11th Jul 1919. Rugby Peace Celebrations, Programme Considerably Curtailed.


A special meeting of Rugby Urban District Council to consider the revised proposals of the Local Peace Celebration Committee necessitated by the Government’s decision to confine the organised rejoicings to one day, and the receipt of a letter from the Local Government Board with reference to the defraying of the expenses, was held at the Benn Buildings on Tuesday evening, when there were present : Messrs. W. Flint (chairman), L. Loverock (vice-chairmen), T. A. Wise, W. H. Linnell, R. S. Hudson, R. B. Friend, T. Ringrose, F. E. Hands, W. Whiteley, and H. Yates. Mr. C. C. Wharton, hon. secretary to the committee, also attended.

The Clerk (Mr. A. Morson) read an order from the Local Government Board sanctioning reasonable expenditure by local authorities in connection with the celebrations in so far as these expenses are charged in accounts subject to audit by a district auditor. The order was accompanied by a covering letter to the effect that “ in many localities the funds for the public celebrations will be obtained by means of voluntary subscriptions, and the issue of the order is not intended in any way to discourage subscriptions of this character or other private beneficence. The Board consider that the power conferred by the order should be used where necessary to supplement funds otherwise contributed for public local celebrations rather than to supersede such funds. The Board cannot undertake to advise individual authorities or persons as to whether any particular kind of expenditure might be incurred, or as to the amount which might properly be expended by any particular authority. The effect of the sanction will be that expenses duly incurred under the terms of the order will not be liable to disallowance by the district auditor, but if questions should be raised hereafter as to whether any expenditure is, or is not, covered by the order the questions will, in the first instance, be for the auditor to consider.”

Mr. Morson also read a letter from the Rugby Branch of the United Pattenmakers’ Society, who had been invited to take part in the Peace celebration procession, enclosing the following resolution :—“ That we protest against the Peace celebration being held at a time when this nation is still at war with other nations, feeling convinced that no demonstration can have the sincere rejoicings which should be inseparable from such an occasion, whilst our Armies are fighting in Russia and elsewhere.”

Mr. Loverock said the letter from the Local Government Board placed the Council in an awkward position, because no money had been raised by subscription locally, and the letter stated that money raised by the rates should supplement such public subscriptions. He asked if any expenditure incurred by the Council would be objected to by the auditor unless they raised some of the money by subscription.

The Chairman said he thought the arrangements as regarded the fireworks and bands would have to stand.

Mr. Linnell criticised the action of the Local Government Board in sending such a letter. In a previous letter the Board stated that they would agree to reasonable expenditure being thrown on the rates, and in face of that they could not now expect the Council to alter their arrangements to the extent of collecting subscriptions. The only thing they could do was to ask the committee to limit their expenditure as far as possible. That the committee was quite prepared to do.—Mr. Loverock agreed that the Council were committed to the expenditure as to fireworks and bands, and that, of course, would have to go through ; but with regard to the procession, he asked if it was likely that the expenditure on this would be disallowed ?

The Chairman : The letter has upset everything. All arrangements have been knocked on one side, and new proposals will have to be made. The committee had made alterations with a view to cutting down the expenses, and their new scheme will be presented this evening.

Mr. Yates inquired whether the Vice-Chairman’s point was that if the whole of the expenses were thrown on the rates the Local Government Board would disallow it. He thought before the Council committed themselves to heavy expenditure they ought to be sure that the unanimous feeling in the town was in favour of continuing with the preparations for the celebrations.—The Chairman said arrangements were made for launching an appeal for public subscriptions, but owing to the number of appeals which had been issued of late it was felt desirous to hold this back for a while. The appeal, however, would be sent out next week.

The Clerk said the letter received from the Local Government Board some time ago, promising that reasonable expenditure should be borne by the rates gave no intimation that such approval of reasonable expenditure was subject to voluntary contributions.

A report of a meeting of the committee held the previous evening to revise the programme was read to the following effect :—

PROGRAMME.—It was decided : (1) That all celebrations be confined to the one day, Saturday. July 19th, except the dinner to old people and the teas for the children. (2) That an appeal for public subscriptions be made for the purpose of providing a dinner for the widows and orphans of fallen soldiers, to be held on the 19th inst., and if funds are available a dinner for old people and a tea for the children be held at a subsequent date. (3) That in view of the shortness of time and the need for economy, no decorations or illuminations be carried out by the committee, but that the inhabitants of the town be asked to do as much as possible in decorating the frontages of their premises and dwellings. (4) That in view of the altered conditions, the following items of the original programme be cancelled :—(a) All services for adults and for children, (b) Torchlight procession. (c) The printing of souvenir programmes, this latter in view of the impossibility of producing a suitable programme is the time available.

EXPENDITURE.—An regards the estimated expenditure, this will be definitely reduced by the sum of £125, due to the cancellation of all decorations and illuminations. As there will only be one day’s celebrations, it is hoped that the estimate for bands may be reduced from £150 to £110. For the same reason it is hoped that the orders for torches (£20) will be able to be cancelled.

PARTICIPATION OF TROOPS.—As regards troops taking part in the celebrations, Major Seabroke was asked to give his recommendations on this matter, and states that he does not consider it practicable for any local unit to take part, either in a separate triumphal march or as part of the main procession, owing to their not bring organised or properly equipped, the committee therefore do not think it advisable under the circumstances to make any application for troops. I therefore return correspondence from the War Office and Mr. Field. It may be possible to get the School O.T.C. to take part, but this can be arranged independently.


6 or 8 a.m. : Firing of volley from Parish Church.
6.15 or 8.15 a.m. : Ringing of all church bells.
9 a.m. : Bands to play at certain specified places.
10 a.m. : Bands march to School Close.
10.30 a.m. : Unfurling of flag in School Close.
11 a.m. to 12 noon : Playing of massed bands in School Close and singing of massed choirs in School Close.
10 30 a.m. to 12 noon : Entertainments for children in Recreation Ground.

1 p.m. : Assembly of procession at Recreation Ground.
1.15 p.m. : Judging of competitors at Recreation Ground.
2 p.m. : Procession starts.
4 p.m. : Procession returns.
4.15 p.m. : Presentation of prizes.

2 p.m. to 7 p.m. : Entertainments for adults, concert, bands and cinema.
6 p.m. : Assembly for fancy dress carnival.
6.30 p.m. : Grand march of competitors.
7 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. : Dancing carnival.
8.15 p.m. : Interval and presentation of prizes.
8.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. : Dancing.
10 p.m. : Fireworks.

3 p.m. : March-past (boys salute flag), form hollow square, and sing “ Land of Hope and Glory ” and “ National Anthem.”
3.30 to 4.30 p.m. : Entertainments, sports, and daylight fireworks.

Mr. Love rock expressed the opinion that it was an excellent programme for one day, and the committee seemed to be fairly unanimous, except as regarded the tea for the children and the dinner for the old people.

Mr. Linnell said he thought it was a good idea to have the children’s entertainment in another field, provided it could be earned out. He thought, however, they would find that, as a general rule, the public would go where the children were.—Mr. Hands : They must be kept out.—Mr. Linnell : You won’t keep them out.—The Clerk said at the Coronation festivities they had exactly the same proposal to provide a separate entertainment for children, but in the end they had to admit the adults.—Mr. Wharton : It may be different if we can get Caldecott’s Piece.—Mr. Hands : Yes ; there are only two entrances, and we can have them well guarded.—Mr Whiteley inquired if the replies received indicated that the procession would be a success ?—Mr. Wharton : Yes ; this was gone into last night, and the replies show that it will be a great success.

Mr. Loverock pointed out that if it was decided to feed the widows and orphans on Peace Day arrangements would have to be put in hand at once. They could not wait too long to see whether the money would be forthcoming, and he asked : Was it proposed to proceed whether the money was forthcoming or not ?

Mr. Wise said a small sub committee had been appointed, of which he had the misfortune to be one, to make the financial arrangements, and if the Council would give instructions for the scheme to be carried out, irrespective of whether the money was forthcoming or not, it would lighten their labours considerably. He could not see how they could say for a certainty that the scheme should be carried out until they had received the replies to their circular. He thought it was a mistake for the appeal to have been kept back so long. If people were prepared to subscribe, they would do so whether the appal was made in June or in August. Money from the rates could not be used to provide this dinner.

Mr. Loverock pointed out that intimation had been received from the Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Association to the effect that if the Council did not arrange for such a dinner the association would do so. Therefore, if the Council waited till they were curtain that they would get the money it might be too late either for them or the association to make the arrangements.—Mr. Hudson : It was definitely settled to carry out this suggestion last night.

The Clerk agreed, and said he understood that the widows’ and orphan’s tea should be given in any event, but that the dinner to the old people and the tea to the children was contingent upon the money being raised voluntarily.

Mr. Wise inquired if the members were willing to pay the money out of their own pocket, provided the funds were not forthcoming ; but the Chairman said he had no doubt but that the public of the town would see that the funds necessary for this scheme were subscribed.

Mr. Linnell inquired the approximate cost of the events set out in the programme.

Mr. Wharton replied that the sum originally asked for was £667, but with the possible reductions mentioned in the report the nett expenditure might be £482.—Mr. Linnell : There are certain to be a number of incidental items, so that the cost will possibly be £500, which will come within a penny rate.

On the motion of the Chairman, the committee’s report was adapted, and at the invitation of Mr. Wise, several of the members offered to assist in distributing the copies of the appeal.

With regard to the letter from the Pattern-makers’ Society, the Clerk was directed to acknowledge its receipt, and to add that the Council were proceeding with the arrangement.

A letter was read from the Procession Committee, asking the Council and staff to cooperate by taking part in the procession, which, it was hoped, would be “ unparalleled in the history of Rugby and worthy of the unique occasion.”

The question of taking out a third party insurance policy in case of accident was raised, and the Clerk was directed to make inquiries as to terms, and to decide on the advisability of same in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Exceptional interest was evidenced in the parade of discharged and demobilised men of His Majesty’s Forces from Rugby and District, to the Parish Church on Sunday afternoon. There was an excellent response to the invitation of the Discharged Soldiers and Sailors’ Association, and the muster in the Recreation Ground numbered about 500 officers, N.C.O.’s and men. Most of the men wore their regimental badges and decorations. Fortunately the weather was fine, and large crowds lined the route of the procession. The men were formed up in three columns— representing the Navy, artillery and cavalry, and infantry—of four deep, and were headed by the Rugby Steam Shed Band under Bandmaster E. R. Stebbing. A number of disabled men were conveyed in a wagonette.

The parade was commanded by Major J. L. Baird, D.S.O., C.M.G., M P., wearing the uniform of the Scottish Horse, with Major R Darnley as parade adjutant. Other officers attending included : Major C. Seabroke, T.D., Capts G Miller and McMurtie, and Lieuts. Alien Hand, P. F. Lloyd, and Price Hughes. A prominent figure in the procession was the veteran Bombardier J. Norman, an old Balaclava hero. A number of time-serving men also took part. Lieut. C. Newman was present in the church wearing mufti.


Seats were reserved at St. Andrew’s Church for the men, who were met at the entrance by the churchwardens, Messrs. F. Thompson and Beck, and the general public were admitted after all the men had been seated. The building was full to overflowing.

The order of service used was impressive and dignified, the prayer for “ the souls of our brothers departed ” being of particularly expressive beauty. The service opened with the hymn, “ Through all the changing scenes.” The 46th Psalm, “ God is our Hope and Strength,” was followed by the lesson from St. John’s Gospel read by the Rev. R. B. Winser. The hymns sung also included “ Fight the flood Fight,” “ For all the Saints,” and “ Abide with me.” An eloquent and inspiring address was given by the Rector (the Rev. Canon C. M. Blagden), who remarked that it was peculiarly happy that the day already selected by the Association for that service should have proved to be the day set aside for the National thanksgiving services throughout the country. The other clergy who participated in the service were the Revs. T. F. Charlton, T. H. Perry, and G. Roper.


At the conclusion of the final hymn the “ Last Post ” was sounded on the bugle in memory of fallen comrades, the congregation remaining standing. The buglers were Messrs. Wheatley and G. Green. A collection was taken during the service for the Sick Fund of the Association.

A return was made to the Recreation Ground, where Major Baird, on behalf of the discharged and demobilised men, expressed warm thanks to the time-serving N.C.O.’s and men who had attended. Major Baird then dismissed the officers, and the general parade was dismissed by Major Darnley.

The whole of the proceedings were organised in a thoroughly efficient manner by the Association, while the police arrangements were admirably carried out by Inspector Lines and P.S. Hawkes.

PEACE CELEBRATIONS.—At all services at the Parish Church there were unusually large congregations. In the evening a procession was organised, consisting of demobilised soldiers, who mustered something like fifty strong, the Parish Church of Dunchurch and Thurlaston, and many other leading resident. Headed by the Dunchurch Brass Band and the Church Choir in their robes, the procession made ita way from the Green to the Church, which speedily filled to overflowing. The collection, amounting to £6, was given to the Blinded Soldiers’ and Sailor’ Fund. A representative committee is at work in both parishes arranging for teas, sports, and other entertainments on July 19th. At a later date it is proposed to give a supper, smoking concert, etc., to all the returned soldiers.

OLD MURRAY SCHOOL BOY DECORATED.—An old Murray School boy was publicly honoured on Thursday of last week when Pte. Harry Nash, late of the Northamptonshire Regiment, was presented with the Mons Star by Mr. W. T. Coles Hodges, the headmaster. The presentation took place at the school building in the presence of the senior scholars, school managers, and several friends. Apologies for absence were sent by the Rev. Canon A A David, D.D. (headmaster of Rugby School), the Rev. Canon C. M. Blagden, the Rev G. H. Roper, Messrs. J. J. McKinnell, J.P., and G. Over. The recipient, who is the son of the Rugby Cemetery keeper, had intimated in his letters his preference that Mr. Hodges should himself decorate him. Mr. Hodges referred in complimentary terms to Nash’s achievement, and three hearty cheers were given in the youth’s honour.


On Thursday in last week an enjoyable reunion of parents and old boys was held at Oakfield. In the evening a company of 150, including the present scholars, sat down to an excellent supper in the Benn Buildings, the Headmaster (Mr. T. A. Wise) presiding.

After the loyal toast had been honoured, the Headmaster gave “ The Visitors,” to which Lieut.-Col. Danielson, D.S.O., Royal Warwicks, responded for the visitors, and Mr. E. Atterbury, one of the first boys attending the school when it was opened in 1888, for the Old Boys.

Three former masters, Mr. Luard, Rev. J. F. Fuller, and Capt. C. R. Benstead. M.C., attended, and the health of the first named was proposed by Mr. G. Brereton, head boy of the school. Lieut K. Phillips submitted the health of Mr. and Mrs. Wise, to which the Headmaster responded.

About thirty old boys were present, a number being in khaki, and one travelling from Germany for the occasion.

The school sports were held in connection with the celebration, and the various events were keenly contested.

The designs of the memorial windows which it is proposed to place in St. Matthew’s Church, together with the brass plate bearing the names, connection it is interesting to note that 265 old boys were eligible for military service, and of there 205 actually joined up, a large portion of the remainder being physically unfit. Forty-two of the 205 were killed.

PARISH CHURCH WAR MEMORIAL.—A further meeting of the parishioners of St. Andrew’s, Rugby, was held at the Church House on Wednesday evening, when the proposed war memorial was further discussed. The Rector (Canon C. M. Blagden) presided, and the erection of a crucifix in the churchyard, as considered at the previous meeting, was definitely decided upon. The committee were instructed to obtain the necessary drawings and designs and to go forward with the scheme.

THE PEACE.—A meeting of the committee was held in the Village Hall on Friday. It was decided not to alter the date fixed for the general rejoicing, viz., August 5th. Each man who went to the war is to receive an embellished framed card for his services to the nation, and it was also agreed to present one to the relatives who have lost a son or a brother at the war.

LIEUT. F.W. YOUNG, of Elm Cottage, Hillmorton Road, Rugby, has been awarded the M.B.E. (military class) for excellent work done in France whilst in charge of a Labour Corps. Lieut Young joined the Army early in 1915, and went to France almost immediately. He is still serving with his unit in France.

A MILITARY ABSENTEE.—At the Rugby Police Court on Saturday, before Mr. J. Carter, Driver William Hinks, M.T., A.S.C., was charged with being an absentee from Osterley Park, Hounslow.—Prisoner, who was apprehended by P.S. Hawkes, stated that he absented himself entirely for the sake of his mother, who had been very ill.—Hinks was remanded to await an escort.


BROWN.—In ever loving memory of my dear son, Pte. J. W. Brown, 10th Royal Warwickshire Regiment, who died in hospital at Dulmen, Germany, between July 12th and 18th, 1918. From Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers.
“ In sorrow’s darkest hour,
The same kind Hand that chastens
Will wipe thy tears away.”

HIPWELL.—In ever-loving memory of our dear son, Pte. ARTHUR HIPWELL, killed in action on July 14, 1916, in France.
“ We often pause to think, dear son,
And wonder how you died ;
With no one near who loved you dear,
Before you closed your eyes.
You nobly did your duty,
And like a hero fell.
Could we have held your drooping head,
Or heard your last farewell.”
—From his ever-loving Mother and Father, Sisters and Brother.

KENNEY.—In loving memory of Sergt. ROLAND ISAAC, (1/7 R.W.R. Territorials), dearly beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. T. Kenney, Stretton-under-Fosse, who was killed in action on the Somme in France on July 14, 1916, aged 23 years.
“ He fought for his country,
He answered duty’s call ;
His home, his friends, his comforts,
He sacrificed them all ;
But he won the admiration
Of Britain’s glorious name.
Peace, perfect peace.”
—Never forgotten by his loving Mother and Father, Sisters and Brothers.

WHITE.—In loving memory of our dear son, WILLIAM SAMUEL (SAM), who fell in action in France on July 3, 1916, aged 20 years.
“ The fight is o’er,
The victory won,
And many mothers have lost a son.”
—Never forgotten by his Father & Mother.

WHITE.—In loving memory of Albert James, dearly beloved husband of Ethel Maud White, and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James White, of 70 Murray Road, who gave his life for his country on June 30, 1917.

Hinks, John. Died 25th Sep 1915

John Hinks’ birth was registered in the third quarter of 1891 and he was christened on 29 November 1891. His parents were Thomas Hinks and Fanny Elizabeth (née Brown) Hinks. John was their fourth child. In 1901 they were living at 55 Victoria Avenue, Rugby. John’s father was a pavior or road labourer in the 1901 census and a footpath pavior with the Urban District Council in 1911.

John was also a general labourer with the UDC in the 1911 census, and the family were then living at 33 Cross Street, Rugby.

John Hinks enlisted with the 5th Battalion of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, Regimental number 10546 in August 1914. The battalion was formed at Oxford in August 1914 and placed under orders of 42nd Brigade in 14th (Light) Division. Following training, he would have left for France around 20 May 1915.

He was a Private fighting in the action to capture Bellevarde Farm, a diversionary action for the Battle of Loos, on 25 September 1915 and was killed in action. (See more about the Battle of Bellevarde Farm and then the Battle of Loos on Rugby Remembers.)

There is no known service record or Medal card for John Hinks.

The Rugby Advertiser had the following report on 9 October 1915.

Fate of an Urban District Council Employee

Pte John Hinks, of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, whose home is at 33 Cross Street, Rugby is unofficially reported to have been killed. His relatives had heard nothing definite when our representative called at the beginning of the week. He was in the employ of the Urban District Council, and had been in the trenches since the beginning of the year.

John is remembered on Panel 37 and 39 of the Ypres Menin Gate Memorial and on the Rugby War Memorial.