was an architect’s pupil.

In 1911 Edwin was listed as a farmer at Woodland Grange. He was a widower. Eliza had died in 1903 at the age of 48. There were three daughters still living at home and Arthur, aged 20, who was working on the farm.

In 1915 Arthur Ashwood married Rosamond Joan Nevill and on 24th July that year a daughter, Winifred J was born, followed by a son Lawson A on 5th May 1918.

It was probably about the time of his son’s birth that Arthur joined the 2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment as private, no. 58415. We have been unable to find a service record or entry in the medal roll for Arthur, it is unclear whether he reached the front line.

November 1918 had started quiet for the South Staffordshires with the cleaning of billets and working on roads. The armistice was reported on the 11th November followed by arrangements for the march to Germany. They crossed the French-Belgian border on the 20th enjoying good weather and “a fine reception from the civilian population”. The consolidated returns for the month list:
Other Ranks – 3 killed, 6 wounded, nil missing, 67 to hospital, 1 from hospital.

It is not known if Arthur Ashwood was one of the 67 or arrived at Rouen Hospital from elsewhere. He returned to England and died at Whittington hospital on 17th May 1919.

DEATH OF PRIVATE A ASHWOOD. – The death occurred at the Military Hospital, Whittington, on Saturday, of 58415 Private Arthur Ashwood, 2nd South Staff. Regt., younger son of Mr E G Ashwood, Woodland Grange, Hopwas. He was 28 years of age, and had served in the Army for about twelve months. The cause of death was meningitis, resulting from septic poisoning contracted in France. He was admitted to Rouen hospital on November 28, 1918, and was confined to hospital until his death. He leaves a widow and two children. The body was brought from Whittington on Tuesday evening, and remained in Hopwas Church overnight. The funeral took place on Wednesday with military honours. The first portion of the service was held in Hopwas Church, the Rev. Evan Williams, priest-in-charge, officiating. Subsequently the coffin, draped in a Union Jack, was conveyed on a Red Cross ambulance to Tamworth cemetery for interment. The procession was preceded by a firing party of men from the South Staffs. Regt., carrying rifles reversed, and a bugler, while six men from the same regiment acted as bearers. Reaching Tamworth, a deputation of local market gardeners and a representative from Birmingham market joined the procession. The Rev. Evan Williams concluded the service at the cemetery, and at the close the customary three volleys were fired over the grave, and the “Last Post” was sounded. There were a large number of beautiful wreaths.
(The Herald, 24th May 1919)

An inscription was added to his gravestone by his father, Mr E G Ashwood of Deercroft, Hopwas, Tamworth:

Rosamond did not remarry, dying in 1981 at the age of nearly 90. She and her children can be found in Green Lane, Sutton Coldfield in 1939. Winifred was a shorthand typist and Lawson a bricklayer.

In 1939 Herbert Ashwood an architect, living at Newbold Cottage in Newbold on Avon. In 1911 he had been living in Bognar in Sussex, but must have moved to Rugby by 1921, in time to add his brother to the list of men on the Rugby Memorial Gates.

Arthur Ashwood is also remembered on the Tamworth War Memorial.



2nd May 1919. Work for Disabled Men

WORK FOR DISABLED MEN.—The 15th meeting of the Rugby Employment Committee was held on Monday. In discussing the problem of employment for disabled soldiers the committee wished to place on record their thanks to the employers in this area for the part they have already played in finding work for the disabled man. But there was still a large number of partially disabled men in Rugby who, although capable of whole time employment, were still out of work. It was felt that the committee could not urge too strongly upon every employer the necessity of absorbing into employment upon every conceivable opportunity these men who are now suffering from some disability as a result of their service with H.M. Forces. The committee would be glad if every employer would communicate with the Manager of the Rugby Employment Exchange whenever a vacancy arises which could possibly be filled by a disabled man.

WESLEYAN SOLDIERS WELCOMES HOME.—On Wednesday evening the Young People’s Association in connection with the Wesleyan Church welcomed home the men of the Church who had served in the war. An excellent supper was provided in the schoolroom, and the Rev. A. W. Bunnett, in a short address, said he was pleased to welcome so many who had returned safely. Messrs. J. Ferry, Wheatley, and Verrier spoke in a similar strain. Lance-Corpl. Morris, Sergt. Bockin, and Sergt. Knowles, on behalf of the guests, suitably replied. The company then stood while the Chairman read the names of those who had fallen. During the evening various games and competitions were arranged, and an enjoyable time was spent by the company, which numbered 150[?].

WHIST DRIVE.—On Wednesday evening in last week a whist drive and dance were given by the 5th Howitzer Battery Old Comrades’ Association at the Battery Headquarters, New Bilton, which had been gaily decked with flags and bunting. There was a large attendance, and the prizes, which were won by (ladies) Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Correy, (gentlemen) Messrs, Scrivens, were presented by Mrs C. Nickalls, wife of the popular Commander of the Battery. The Rev. Bernard MacNulty, the Battery Chaplain, in thanking Mrs. Nickalls for attending, expressed appreciation of the interest she had shown not only in the men by sending them parcels of food and comforts, but in their wives and relatives. Now that the war was over, he hoped they would have many similar gatherings, and he also asked Mrs. Nickalls to send the Battery’s greetings to her husband, who is still overseas. Hearty cheers were given for Major and Mrs. Nickalls and the Rev. B. MacNulty. The M.C’s were Messrs. Painter and G. Hopewell (whist), and C. Packwood and S. Wetherington (dancing).

THE REV. STUDDERT KENNEDY, Vicar of St. Paul’s, Worcester, who as “ Woodbine Willie ” has published a number of popular trench poems, says that he has received a gift of £100 from his publishers for the benefit of the youth of his parish, and he proposes to establish a wholesome cinema among the parish hall attractions.

ST. MATTHEW’S SCHOOL MEMORIAL.—Mr. R. H. Myers presided over a meeting of the old boys of St. Matthew’s, held on Monday evening, to consider the question of a memorial to the boys of the school who lost their lives in the war. There was a large attendance, most of whom saw active service. Mr. Myers decided to promote a memorial for the school, and the following were appointed a committee to carry out all necessary arrangements :—Chairman, Mr. R. H. Myers ; treasurer, Mr. W. H. Gibbs ; joint hon. secretaries, Mr. A. C. Williams and Mr. T. Lord ; committee, Messrs. E. Sear, F. Morley, R. Harley, O. Mayson, W. Payne, and T. Collins.

CAPT. A. G. FINCH, of the R.A.M.C., has been released from the Army, and has returned to take up his practice at Gue House, Albert Street, Rugby.

OAKFIELD WAR RECORD.—Of 265 old Oakfield boys eligible for the Army records exist of 205 having served during the present war. Forty-one have been killed.

THE GLORIOUS 29TH.—On Friday in last week a special service to commemorate the landing, at the Dardanelles was held at Holy Trinity Church, Eltham, where two years ago Sir Ian Hamilton unveiled a memorial to the 29th Division. The former Divisional Chaplain, Rev. Henry A. Hall read an appreciative message from Queen Alexandra.

NO ADVERTISEMENT : NO MEETING.—On Wednesday evening a meeting was called in St. Matthew’s Ward in support of the Town War Memorial ; but owing to the small attendance—three ladies (two of whom had mistaken the object of the meeting), the three Ward representatives on the Council (Messrs. Wise, Hudson, and Friend), the Chairman (Rev. C. T. Aston), Mr. R. H. Myers, and the reporters—the meeting was postponed. Notice of the meeting was not advertised in the Press.

THE WEATHER.—The bitterly cold winds of Saturday were followed by a heavy downfall of rain and snow on Sunday, and on Monday morning the ground was covered with snow an inch deep. It is interesting to recall that exactly eleven years ago to the day of the week, fourteen inches of snow fell in the Rugby district.


The Earl of Denbigh visited Harborough Magna on Thursday evening in last week to present the Military Medal to Pte. J. W. Hickman, and at the conclusion of the ceremony he lectured on the German War Plot, and uttered a warning against the insidious doctrines of the Bolshevists. The Rev. F. W. Allen (vicar) presided over a good attendance, which included Mrs. Hickman, mother of the young soldier to be honoured.

The Chairman briefly welcomed the Earl of Denbigh, and said while on a future occasion they would pay honour to their heroic dead, that evening they had met to honour those who had returned safely, more especially Corpl. Jack Hickman.

In making the presentation, the Earl of Denbigh said : I received a communication the other day from your Vicar, asking me to come and present this medal, and I accepted the invitation with the greatest possible pleasure, because I see that Corpl. Hickman was recommended on two separate occasions, viz. :

“ Pte. John William Hickman, 10915, 7th Batt., South Stafford Regiment, mentioned in despatches on May 22, 1915, ‘ for devotion to duty as a runner both in Gallipoli and France.’ During the operations in front of Thiepval on September 26, 1916, he frequently carried important messages through hostile barrages, and on several occasions has shown great coolness and determination under trying circumstances. Awarded the Military Medal, August 16, 1917.”

“ From June 7th to June 10th, in the neighbourhood of the Oosttaverne line, this battalion runner showed an utter disregard for his personal safety, taking several important messages through heavy artillery and machine-gun fire. His coolness and cheerfulness under heavy shelling set an invaluable example to all ranks. During the last 24 hours, greatly fatigued, he continued to volunteer for all the most arduous and dangerous duties. He has been previously mentioned in despatches for similar good conduct under fire.”

The Military Medal was instituted by the King in the early days of the war as a special distinction for “ Bravery in the field.” It is very difficult for anybody who has not been out there to understand what a “ runner ” has to do. One of the most important things in modem war is the maintenance of communication with the firing line. The headquarters are obliged to be in the rear for purpose of superintending the whole operations, the and it is of the greatest possible importance that the Commanding Officer should be kept accurately informed of everything that goes on. Under the conditions of modern war, the artillery, machine-gun, and rifle fire is so intense that the messenger’s work is a service of the greatest possible danger. But it is as important as it is dangerous, and some of the finest work in this war has been done by these men, who have carried messages from one point of the line to another, and who, reckless of their own safety, have either delivered them or all too often have fallen by the way. What you have to remember in the case of a runner is this : a man very often in the heat of battle can put up with a great deal when he is able to give the other fellow something back ; when they are able to shoot at the enemy, troops will stand a great deal of heavy shelling and punishment ; but it is a different matter altogether to have to carry out duties of this description under heavy fire when you are not in a position to shoot back yourself. And so I always think there are two classes of men who have deserved almost better than anybody else in this war ; these are the runners and the regimental stretcher-bearers—the runners who have taken these messages about the field of battle, and the regimental stretcher-bearers who have gone in under heavy fire for the purpose of bringing out the wounded. I have the greatest possible admiration for these two classes of men ; and I have, therefore, great pleasure in presenting this medal to Corpl. Hickman, and I hope he will live many years to wear it.

Lord Denbigh, amid cheers, then pinned the medal to Corpl. Hickman’s tunic. . . .

WAR HEROES ENTERTAINED.—The soldiers, sailors and airmen who were home in the parishes of Wolston, Brandon, and Bretford, were heartily welcomed on Tuesday last. About 80 accepted the invitation to a dinner in Messrs. Bluemel’s dining room, kindly lent for the occasion. Mr. C. A. Kirby, the chairman of the committee, made a short speech of welcome, and an excellent concert followed. Mr. Parsons, of Rugby, gave every satisfaction as accompanist, and Messrs. Mewis, Hodge, and Woodhams, of Rugby, and Mr. A. Hill, of London, added greatly to the enjoyment. Two packets of cigarettes were given to each guest. The committee deserve a special word of praise for their excellent arrangements, and the hon. secretary (Mr. T. E. Handford) carried out his onerous duties with marked.

CHURCH MATTERS.—The annual Vestry meeting was held on Thursday, April 24th, the Vicar, Rev. E. P. Rowland, presiding. Mr. F. G. Arkwright presented the Churchwardens’ accounts which showed a credit balance of £7 12s. 3d. The accounts of Thurlaston Chapel of Ease were equally satisfactory. The retiring wardens, Messrs. Arkwright and Powell, were re-elected, and Mr. Johnson and Miss Stanley were again asked to act as wardens for Thurlaston. The Vestry adopted a new scale of burial fees. The existing charges have been in force for 200 years or more. Leave was given to Mr. A. H. Harrison formerly headmaster of Dunchurch Hall, to apply for a Faculty for the erection of a memorial window to old pupils who fell during the war. The Vicar thanked the Council, which was re-elected en bloc, for the time being, and also expressed his gratitude to the parishioners for their generous Easter offerings. A resolution was adopted calling upon the Government to pass without delay the Enabling Bill, giving the Church a larger measure of self-government.

SOLDIERS’ PARTY.—About 30 demobilised soldiers were entertained to a meat tea and social evening at the Black Horse by the Committee of the Old Comrades Fund. Lieut. E. Glover presided, and Miss F. Beech was at the piano.

An Excellent Suggestion.
SIR.—I and others are hoping the town will arrange a fancy dress dance and promenade for all who take part in the Peace procession, as that will be the best encouragement to make a good show, and it gives those taking part a chance to see the others also.
I would suggest admission by fancy dress only, and half-hour houses for the public gallery.— Yours, etc., CHARLEYS AUNT.


BULL.—In ever-loving memory of Bombardier BULL (TOM), the dearly beloved only son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bull, Southam Road Farm, Napton, killed in France on May 3, 1917, aged 18 years.
“ The midnight stars shine o’er the grave
Of our dear son and soldier brave,
How dear, how brave, we shall understand
When we meet again in the Better Land.”
—From his loving Father, Mother, and Sisters.

GREEN.—In loving memory of Pte. J. H GREEN, beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. Green, Catthorpe.—From his loving Mother and Father, Sister and Brothers.

HARRISON.—In loving memory of our son, Pte. E. D. HARRISON, 4th Royal Fusiliers, who paid the supreme sacrifice at Monchy on May 3, 1917.—Also his children, JOHN and CISSIE, aged respectively 6 years and 6 months, died April, 1918.

HIPWELL.—In loving remembrance of Pte. G. W. HIPWELL, who was killed in France on May 3, 1917.—Always in the thoughts of his loving Wife.

JONES.—In loving memory of Corpl D. J. JONES, the beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. Jones, Shuckburgh, who was killed in action in France on April 29, 1917.
“ Two years have passed since that sad day,
When the one we loved was called away.
God took him home, it was His will.
But in our hearts he liveth still.”
—From his loving Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.

ROUSE.—On August 18, 1918, Pte. DENIS CHARLES ROUSE, the dearly beloved and only son of Mr. & Mrs. A. Rouse, Kineton ; officially reported missing May 27, 1918 ; now reported died in Prisoner of War Hospital at Trelon on August 18, 1918, aged 19 years.

STEBBING.—In loving memory of dear SYDNEY REGINALD STEBBING, died of wounds and buried in Hazebrouck Cemetery, 4th May, 1915.—R.I.P.—Still sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers.

WELCH.—In affectionate remembrance of ERNEST EDWARD, only son of Mrs. and the late Mr. F. Welch, who fell in action on April 29, 1917.
“ On that happy Easter morning,
When the graves their dead restore.
Father, mother, sisters, brother,
Meet once more.”
—Missed most by those who loved him best.

25th Apr 1919. Demobalisation Notes: Only 700,000 more

ONLY 700,000 MORE.

The total number of men still waiting to be demobilised from the Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force on April 10th was 727,200, composed as follows:
Officers.   Other Ranks     Total.
Navy        10,500       5,000               15,300
Army        45,300       669,200          705,500
R.A.F.      11,000        5,200              16,200
66,800       670,400           737,200

It is noticeable that the rate of demobilisation of officers has been very much slower than that of other ranks. Indeed, both in the Navy and in the Air Force 97 per rent, of other ranks have already been released, while the percentages of officers are 42 and just under 47 respectively. The disparity is not so great in the Army, where the percentages are roughly : Officers, 59 ; other ranks, 75.

It may also be added that nearly 74,000 soldiers and airmen passing through dispersal camps have signed on for the Army after the war, so that they have been deducted from the statements of numbers demobilised, as supplied by the War Office and Air Ministry.

I wrote some weeks ago under the above heading, at which time demobilisation figures were available down to the end of February. Now I have before me those down to April 3rd, when 2,399,483 men of all ranks had been demobilised from the Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force. The dispersal certificates of 2,100,275 of these have been analysed, and it appears that the following six industrial groups have received the biggest influxes of labour from the Forces combined : Engineering and Metal Trades, 267,225 ; Commercial and Clerical, 264,324 ; Coal and Shale Mining, 249,285 ; Agriculture, 194,348 ; Brick and Building Trades, 187,477 ; Railways and Transport, 189,731. It is noteworthy that the class Seamen and Fishermen, though it comes low down on the combined list, stands highest of all on the list for the Navy alone—29,060 such men having come out of the Navy, as compared with 20,681 from the Army and Air Force.

On what grounds are applications for out of work donation most commonly refused? It may surprise the assiduous critics of the scheme, which, by the way, comes to an end on November 25th next, as the Minister of Labour said last week, to hear that “ refusal to accept suitable employment ” is by far the most important count. A very recent summary of five weeks’ sittings of the Court of Referees shows that in nearly 52 per cent, of the cases analysed this was the reason for the stopping of the donation. In over 23 per cent. of the cases the recipient lost the donation because of leaving voluntarily the work found for him or her.

Altogether the Courts of Referees, from the time of their institution to the end of March, have heard over 82,000 cases. Out of the 67,351 of these which have been analysed, it appears that 70 per cent. of the claims have been disallowed—68 per cent. of the men’s claims, 77 of the women’s, 80 of the girls’, and no less than 89 of the boys’.

Lastly, 134 cases of suspected fraud in connection with claims have been referred to the official solicitor, with a view to prosecution ; and, as the reports in the Press have shown, some salutary sentences have been inflicted.

By the middle of April the number of Joint Industrial Councils set up under the Whitley Report was brought up to thirty-one, and already 1,800,800 workpeople are covered by these bodies. Mr. Wardle has told the House of Commons that in the near future the total of the workpeople covered will be no less than two millions and a-half ! Engineering, shipbuilding, mining, and railways still stand out against the scheme ; but the great majority of the other well-organised industries are or will soon be in. In the less organised industries the time is not yet ripe for the erection of councils, which can play so important a part in resettlement. In fact, organisation of an industry is a necessary preliminary to setting up a Whitley Council.

There have been many inquiries of late about the prospects of assistance which can be held out to ex-Service men who desire to proceed overseas in order to settle down. It may be useful, therefore, to draw attention to a statement made in the House of Commons recently by the Under Secretary for the Colonies. The Government have had the matter under consideration with the representatives of the Dominions, and the result is a clear-cut, well defined policy. In a word, ex-Service men who are accepted as approved settlers under any settlement scheme of the Overseas Government, or can show that they have assured employment awaiting them, and are otherwise acceptable to the authorities of the Dominion to which they wish to proceed, will be given free passages for themselves and their dependents to the nearest convenient port to their destination overseas.

The same privilege is to be granted to such women as have served in one of the recognised women’s service corps (including the Land Army), and who desire to proceed to an outlying part of the Empire. One must not forget, however, that in view of the prior claims of their own ex-service men for resettlement, the Dominion Government are not likely to be in a position to welcome any British ex-service settlers before the end of the present year, even if shipping should be available for the purpose before that date. A Colonial Office Committee is dealing with the matter in consultation with the overseas representatives.

The Government is making every effort to solve the problem of the demobilised educated man. The Appointments Department of the Ministry of Labour has been set up to act as “ slip ” down which it is hoped to re-launch the educated roan into happy prosperity. Any educated man who wants employment is interviewed by the department, and particulars of his qualifications and ambitions are elicited. From these particulars lists are drawn up, some of men immediately available and qualified for positions, others of men requiring further training to fit them to compete on promising terms. It is hoped most earnestly that employers of men of higher education will do their share. They can help enormously. These lists are circulated to the Branch Directorates through which the department works. They are situated all over the country, and employers are asked to help them by notifying them of any vacancy they may have on their staffs, and by consulting their lists, which contain many men of the highest aptitude and experience in every branch of business and industry.

The Minister of Labour has decided that in future the Divisional Councils and the Local Advisory Committees, which form so important a part of the Employment Exchange system, shall be known as “ Employment Councils ” and “ Employment Committees ” respectively with name of area with which they deal—e.g., “ Yorkshire and East Midlands Employment Council,” “ Brighton and Hove Employment Committee.” The change, which had been in contemplation for some months past, is in every way appropriate, and is not one in name only, for the old term was never altogether a happy one, and gave no adequate description of the work done by these important bodies. The new name shows clearly the functions of these bodies, which are directly concerned with employment and employment exchanges, and indicates their territorial character and their relation to the Ministry of Labour.


By Col. D F. LEWIS, C.B., County Commandant, Warwickshire Volunteer Corps.
Birmingham, 24th April, 1919.

DEATH.—The County Commandant deeply regrets to announce the sudden death, at Rugby, on 21st April, 1919, of Lieut.-Colonel F. F. Johnstone (late Bedfordshire Regiment), commanding 2nd Volunteer Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Colonel Johnstone has been a leader of the Volunteer Movement in Warwickshire since its inception in 1914.
He raised the 2nd Battalion, which he has commanded from start to finish. He also for a prolonged period concurrently commanded the 3rd Battalion
Lieut.-Colonel Johnstone’s influence has been of incalculable good. A gentleman in the highest sense, he brought a personal appeal to all ranks which was invaluable. A finished soldier and firm disciplinarian, he was of infinite value in raising, training, and maintaining a Volunteer Battalion. His death is a great loss to the Corps and above all to the County Commandant and Staff.
(Signed) D. F. LEWIS, Colonel,
County Commandant
Warwickshire Volunteer Corps.

NOTICE. The funeral of Lieut.-Colonel Johnstone will take place at Leamington Cemetery, on Monday, April 28th, at 1.15 p.m.


We regret this week to record the death of Lieut.-Col. F. F. Johnstone, which took place very suddenly at his residence, Hursley, Clifton Road, Rugby, on Tuesday, at the age of 69 years. Despite his age he was a remarkably active man, and enjoyed very good health, and on Monday he cycled to Overslade to take tea with his friend, Capt. M. E. T. Wratislaw.

Lieut.-Col. Johnstone joined the Bedfordshire Regt. as far back as 1868, and served with both the 1st and 2nd battalions, part of his service being in India. After leaving his regiment, he was employed at Sparkbrook factory, Birmingham, as superintendent. He retired from the service in 1899, and subsequently settled down at Leamington, where two of his sisters, Miss Johnstone and Mrs. Riley, reside.

On the outbreak of war he immediately placed his services at the disposal of the Government, and in 1915, when Col. H. H. Mulliner relinquished his post as recruiting officer for this area. Lieut.-Col. Johnstone was appointed his successor, and he continued in office till December, 1918. He was in charge of the recruiting arrangements at the invitation of the Derby Group Scheme, and the passing of the Military Service Acts, and it was largely owing to his energy, allied to a never failing tact, that the recruiting arrangements at Rugby passed off so smoothly. He was very popular with the members of the Advisory Committee, and the genial and obliging manner in which he dealt with applicants for exemption won him golden opinions on all hands. When recruiting passed under civilian control, Col. Johnstone was one of the few Army officers retained by the National Service Department.

When the Volunteer movement was initiated, he was living at Leamington where he took a very keen interest in the local detachment, and helped considerably in forwarding their training, as a result of which they approached a high state of efficiency. On his appointment to Rugby he transferred his active interest to the Rugby Corps. When the Volunteers gained official recognition, he was appointed Commandant of the 2nd Battalion of the Warwickshire Volunteer Regt., which comprised all the units of the county outside Birmingham, duties which he continued to perform with conspicuous success to the end.

He held a very high opinion of the B Company (Rugby), and frequently referred to it as the smartest Company in his Battalion.

It was a great disappointment to him that he was unable through rheumatism to be in command of the Battalion at the Brigade camp on Salisbury Plain last August.

He was very popular with all ranks, who appreciated his keenness on discipline.

The funeral will take place at the Cemetery, Leamington, at 1.15 on Monday. The service will be conducted by the Rector of Rugby, Canon C. M. Blagden, and it is expected that a detachment from the Rugby Volunteer Company will attend.

GEORGE BERNARD GREEN, son of Mr. Frederick and the late Mrs. Green, of 4 Gladstone Street, New Bilton, was reported wounded and missing on November 30, 1917, while in action near the village of Foka, Palestine. He is now believed to have died on that date. This is the second son Mr. Green has lost in the war.


On Monday most of the officers, men, and aeroplanes left Lilbourne aerodrome for Feltwell, a village in Norfolk, about fourteen or fifteen miles from Ely and Cambridge. A few officers and men have remained behind to clear up.

The aerodrome, which was opened in the summer of 1916, has been used as flying school in connection with the Midlands Headquarters of the R A F, and many of the young pilots who received their early training there subsequently achieved considerable renown at the front.

[At the annual Vestry meetings of the Parish Church and Holy Trinity Church, held at the Church House last (Thursday) evening]

Mr. Linnell brought forward the question of war memorials. He thought there should be some memorial in the church, if only a tablet. The Rector said this matter had not been lost sight of. He had, however, refrained from bringing it forward till the Town Scheme was thoroughly launched. There should be memorials in all the churches in the parishes. The only thing to do that evening was to appoint a committee. This was agreed to, and the following were appointed :—The Rector, Messrs. W. H. Linnell, G. E. Over, George, W. T. Coles Hodges, Harris, and J. C. Harrison.


CLEAVER.—In loving memory of our dear son, Pte. W. T. CLEAVER, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Cleaver, 17 East Street, who died in France on April 25, 1917.—“ God takes our loved ones from our homes, but never from our hearts.”

CORNISH.—In loving memory of EDWARD LOUIS CORNISH, 11th Royal Warwickshire, of Priors Marston. Killed in action April 23, 1917.

GREEN.—In loving memory of my dear husband, WALTER GREEN, killed in action in France, April 25, 1917.
“ Lost to sight, but to memory ever dear.”
—From his loving wife and child.

GREEN.—In loving memory of GEORGE BERNARD, the dearly beloved son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Green, 4 Gladstone Street, New Bilton.
—Sadly mourned by his Father, Brother, and sister.

GREEN.—In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, WALTER EDMUND GREEN, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Green, of Broadwell, who fell in action April 25, 1917.—Never forgotten.
—From his loving Father & Mother, Brothers & Sisters.

GREEN.—In loving memory of Pte J. H. GREEN, dearly beloved husband of Mrs. Green, 3 Sandown Road.—From his loving Wife and Children.

GRIFFITH.—In loving memory of Rifleman HERBERT GRIFFITH, who was killed in action on April 27, 1915.
“ This day brings back a memory
Of a loved one laid to rest,
And those who think of him to-day
Are those who loved him best.”
—From his loving Mother, Father, and Sisters (Kilsby).

GRIFFIN.—In loving memory of Rifleman WALTER GRIFFIN, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, Welford, killed in action April 24, 1918.
“ One of the dearest, one of the best.
We never thought when he left home
He would never more return ;
That he in death so soon would sleep,
And leave us here to mourn.”
—From his loving Dad and Mother and Sister.

JONES.—In loving memory of our dear father, Pte. F. J. JONES, King’s Royal Rifles, who was killed in action on April 25, 1918.—“ Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away.”—Ivy, Leslie, and Muriel.

JONES.—In loving memory of Second-Lieut. EVAN HARRIES JONES, M.C., R.F.A., second son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Jones, of Cosford, killed in action in France on April 25, 1918, aged 22 years.

OWEN.—In loving memory of Pte. G. E. (TAS), Royal Warwicks, reported missing, presumed killed, April 25, 1915.
“ Fresh in our hearts his memory clings,
Yet still our grief is sore ;
Not dead to those who loved him,
Not lost, but gone before.”
—Ever in the thoughts of Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.

PYWELL.—In loving memory of Sergt. F. W. PYWELL, killed in action at Gouzecourt Wood, Easter Monday, 1917.
That we might live they died.
Hail and farewell.
Their courage tried by every mean device of treacherous hate,
Like kings they died.”
—Ever mourned by Fathers, Sisters, Wife & Son.

WELCH.—In loving memory of L.-Corpl. E. E. WELCH, killed in action April 29, 1917.
—Not forgotten by his loving Wife and daughters.

WELCH.—In loving memory of our brother-in-law, Lance-Corpl. E. WELCH, killed in France on April 28, 1917.—Ever remembered by Erne, Fred, and Ethel Lenton, 64 Wood Street.

WELCH.—In loving memory of our dear brother ERNEST E. WELCH, who was killed in action in France on April 28, 1917.—Not forgotten by Thos. & E. Lenton.

YOUNG.—In ever loving memory of our dear and only son BILLY, Pte. WILLIAM COTTERILL YOUNG, who was killed in action in Salonika on April 24, 1917, in his 25th year.
“ Father, in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now our loved one sleeping.
Till the day dawns and the shadows flee away.”
—Dearly loved and sadly missed from his Father, Mother, and Sisters, Pinfold St., New Bilton.